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Japan to assist India to develop Andaman and Nicobar Islands into Naval Fortress against China

The way I see it.....you guys downplay the China issue way too little. Then you complain and react when its too late. This is just one of many steps. Funding is a key issue. Our previous gov't squandered our wealth and did nothing. For decades, we were subjected to the license Raj.

None of you have got nothing to say or add to the Chinese divisions in P_O_K...

You guys are busy trying to be China's friend whereas China doesn't care for your friendship. We are not an ally. We just another destination in a long list of destinations for them to invest. We are not in the same relationship as Pakistan. We don't have any major allies because of our Nonalignment. We get screwed on prices, we get no reduced or friendship prices. Whatever advantage we achieve viz Pakistan, China is quick to counter with a weapons package that neutralizes it asap. Wake the f-k up...
Vis a vis China- prepare for the West, hope for the best. I am all for raising military capabilties to deter China, in my mind weakness is the biggest provocation.

Congress played some seriously dangerous games with India's defence and it will take at least a decade to recover from the mess they left in 2014. In the words of the "Saint's" succesor when talking about the state of the military- "it's a mess".
bring af n army as well........game on.

n put missiles like China........first it was China US now it will be India US.............
Since last so many years Andaman was neglected.
New York Times says, Japan is assisting us in building a "port". This should help us keep a track of naval movements in strait of malacca, and this should also be helpful in improving our sea commerce.
We have about 500 islands in Andaman Nicobar, many of which are not inhabited. It's time we developed these islands.

yes but we should Reserve some of these Islands for our Military.

I totally disagree with you on this ....
Although japan is vry small country ( probably larger then punjab ) but dese people were making aircraft carriers n submarines in 1940s wen half of india was scavenging ! N Indian military planners u talk off .... Ha ha
Dude we lost half f kashmir (***) chinese banged us in 1962.... Half f our army ain't got no good bullet proof jackets... Shitty rifle like insas ...... Etc etc so r dese military planners good ? I doubt em. Inspite of havin luxury of a huge coast line sea ocean bay all around we were dependent on soviets untill reccently modi came .
So bottom line is we need japan in every possible way .....
now you will get labeled as Falseflagger
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