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Japan Seeks India's Supporton Disputes With China


Jan 4, 2013
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Engaged in a territorial dispute with China, Japan today sought to rope in India's support over "the recent Chinese provocative actions" saying a message needs to be sent to it collectively that status quo cannot be changed by force.

Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera said dialogue is the only way to resolve the row created by imposition of restrictions by China in the East China Sea and other areas.

"For both India and Japan, China is an important neighbouring country. Both countries have important economic linkages with China. However, after the recent Chinese provocative actions, entire international community will have to send a message to China," he told PTI in an interview here.

"Both Japan and India should ask for a dialogue with Chinese side and tell China not to change status quo by force. These issues should be solved through dialogue and following international rules," the Minister said.

He was responding when asked whether India and Japan could come together on issues with China as both the countries have territorial disputes with it.

The security situation in the region against the backdrop of recent tensions between Japan and China triggered by imposition of 'Air Defence Identification Zone' (ADIZ) over East China Sea and other areas by China came up during talks between Onodera and his Indian counterpart A K Antony here on Monday.

During the meeting, Antony is understood to have told Onodera that India stands for freedom of navigation in international waters and application of global conventions.

After the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matters.

Asked about an earlier proposal by Tokyo for forming a trilateral grouping of India, Japan and the US to deal with challenges from China, Onodera said, "India and Japan have good ties with the US. Economically and internationally and in terms of military forces, these are big countries."

He said that, "If India, Japan and the US are in cooperation and send a common message to the Chinese side, that will mean a lot."

The Japanese Defence Minister said his country shares strong ties with both India and the US.

"We share the same interests in safety of sea lanes of communications and to secure the freedom of navigation. Trilaterally, India, Japan and the US should be cooperating in these areas," he said.

On his talks with Antony, Onodera said the two countries have decided to enhance their military ties and a number of decisions were taken during the meeting.

The two sides have agreed on cooperation in Peacek

Japan Seeks India's Support on Disputes With China

Instead of asking rest of the world to support them, first of all Japanese themselves need to help themselves. They need to change their constitution and go nuclear , China would immediately fall in line and would sit on negotiating table.
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Even US threatened to nuke China in the 60's, China still fought US in Korean war.
That shows how insecure and lack of confidence Japan is,serving a lapdog to US meanwhile buying favor of ASEN. This small country seems to be so scared and desperate for any kind of protection.
Engaged in a territorial dispute with China, Japan today sought to rope in India's support over "the recent Chinese provocative actions" saying a message needs to be sent to it collectively that status quo cannot be changed by force.

Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera said dialogue is the only way to resolve the row created by imposition of restrictions by China in the East China Sea and other areas.

"For both India and Japan, China is an important neighbouring country. Both countries have important economic linkages with China. However, after the recent Chinese provocative actions, entire international community will have to send a message to China," he told PTI in an interview here.

"Both Japan and India should ask for a dialogue with Chinese side and tell China not to change status quo by force. These issues should be solved through dialogue and following international rules," the Minister said.

He was responding when asked whether India and Japan could come together on issues with China as both the countries have territorial disputes with it.

The security situation in the region against the backdrop of recent tensions between Japan and China triggered by imposition of 'Air Defence Identification Zone' (ADIZ) over East China Sea and other areas by China came up during talks between Onodera and his Indian counterpart A K Antony here on Monday.

During the meeting, Antony is understood to have told Onodera that India stands for freedom of navigation in international waters and application of global conventions.

After the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matterAfter the ADIZ started creating tensions in the South East Asian region, India had stated that the issue should be resolved between the concerned parties through dialogue in a peaceful way and it was against use of force to resolve the matters.

Asked about an earlier proposal by Tokyo for forming a trilateral grouping of India, Japan and the US to deal with challenges from China, Onodera said, "India and Japan have good ties with the US. Economically and internationally and in terms of military forces, these are big countries."

He said that, "If India, Japan and the US are in cooperation and send a common message to the Chinese side, that will mean a lot."

