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Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge


Mar 21, 2013
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Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge


Friend in need: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe holds a toast with Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (left) and other ASEAN leaders during a dinner for the Japan-ASEAN commemorative summit hosted by Abe and his wife at the prime minister's official residence in Tokyo on Friday. | AP

Japan pledged $20 billion in aid and loans to Southeast Asia on Saturday as it kicked off its latest charm offensive aimed at swaying public opinion regarding its territorial dispute with China.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe offered the cash over five years for members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations at a celebratory summit to mark 40 years of ties with the bloc.

The announcement crowns a year of courtship by Abe, who has visited all 10 countries in the bloc at least once since he returned to power last year, always with one eye on wresting back influence in the region from China.

“Together with ASEAN, I want to build a future Asia where laws, rather than power, rule, and people who work hard will be rewarded — leading to a prosperous society with mutual respect.”

That apparently was an oblique reference to his country’s fractious spat with China and Taiwan over the sovereignty of a small chain of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea that Japan has long administered.

Japan is keen to garner support for its view that Beijing’s behavior is aggressive and coercive. The case has taken on greater urgency since China’s declaration last month of a new air defense identification zone over the sea that covers the contested isles, which are believed to be rich in fishing and gas resources.

Beijing said all aircraft entering the zone have to submit flight plans and obey orders issued by Chinese authorities, an announcement that was widely criticized as inflammatory.

That came after more than 12 months of confrontations between Japanese and Chinese ships near the islands, as well as forays by military and paramilitary planes and naval shows of strength.

Some fear the ADIZ is the forerunner to a similar zone in the South China Sea, which Beijing claims almost entirely.

Abe said Saturday that the ¥2 trillion ($20 billion) in loans and grants is part of a bigger relationship.

“In this summit, I would like to discuss relations between Japan and ASEAN in the context of not only our bilateral relations, but also (in the context of) the international community.

“I hope we will adopt a mid- to long-term vision that will define the way Japan and ASEAN cooperate in the future.”

Japanese diplomats have pushed hard for the joint communique due at the end of the meeting to be a relatively forceful statement on the importance of freedom of navigation on the high seas and in the air.

Although unlikely to make any explicit reference to China, any such statement could be viewed as an implicit criticism.

Observers say Japan will find a reasonably willing audience among the four members of ASEAN who have their own territorial disputes with China — the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei.

But all ten members of the bloc, which also includes Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand, have to tread a fine line to avoid irritating China, whose vast economy is vital to the region.

That point was underlined by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ahead of his meeting with Abe on Friday, when he said disagreements in Northeast Asia are “pertinent” to the rest of the continent.

“In particular, it must be said that good relations between China and Japan are critical to the future of our region,” he said.

Abe’s charm offensive has also been aimed at drumming up business for Japan’s infrastructure-makers, with the prime minister keen to boost exports and give the domestic economy a kick after years of lassitude.

Japan woos ASEAN with $20 billion aid pledge | The Japan Times

Japan pledges $20bn to ASEAN in bid to dilute China's influence in the region
14 Dec 2013


Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe offers aid and loans over five years to Southeast Asian bloc against the backdrop of an ongoing territorial dispute with Beijing

Japan pledged $20 billion in aid and loans to southeast Asia on Saturday, in its latest charm offensive to woo global public opinion in a territorial dispute with China.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe offered the cash over five years for members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) at a celebratory summit to mark 40 years of ties with the bloc.

The announcement crowns a year of courting by Abe, who has visited all 10 countries in the grouping at least once since he came to power last year, always with one eye on wresting back influence in the region from China.

"Together with ASEAN, I want to build the future of Asia where laws, rather than power, rule and people who worked hard will be rewarded – which would lead to a prosperous society with mutual respect."

That apparently was an oblique reference to his country's fractious spat over the sovereignty of a small chain of islands in the East China Sea, where Japan is keen to garner support for its view that Beijing's behaviour is aggressive and coercive.

The case has taken on a greater urgency since China's declaration last month of an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea – including the contested archipelago.

Beijing said all aircraft entering the zone have to submit flight plans and obey orders issued by Chinese authorities, in an announcement that was widely criticised as inflammatory.

That came after more than 12 months of confrontations between Japanese and Chinese coastguards in the seas near the islands, as well as forays by military and paramilitary planes, and shows of strength by naval vessels.

