lool Ok, though dont think even Indians here hink they are more powerful than Britain yet.lol
You said Russia is now China's junior partner? then how come you still copy all their weapons systems, rely on them for your engines, ask them to build nuclear power pants for you etc? Remember they are still your main arms supplier(worth billions of dollars)??

Tuth be told, you have to be thankful to the Russians, since without them exporting their engines,weapons to China, i dont know where China will be today militarily. From which country will you have copied/reverse engineered your weapons to get to where you are today? Afterall we imposed military sanctions on you since the 1990s(your leaders have urged the U.S to relieve these sanctions now for a longgg time invane), tough our European leaders still export some engines/weapons parts to China(on the cover of civilian cooperation.lol). So be grateful to moscow, if not how would you have been flying your fighter jets all these years? with which engines(even your new strealth fighters still rely on moscow's engines to power them)would you have rely on to power such powerful jets??
@vostok ,
@senheiser ,