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Japanese furious at HK paper ad urging Okinawans to return to China


Jul 25, 2011
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The following ad was run on Hong Kong Apple Daily on September 18th, which claims that Japanese people are the descendants of the people who went to Japan in search of the immorality herb for Qinshihuangdi 2200 years ago, making them Chinese people. The ad urges Okinawans to break free from Japan to return to the motherland China and that the Chinese people would support their independence movement.


Of course Japanese are dismayed and insulted by the news that the Chinese now claim Japanese to be Chinese people too, since calling a Japanese person "Chinese" is a personal insult in Japan.

What is this 'Chinese people'. Aren't you all racially east Asians
Good. Now we can supply Okinawa with nukes and they can take revenge on Tokyo for the genocide the Japanese did on these poor islanders.
What is this 'Chinese people'. Aren't you all racially east Asians

Han Chinese are Southeast Asian rice farmers originating from Burma. This is why Han Chinese look Southeast Asian, speak a toned Southeast Asian language.

Above the Great Wall, Altaic people occupy the land, who speak toneless Altaic languages completely unrelated to Sinitic languages, and feature physical adaptation to cold weather.
Of course Japanese are dismayed and insulted by the news that the Chinese now claim Japanese to be Chinese people too, since calling a Japanese person "Chinese" is a personal insult in Japan.

Same goes to people saying stars or actresses in China and HK that has a Korean look. Because it would mean some part of their faces aren't real and it's considered as a direct insult to the them.
The reason behind this is because none of the Korean stars aren't face-fixed, including males.

Korean girls are considered as the worst looking Asians among Asia, and this explained why majority of female Koreans are given a birthday gift of plastic surgery on their 18th birthday funded by their parents, and why their plastic surgery industry is big.

You can hardly imagine how those "cute" girls you've saw on TV and MV looked like before make up and plastic surgery.

Han Chinese are Southeast Asian rice farmers originating from Burma. This is why Han Chinese look Southeast Asian, speak a toned Southeast Asian language.

Above the Great Wall, Altaic people occupy the land, who speak toneless Altaic languages completely unrelated to Sinitic languages, and feature physical adaptation to cold weather.

And Japanese/Koreans are never considered as a competitor in Olympics and Paralympics among Han Chinese. The level of physical performance of Jap/Kor is often viewed as below par due their results of sport events over the years compared to China alone.
Same goes to people saying stars or actresses in China and HK that has a Korean look.

How can that be since the plastic surgery clinic in Seoul is full of Chinese and HK actresses trying to have that Korean look. Chinese women will pay three times what they pay in China to be surgically worked on by Korean surgeons instead.

One of the problem at the Beijing and Shanghai Airport's immigration is that too many Chinese women returning from Korea return with face all bandaged, or look totally different from their passport photos for those unbandaged, making the identification impossible.

South Korean plastic surgery trips = Headaches for customs officers: Shanghaiist

South Korean plastic surgery trips = Headaches for customs officers

Which would you rather hire? (Hint: it's the same person) Oh rich ladies - we love hearing about your problems! Xinhua reports that over 20 Jiangsu taitais were stopped at Hongqiao International Airport's customs a few days ago after arriving from South Korea. The reason: all of them had gone to the peninsula to get plastic surgery and had come back so unrecognizable that customs officers couldn't use their existing passport pictures to place them.

The ladies, aged 36 to 54, were part of a "Rich Lady South Korean Plastic Surgery Group" (富婆赴韩整容团). They had all left together on July 28th, gotten their surgery, and tried to fly home on August 2. Each one wore a giant hat and sunglasses while trying to pass through the immigration check.

When asked to take off their accoutrements, they revealed faces covered in scars and bandages. The airport ended up having to dispatch expert Customs officials to clarify their identities one by one.


Which would you rather hire? (Hint: it's the same person)
Same goes to people saying stars or actresses in China and HK that has a Korean look. Because it would mean some part of their faces aren't real and it's considered as a direct insult to the them.
The reason behind this is because none of the Korean stars aren't face-fixed, including males.

