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Japan to assist India to develop Andaman and Nicobar Islands into Naval Fortress against China


Sep 20, 2014
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The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, northwest of the pivotal maritime choke point at the Strait of Malacca, are an immensely valuable geopolitical asset for India, particularly as it looks to ‘Act East’ and play an increasingly more visible role in the eastern Indian Ocean and beyond. The islands host an Indian tri-service command, the first of its kind, positioning them as an important outpost for the Indian military. For the first time, New Delhi has opened the door to collaborating with Japan on developing and upgrading civilian infrastructure on the islands.

TheNew York Times reports that the two countries are discussing a modest project to build a 15-megawatt diesel power plant on South Andaman Island. India and Japan have been strategically converging over the past decade, since they declared a Strategic Global Partnership in 2006. As the report notes, by opening talks with Japan, India is shifting on its longstanding policy of rejecting foreign investment on the strategically important and sensitive islands. Even though the projects in question are “not of a big scale, and not of a big value,” according a senior Indian official who spoke to the Times, the acceptance of Japanese assistance is significant in itself.

As their partnership has matured over the years, Japan has become a considerable source of foreign investment for major infrastructure initiatives in India. Notably, Tokyo is partly underwriting the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, which is among the largest infrastructure projects in the world. Moreover, India continues to be a major recipient of Japanese official development assistance (ODA) loans. Since 2010, Japanese ODA loan aid to India has been increasing every year.

China’s increasingly assertive behavior in the East and South China Seas and its simultaneous pursuit of civilian port infrastructure along the Indian Ocean littoral has in part driven New Delhi and Tokyo closer together. Since 2012, the two states have held regular bilateral naval exercises (JIMEX) and, starting last year, Japan became a permanent member of the U.S.-India Malabar series of exercises. Japan is also in talks to sell New Delhi maritime patrol aircraft, though that deal has run into some roadblocks lately.

From theTimes‘ report, there’s little to suggest that Tokyo and New Delhi have broached the subject of possible cooperation on projects that could have military applications in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands soon. Indeed, the cooperation so far involves Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan’s aid agency, which is involved in several projects of a similar nature across India. JICA could become involved in infrastructure projects of a larger scope on the islands in the future now that India has opened the door.

With recent reports also suggesting that the United States and India are nearing an agreement on military logistics cooperation after over a decade of talks, the Andaman Islands may become increasingly visible on Asia’s naval landscape over the coming years. That agreement may be concluded during U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s scheduled April visit to India.


The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, northwest of the pivotal maritime choke point at the Strait of Malacca, are an immensely valuable geopolitical asset for India, particularly as it looks to ‘Act East’ and play an increasingly more visible role in the eastern Indian Ocean and beyond. The islands host an Indian tri-service command, the first of its kind, positioning them as an important outpost for the Indian military. For the first time, New Delhi has opened the door to collaborating with Japan on developing and upgrading civilian infrastructure on the islands.

TheNew York Times reports that the two countries are discussing a modest project to build a 15-megawatt diesel power plant on South Andaman Island. India and Japan have been strategically converging over the past decade, since they declared a Strategic Global Partnership in 2006. As the report notes, by opening talks with Japan, India is shifting on its longstanding policy of rejecting foreign investment on the strategically important and sensitive islands. Even though the projects in question are “not of a big scale, and not of a big value,” according a senior Indian official who spoke to the Times, the acceptance of Japanese assistance is significant in itself.

As their partnership has matured over the years, Japan has become a considerable source of foreign investment for major infrastructure initiatives in India. Notably, Tokyo is partly underwriting the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, which is among the largest infrastructure projects in the world. Moreover, India continues to be a major recipient of Japanese official development assistance (ODA) loans. Since 2010, Japanese ODA loan aid to India has been increasing every year.

China’s increasingly assertive behavior in the East and South China Seas and its simultaneous pursuit of civilian port infrastructure along the Indian Ocean littoral has in part driven New Delhi and Tokyo closer together. Since 2012, the two states have held regular bilateral naval exercises (JIMEX) and, starting last year, Japan became a permanent member of the U.S.-India Malabar series of exercises. Japan is also in talks to sell New Delhi maritime patrol aircraft, though that deal has run into some roadblocks lately.

From theTimes‘ report, there’s little to suggest that Tokyo and New Delhi have broached the subject of possible cooperation on projects that could have military applications in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands soon. Indeed, the cooperation so far involves Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan’s aid agency, which is involved in several projects of a similar nature across India. JICA could become involved in infrastructure projects of a larger scope on the islands in the future now that India has opened the door.

