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Japanese PM Noda seeks security alliance with India amid isles row with Chi

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
The Asahi Shimbun

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda will seek a closer security alliance between Japan and India as part of efforts to counter China’s sovereignty claims to the Senkaku Islands, which would include additional naval exercises between the two countries.

But he will maintain a calm stance over the dispute at upcoming international conferences to underscore differences from an increasingly vociferous and belligerent China.

Noda and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will agree to create a bilateral forum of senior officials to discuss security in the South China Sea when they meet on Nov. 16, sources said.

The Japanese prime minister will also propose that the Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Indian Navy hold joint exercises in the Indian Ocean in addition to existing drills around Japan, the sources said.

The initiatives are part of Japan’s strategy to forge closer relations with countries wary of China’s maritime expansion, the sources said.

Noda will attend a summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting in Laos on Nov. 5-6 and summits related to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Cambodia from Nov. 18.

He plans to maintain a calm stance on the Senkaku Islands at these meetings.

“We will respond in a level-headed and rational manner,” Noda told The Asahi Shimbun and other media organizations on Nov. 2. “If we attach too much importance on the issue when leaders of other countries gather, it will not benefit us.”

Officials said the Senkakus issue has complicated historical backgrounds, and it will not be easy to win support from other nations simply by emphasizing Japan’s position.

Japan placed three of the Senkaku Islands, a group of five uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, under state ownership in September.

In protest, China, which claims the islands as Diaoyu, initially sent government ships into Japanese territorial waters near the islands about once a week.

The number of intrusions has increased since late October, and some ships carry electronic signs claiming they are operating in Chinese waters.

A senior Foreign Ministry official said such acts “clearly infringe on Japan’s sovereignty.”

Ministry officials believe that Beijing is trying to force Tokyo to acknowledge that a territorial dispute exists between the two countries and agree to jointly control the islands.

In addition, Chinese government ships have entered the contiguous zone outside the territorial waters almost daily, except for periods with approaching typhoons.

China has sent mainly Haijian marine surveillance ships from the State Oceanic Administration under the Ministry of Land and Resources and Yuzheng fishery monitoring ships from the Agriculture Ministry’s Fisheries Bureau to the area.

In a meeting with Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg on Nov. 1, Noda said it is important to resolve the Senkakus issue based on international law and the rule of law.

Officials said Noda’s reference to international law is designed as a warning to China.

Yutaka Yokoi, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, said it is “not appropriate” for China to claim sovereignty by sending government ships into Japanese territorial waters, which he described as a forceful means.

Tokyo hopes to differentiate itself from Beijing by behaving calmly.

“We will fulfill our responsibility in building an international order,” Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba said.
It is too late Mr PM...To be honest the only nation that may help in this situation is USA or Russia...In this world...security alliance does not have any value unless it is backed by strong economic reason....I donot beleive that India will risk itself to draw himself onto unnecessary security alliance with Japan when does not make any sense to us...
Well japan is an important ally in india's look east policy.

i think more & more countries are now getting insecure about chinese territorial ambitions .India's navy can utilize this situation to it's advantage :D
It is too late Mr PM...To be honest the only nation that may help in this situation is USA or Russia...In this world...security alliance does not have any value unless it is backed by strong economic reason....I donot beleive that India will risk itself to draw himself onto unnecessary security alliance with Japan when does not make any sense to us...

india is not going for any alliance thats for sure ,but covert realtionship can be more effective than open alliance during war/crisis times;)
We're ready ;) J-10 practicing New Delhi air strike

Well japan is an important ally in india's look east policy.

i think more & more countries are now getting insecure about chinese territorial ambitions .India's navy can utilize this situation to it's advantage :D
india tried to ally itself with Vietnam against China, but after China spanked Vietnam with our navy, india backed off and never heard from ONGC again :rofl:
It is good to see that Japan is now opening more towards India. Being non-aligned always paid its dividends to India and I think India should remain neutral. South china sea is not our business, so we should stay out of it and improve the relation with both China and Japan even further.
While a security alliance with japan is a own benefit for India, we also shouldnt forget, that 21st century belong to rising giants india and china with combined of 37pc world population..
USA is doing everything it can , to make india a part of its grouping, which we should avoid at any costs...
Co-operation with India and China must increase with trust and verify basis,....
While China is doing the same for Pakistan for decades, India should forget NAM bullshit. This is a chance, India should forge a close security bond with Japan. Japan is a wonderful country full of surprise. This bond will always help us.

NAM isn't applicable in this case, because Japan isn't a superpower.

Probably the same reason why India participated in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue involving : United States, Japan, Australia and India
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