Korean girls are considered as the worst looking Asians among Asia, and this explained why majority of female Koreans are given a birthday gift of plastic surgery on their 18th birthday funded by their parents, and why their plastic surgery industry is big.

You can hardly imagine how those "cute" girls you've saw on TV and MV looked like before make up and plastic surgery.

And Japanese/Koreans are never considered as a competitor in Olympics and Paralympics among Han Chinese. The level of physical performance of Jap/Kor is often viewed as below par due their results of sport events over the years compared to China alone.

Damn. Some Chinese members here claim that Indian girls are the worst looking in Asia. When did we get to 2nd position ? :what:
Damn. Some Chinese members here claim that Indian girls are the worst looking in Asia. When did we get to 2nd position ? :what:

If that is what they said then they clearly don't understand what beauty means because beauty resides in all countries of the world.
Damn. Some Chinese members here claim that Indian girls are the worst looking in Asia. When did we get to 2nd position ? :what:

No, we're not talking about South Asia here, it's people in China, Japan, and Korea that most of people compares against. I'd never considered Indian girls to be bad looking, at least they have a pair of decent size eyes.

How can that be since the plastic surgery clinic in Seoul is full of Chinese and HK actresses trying to have that Korean look. Chinese women will pay three times what they pay in China to be surgically worked on by Korean surgeons instead.

One of the problem at the Beijing and Shanghai Airport's immigration is that too many Chinese women returning from Korea return with face all bandaged, or look totally different from their passport photos for those unbandaged, making the identification impossible.

South Korean plastic surgery trips = Headaches for customs officers: Shanghaiist

Well, you've missed my point, plus I never claimed there wasn't any Chinese/HKers went to Korea for plastic surgery. But saying it's a direct insult just by saying them having a Korean look, in other words, face-fixed.

The purpose of the statement is to show how Koreans are viewed in China/HK as natural beauty doesn't exist in Korea.

Whatever Chinese say is exactly the opposite of the Reality.

Exactly how we make jokes out of Korean space program.

If that is what they said then they clearly don't understand what beauty means because beauty resides in all countries of the world.

Not for Koreans. Their value of "good looking" is so high it's hardly imaginable compares to all others in this planet. In fact, they're also the ones who carries the thinking of Koreans, themselves, has the worst average looks. So you can't really get mad at others for laughing at their fake-faces.

I gotta admit, their plastic surgery can really turn you from a monkey face to a beauty face, it's THAT good.
Han Chinese are Southeast Asian rice farmers originating from Burma. This is why Han Chinese look Southeast Asian, speak a toned Southeast Asian language.

Above the Great Wall, Altaic people occupy the land, who speak toneless Altaic languages completely unrelated to Sinitic languages, and feature physical adaptation to cold weather.

Altaic or Han whatever, what he wanted to say is that you all are Mongoloid men sharing the common Homo Erectus ancestral origin. Somewhere I read that Mongoloid or Mongol looking people are not Homo Sapiens. You and Homo Neanderthalensis are older than Homo Sapiens. Homo Neanderthalensis died out long ago but you still exist. But I think you won't exist long because according to the theory of natural selection, it appears, Homo Sapiens will only be able to survive.
Damn. Some Chinese members here claim that Indian girls are the worst looking in Asia. When did we get to 2nd position ? :what:

Damn!! did they?? I thought Indian girls are one of the most beautiful girls around, end of the day it depends on one's perception of beauty.
Han Chinese are Southeast Asian rice farmers originating from Burma. This is why Han Chinese look Southeast Asian, speak a toned Southeast Asian language.

Above the Great Wall, Altaic people occupy the land, who speak toneless Altaic languages completely unrelated to Sinitic languages, and feature physical adaptation to cold weather.

You know nothing, Han Chinese are mixed with ancient southern Chinese ethnics and ancient norther Chinese ethnics.
South Han and North Han Chinese obviously have differences with each others.
It is funny because Apply Daily is a well-known anti-government media in Hong Kong.
I don't really believe in what the Japanese article said, but if this is true, it once again shows this media is truly unprofessional.
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