With recent reports also suggesting that the United States and India are nearing an agreement on military logistics cooperation after over a decade of talks, the Andaman Islands may become increasingly visible on Asia’s naval landscape over the coming years. That agreement may be concluded during U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s scheduled April visit to India.

Some (very) modest civlian projects translates into Japan helping turn A&N into a "fortress"? India is doing that all by itself, it isn't taking help from anyone else, Japan's role is the same as it is on the Indian mainland- helping in civil infra projects.

Some people really are trying very very hard to create a specific narrative- India+US+Japan+NATO vs China. Recently, how many news items have appeared on this very subject? Most of it has been refuted by officals in the GoI.

@MilSpec @PARIKRAMA @Levina @anant_s @AUSTERLITZ @axisofevil @Stephen Cohen @Skull and Bones @Chinese-Dragon
Some (very) modest civlian projects translates into Japan helping turn A&N into a "fortress"? India is doing that all by itself, it isn't taking help from anyone else, Japan's role is the same as it is on the Indian mainland- helping in civil infra projects.

Some people really are trying very very hard to create a specific narrative- India+US+Japan+NATO vs China. Recently, how many news items have appeared on this very subject? Most of it has been refuted by officals in the GoI.

@MilSpec @PARIKRAMA @Levina @anant_s @AUSTERLITZ @axisofevil @Stephen Cohen @Skull and Bones @Chinese-Dragon

Japan is totally an Island country

And since they have the experience of defending and securing so many Islands
may be they can share their best practices
Japan is totally an Island country

And since they have the experience of defending and securing so many Islands
may be they can share their best practices
I don't think there's anything particuarly unique in Japan's expereince that military planners in India can't learn and apply by themselves. Strategy and tactics are products of historical precedent and there is ample source material for them.
I don't think there's anything particuarly unique in Japan's expereince that military planners in India can't learn and apply by themselves. Strategy and tactics are products of historical precedent and there is ample source material for them.

If nothing ; then may be we can get their best sonars and coastal radars

Also They can share with us how they can track and scan
the Small sized PLAN vessels who are basically listening posts
disguised as small trawlers

In the coming years we will see many small Chinese vessels near our ports and ships
collecting information on our naval ships and submarines
Our media is over playing anti China and SCS issues day and night..

OT we need to upgrade A&N surely but stating that its a fortress is a much bigger interpretation. Of course nothing wrong in making it a fortress but no other country will help make it so... We have to "pay" for everything to build the fortress.

What Japan can help us with is this system below which our Indian media never researches and thinks about.

Research of advanced underwater acoustic communication network technology (warships equipped Research Institute)
In comparison with the strong radio wave propagation of linearity, the sea of sound wave is refracted in accordance with the change in the water temperature and water pressure, and propagate in a complex path. Thus in order to stretch the communication distance in the horizontal direction underwater digital communication using a sound wave, it is necessary to suppress the influence of multiple reflection in the sea surface and the seabed.
 Therefore, in this Institute, suppressing the influence of multiple reflection, we conducted a study on the advanced underwater acoustic digital communications that enables telecommunications.


Research of next-generation radar warning and control (electronic equipment Institute)
 We aim to further improve the performance of warning and control radar needed to respond in the future of stealth machine and ballistic missiles. Unlike previous performance improvement by the size of the antenna, a small antenna and distributed, while suppressing each of the apparatus scale, we are studying a distributed radar to achieve a large-scale radar equal to or higher than that of the detection performance . This will apply the most advanced MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) Radar techniques to achieve equivalently large antenna optimally combining signals from a plurality of small antennas.


Source: 防衛装備庁 採用案内

As you see the first is a communication system for our Submarines. At present the VLF/ELF is via surface based communication system in INS Kattabomman. Other places I am not sure as this is a more publicly declared facility for subs.

If these systems can be brought from Japan and can be placed and integrated in A&N chain of command systems, yes there is a good chance we will build it up as a fortress..

@Nihonjin1051 @MilSpec @AUSTERLITZ @Abingdonboy @anant_s

About MIMO , basically its this

The conceptual figure to understand is like this
I too think this news seems one of the biggest hoax as media including Indian media is trying this block of democracies vs China+Russia & want WW3.
I don't think help of Japan is needed in developing A&N & that for 15MV diesel power plant, there is already a 5MW solar power plant & 5MW diesel power plant as A&N has too much wind power capacity we should integrate wind energy with diesel power plant.
I also think Port Blair can have waste to energy facility in place of diesel power plant.
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Some (very) modest civlian projects translates into Japan helping turn A&N into a "fortress"? India is doing that all by itself, it isn't taking help from anyone else, Japan's role is the same as it is on the Indian mainland- helping in civil infra projects.