Some fear the ADIZ in the East China Sea is a forerunner to a similar zone in the South China Sea, which Beijing claims almost entirely.

Abe said on Saturday that the 2 trillion yen ($20 billion) in loans and grants is part of a bigger relationship.

"In this summit, I would like to discuss relations between Japan and ASEAN in the context of not only our bilateral relations, but also in the context of the international community.

"I hope we will adopt a mid- to long-term vision that would define the way Japan and ASEAN cooperate in the future."

Japanese diplomats have pushed hard for the joint communique due at the end of the meeting to be a relatively forceful statement on the importance of freedom of navigation on the seas and in the air.

Although unlikely to make any explicit reference to China, any such statement could be viewed as an implicit criticism.

Observers say Japan will find a reasonably willing audience among the four members of ASEAN who have their own territorial disputes with China – the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei.

But all ten members of the bloc, which also includes Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Burma, Singapore and Thailand, have to tread a fine line to avoid irritating China, whose vast economy is vital to the region.

That point was underlined by Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ahead of his meeting with Abe on Friday, when he said disagreements in Northeast Asia are "pertinent" for the rest of the continent.

"In particular, it must be said that good relations between China and Japan are critical to the future of our region," he said.

Abe's charm offensive has also been aimed at drumming up business for Japan's infrastructure-makers, with the prime minister keen to boost exports and help give the domestic economy a kick after years of lassitude.

Edited by Steve Wilson
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20billion $ want add" China's ADIZ is a danger to area" on the join statement, but ASEAN denied, no one is foolish to be others gun
Bribery diplomacy won't last. I hope the Chinese government is wise enough not to fall into this crap and instead work out a long term solution.
Bribery diplomacy won't last. I hope the Chinese government is wise enough not to fall into this crap and instead work out a long term solution.

We don't need to do anything, all we have to do is continue develop our economy, make reforms, increase military spending and speed up military modernization.

No nation will sacrifice thousands of soldiers and civilians for a few billion dollars. That's what will happen if any of the ASEAN gets involved in any hypothetical war involving China and Japan.

Japan better use this money to increase their revenue they get from these countries, otherwise money well wasted.
$20bn. That means $2bn for each member. Thank You Japan!


Now we will see how much the Chinese's Counter-offer will be or how much will the US pledge to ASEAN next.
I would say America $40bn and China $30bn as they are the two largest economies in the world. :D
$20bn. That means $2bn for each member. Thank You Japan!

I would say America $40bn and China $30bn as they are the two largest economies in the world. :D

You Viets are just like beggars lol
Who said China rhetoric and ADIZ threaten Asia region without benefit, Japan count China rhetoric by donate 20 billions of her money to some Asian nations. China ADIZ actually help out other Asian nations richer in just 1 months of establishing ADIZ.

First time ever in a region when nations threaten with war and end up one of the nations donate 20 billions dollars to other nations, win win for all.
You Viets are just like beggars lol
actually, at the last China-ASEAN summit, China pledged to establish a $50bn East Asian infrastructure bank. So come on, where is the money?

ASEAN needs more roads, bridges, airports, etc...The more ASEAN can develop, the more China can benefit from trades. :-)
I bet low IQ Chinese will have to cough up 30 bils $ if they want to maintain good relationship with ASEAN :pop:
actually, at the last China-ASEAN summit, China pledged to establish a $50bn East Asian infrastructure bank. So come on, where is the money?

ASEAN needs more roads, bridges, airports, etc...The more ASEAN can develop, the more China can benefit from trades. :-)

After you guys don't act like thieves and returning the islands to us then we will consider that. Oh by the way you should thank China, if it wasn't for us establishing the ADIZ, the Japs didn't bother to spend $20 billion on ASEAN.
After you guys don't act like thieves and returning the islands to us then we will consider that. Oh by the way you should thank China, if it wasn't for us establishing the ADIZ, the Japs didn't bother to spend $20 billion on ASEAN.
Then, we should capture ur oil tankers passing by our EEZ and extort ur money

U r our cash cow, Thats ur fate , what a pity :dance3:
China should not give money to arm those enemy countries.

It would be better if the sum was 200 billion USD in one year and for 20 years。

A prosperous ASEAN is good for China。

China wants be surrounded by rich countries,not the likes of India。

Aside from aid,Japan should also be encouraged to invest more,more much,in ASEAN which will become an even bigger market for China。
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