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Japanese Deputy PM, Taro Aso wants his govt to learn from Nazi Germany


Feb 21, 2012
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Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso says government can learn from Nazi's example


Japan's Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso has suggested there are positive lessons to be learned from the Nazis. Source: AFP

JAPAN'S gaffe-prone deputy prime minister has said Tokyo could learn from Nazi Germany when it comes to constitutional reform, prompting a rebuke from a Jewish human rights group.

The US-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre called on Taro Aso to clarify his comments that Tokyo, which is mulling a change to its pacifist constitution, should look to the way the Nazis quietly adopted reforms.

"First, mass media started to make noises (about Japan's proposed reforms), and then China and South Korea followed suit," Mr Aso was quoted by Japanese media as saying in a speech Monday to a conservative think tank.

"The German Weimar constitution changed, without being noticed, to the Nazi German constitution. Why don't we learn from their tactics?"

In response, the Jewish rights group said: "The only lessons on governance that the world should draw from the Nazi Third Reich is how those in positions of power should not behave."

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, the Japanese government's top spokesman, declined to answer media questions about the comments, saying "deputy prime minister Aso should answer that question".

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has said it wants to revise the US-imposed pacifist constitution to define Japan's defence forces as a full-fledged military force, amid territorial tensions with neighbours China and South Korea.

That has stirred strong emotions in Beijing and Seoul which have long maintained that Japan has never come to terms with its militaristic past.

Mr Aso, who is also Japan's finance minister, is known for his sometimes uncomfortable remarks, including saying earlier this year that elderly people should "hurry up and die" to avoid taxing the country's medical system.

Read more: Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso says government can learn from Nazi's example | News.com.au
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Once for arguments sake lets forget holocaust and other all attrocities commited by Nazis and look at their positive contributions towards their motherland . I mean the way they transformed germany into global power from the mess it was in since their defeat in the first world war that too in a span of mere 5 or 6 years is certainly commendable. All developing countries for example India can learn one or two lessons from their book and implennt it.
Once for arguments sake lets forget holocaust and other all attrocities commited by Nazis and look at their positive contributions towards their motherland . I mean the way they transformed germany into global power from the mess it was in since their defeat in the first world war that too in a span of mere 5 or 6 years is certainly commendable. All developing countries for example India can learn one or two lessons from their book and implennt it.
Careful ! Don't learn the Japan got Nukes
Once for arguments sake lets forget holocaust and other all attrocities commited by Nazis and look at their positive contributions towards their motherland . I mean the way they transformed germany into global power from the mess it was in since their defeat in the first world war that too in a span of mere 5 or 6 years is certainly commendable. All developing countries for example India can learn one or two lessons from their book and implennt it.

You sound exactly like those neo-Nazis with their apologetic arguments who would not hesitate to kick any of you like what happened to eight Indians who got beaten in Mügeln.

Mügeln: Ganz normale Gewalt | ZEIT ONLINE
Götterdämmerung;4584889 said:
You sound exactly like those neo-Nazis with their apologetic arguments who would not hesitate to kick any of you like what happened to eight Indians who got beaten in Mügeln.

Mügeln: Ganz normale Gewalt | ZEIT ONLINE

I don't know what the heck is wrong with some Indians here. In another related thread, they worship "discipline," "power" etc, etc. I thought India is a full fledged democracy. Maybe they are craving to be transformed into robots?
why do not the japs learn the guts from the Germans who acknowledge its past criminal invasions and repent???

Once for arguments sake lets forget holocaust and other all attrocities commited by Nazis and look at their positive contributions towards their motherland . I mean the way they transformed germany into global power from the mess it was in since their defeat in the first world war that too in a span of mere 5 or 6 years is certainly commendable. All developing countries for example India can learn one or two lessons from their book and implennt it.
I don't know what the heck is wrong with some Indians here. In another related thread, they worship "discipline," "power" etc, etc. I thought India is a full fledged democracy. Maybe they are craving to be transformed into robots?

They are the same kind, remember their one-and-only caste system?
They are the same kind, remember their one-and-only caste system?

As I said in another thread, the caste system is in fact the forerunner of the barbaric ideology of the Nazi regime, where the master race is equal to brahmin and the subhumans are equal to the dalits. You also have to know who is Helena Blavatzky, where she got her inspiration and how she influenced the Nazis ideologically.
They are the same kind, remember their one-and-only caste system?

Agreed. Indians are known as extreme racists and it shows in their posts. There are alot of sympathisers of fascism in India. Their caste system is the most vulgar and repulsive system ever. That's why India never develops as a country and as people.

Götterdämmerung;4585507 said:
As I said in another thread, the caste system is in fact the forerunner of the barbaric ideology of the Nazi regime, where the master race is equal to brahmin and the subhumans are equal to the dalits. You also have to know who is Helena Blavatzky, where she got her inspiration and how she influenced the Nazis ideologically.

I would say the caste system is straight out of something the Nazi regime might do. Just look at how racist Indians are towards lower castes and other religions. This is why I have absolutely no respect for Indians.
Götterdämmerung;4584889 said:
You sound exactly like those neo-Nazis with their apologetic arguments who would not hesitate to kick any of you like what happened to eight Indians who got beaten in Mügeln.

Mügeln: Ganz normale Gewalt | ZEIT ONLINE
The Chinese are the most worshippers of Nazi from PDF to Stormfront yet you never criticize them one post; always picking on the Indian, I wonder why?:lol: Give me a break yo, go to Taiwan and see how Chinese adore the Nazi over there.

Give the rest us here a break, not just the Indian when stating the truth about the Nazis. Every non-German can see that the Nazi put Germany on the world map the same thing as Genghis Khan put Mongolia on the map.
why do not the japs learn the guts from the Germans who acknowledge its past criminal invasions and repent???

True, Japan should learn from the post war Germany, not Nazi Germany.

The Chinese are the most worshippers of Nazi from PDF to Stormfront yet you never criticize them one post; always picking on the Indian, I wonder why?:lol: Give me a break yo, go to Taiwan and see how Chinese adore the Nazi over there.

Give the rest us here a break, not just the Indian when stating the truth about the Nazis. Every non-German can see that the Nazi put Germany on the world map the same thing as Genghis Khan put Mongolia on the map.

Nazis will lot of people. And Genghis Khan created an empire that lasted around 100 years. Hitler was defeated in 6 years.

Hitler and Nazi are the most vile people in the world. That is why when someone call another a Nazi during a debate, including this forum, than the person has lost the debate or argument.
There is big miscalculations of extremists in China when you kick of Nazi sentiments in Japan.
Had Hitler not attacked other faiths & countries, Germany would have been now World's only super power. Germany did miracles in every field under Hitler.
The German autobahns (Autobahn, plural Autobahnen) form the nationally coordinated motorway system in Germany completed by Hitler in 1940.
Don't forget Hitler ever built a strong Nazi Gernmany also murdering millions of Jews and Gypsies in Nazi Concentration Camps.

Hitler fooled whole German, it looks like building Germany Strong but all german just his tools and this country return original beginning after 6 years War. He can choose death but leave ruins for rest survived German.

If ppl can not learn something from last World War, the War never end in the future. Japan government wanna learn from Nazi Germany ? Good news for China, it means there will be a Just War waiting for us.
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