Some people really are trying very very hard to create a specific narrative- India+US+Japan+NATO vs China. Recently, how many news items have appeared on this very subject? Most of it has been refuted by officals in the GoI.

@MilSpec @PARIKRAMA @Levina @anant_s @AUSTERLITZ @axisofevil @Stephen Cohen @Skull and Bones @Chinese-Dragon
Since last so many years Andaman was neglected.
New York Times says, Japan is assisting us in building a "port". This should help us keep a track of naval movements in strait of malacca, and this should also be helpful in improving our sea commerce.
We have about 500 islands in Andaman Nicobar, many of which are not inhabited. It's time we developed these islands.
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Some people really are trying very very hard to create a specific narrative- India+US+Japan+NATO vs China. Recently, how many news items have appeared on this very subject? Most of it has been refuted by officals in the GoI.
India don't have to be a part of vs china narrative or group-ism. But that shouldn't make us complacent to oversee developments in our eastern neighbourhood cause they certainly wont stop with their moves to keep us struggling with pakistani quagmire. We can certainly use this narrative to our advantage instead of living in a self denial mode for the situation around.
Since last so many years Andaman was neglected.
New York Times says, Japan is assisting us in building a "port". This should help us keep a track of naval movements in strait of malacca, and this should also be helpful in improving our sea commerce.
We have about 500 islands in Andaman Nicobar, many of which are not inhabited. It's time we developed these islands.
To its credit, this GoI has changed the way the A&N islands were treated, they are now being given a lot of attention and a huge amount of force accumulation. In the words of the CINCAN (commander-in-chief, ANC) they are being given everything they want and are submitting an ambitious 10 year future road map to the GoI shortly.
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To its credit, this GoI has changed the way the A&N islands were treated, they are now being given a lot of attention and a huge amount of force accumulation. In the words of the CINCAN (commander-in-chief, ANC) they are being given everything they want and are submitting ambitious a 10 year future road map to the GoI shortly.
I say lets put this for coastal defence .. :enjoy:

I don't think there's anything particuarly unique in Japan's expereince that military planners in India can't learn and apply by themselves. Strategy and tactics are products of historical precedent and there is ample source material for them.
I totally disagree with you on this ....
Although japan is vry small country ( probably larger then punjab ) but dese people were making aircraft carriers n submarines in 1940s wen half of india was scavenging ! N Indian military planners u talk off .... Ha ha
Dude we lost half f kashmir (Azad Kashmir) chinese banged us in 1962.... Half f our army ain't got no good bullet proof jackets... Shitty rifle like insas ...... Etc etc so r dese military planners good ? I doubt em. Inspite of havin luxury of a huge coast line sea ocean bay all around we were dependent on soviets untill reccently modi came .
So bottom line is we need japan in every possible way .....
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I totally disagree with you on this ....
Although japan is vry small country ( probably larger then punjab ) but dese people were making aircraft carriers n submarines in 1940s wen half of india was scavenging ! N Indian military planners u talk off .... Ha ha
Dude we lost half f kashmir (***) chinese banged us in 1962.... Half f our army ain't got no good bullet proof jackets... Shitty rifle like insas ...... Etc etc so r dese military planners good ? I doubt em. Inspite of havin luxury of a huge coast line sea ocean bay all around we were dependent on soviets untill reccently modi came .
So bottom line is we need japs in every possible way .....
My friend japs is a racist term.Please edit
The way I see it.....you guys downplay the China issue way too little. Then you complain and react when its too late. This is just one of many steps. Funding is a key issue. Our previous gov't squandered our wealth and did nothing. For decades, we were subjected to the license Raj.

None of you have got nothing to say or add to the Chinese divisions in P_O_K...

You guys are busy trying to be China's friend whereas China doesn't care for your friendship. We are not an ally. We just another destination in a long list of destinations for them to invest. We are not in the same relationship as Pakistan. We don't have any major allies because of our Nonalignment. We get screwed on prices, we get no reduced or friendship prices. Whatever advantage we achieve viz Pakistan, China is quick to counter with a weapons package that neutralizes it asap. Wake the f-k up...
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