The Japanese Defence Minister said his country shares strong ties with both India and the US.

"We share the same interests in safety of sea lanes of communications and to secure the freedom of navigation. Trilaterally, India, Japan and the US should be cooperating in these areas," he said.

On his talks with Antony, Onodera said the two countries have decided to enhance their military ties and a number of decisions were taken during the meeting.

The two sides have agreed on cooperation in Peacek

Japan Seeks India's Support on Disputes With China

Instead of asking rest of the world to support them, first of all Japanese themselves need to help themselves. They need to change their constitution and go nuclear , China would immediately fall in line and would sit on negotiating table.

for the highlighted part " than who will save them from USA ? :undecided:
Instead of asking rest of the world to support them, first of all Japanese themselves need to help themselves. They need to change their constitution and go nuclear

This statement is so pathetic,sounds like a helpless child begging around to seek adults protection.lol...grow up,Japan. and going nuclear? that's the last thing a tiny country like japan would like to do. the country is too small ,which makes the second strike impossible for Japan,a nuclear exchange will certainly spell total annihilation of Japan.
This statement is so pathetic,sounds like a helpless child begging around to seek adults protection.lol...grow up,Japan. and going nuclear? that's the last thing a tiny country like japan would like to do. the country is too small ,which makes the second strike impossible for Japan,a nuclear exchange will certainly spell total annihilation of Japan.

Firstly stop underestimating your enemies. It will lead to your defeat.

Secondly even if there is a nuke war and Japan is hit what makes you think they will have all their nukes on mainland Japan? They would probably have nukes on a sub patrolling somewhere ready to nuke.
This statement is so pathetic,sounds like a helpless child begging around to seek adults protection.lol...grow up,Japan. and going nuclear? that's the last thing a tiny country like japan would like to do. the country is too small ,which makes the second strike impossible for Japan,a nuclear exchange will certainly spell total annihilation of Japan.

:lol: Don't panic, they are not nuclear yet but mind it when they choose to go nuclear it would be of 10-20 megaton yield which can be launched from deep underground silos and obviously from subs.
Firstly stop underestimating your enemies. It will lead to your defeat.

Secondly even if there is a nuke war and Japan is hit what makes you think they will have all their nukes on mainland Japan? They would probably have nukes on a sub patrolling somewhere ready to nuke.

currently Japan has no nukes,if Japan goes nuclear,China will dramatically increase her nuclear ability which has been stockpiled from 1960s. as the biggest industrial nation in the world,let there be no doubt China's capability of mass producing anything.China is a vast country and has been building underground military bunkers and tunnels in the mountains for more than half a century.if there is a nulcear exchange between China and Japan,guess who gets wiped out first.

Western estimate is that China has enough nukes to at least destroy the earth once. destroying a tiny country like Japan doesn't need much. if Japan chose to go nuclear, it amounts to committing suicide.
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currently Japan has no nukes,if Japan goes nuclear,China will dramatically increase her nuclear ability which has been stockpiled from 1960s. as the biggest industrial nation in the world,let there be no doubt China's capability of mass producing anything.China is a vast country and has been building underground military bunkers and tunnels in the mountains for more than half a century.if there is a nulcear exchange between China and Japan,guess who gets wiped out first.

Western estimate is that China has enough nukes to at least destroy the earth once. destroying a tiny country like Japan doesn't need much. if Japan chose to go nuclear, it amounts to committing suicide.

Japan is a tiny country and it will get annihilated but saying they cannot strike back is not accurate cause they will have subs with nukes all over international waters. May be they cannot annihilate China but they can surely injure China.
As long Japan has no nukes all talk is cheap. Indian can keep dreaming about the revival of Imperial Japan possessing nukes just like boasting India being a super power by 2030.
Even US threatened to nuke China in the 60's, China still fought US in Korean war.

umm. Korean war were long finished in the 60s.

And beside the point of Not using nuke is A.) US do not need them (Close but we did not lose Pusan in the end) and B.) Russia also have them.

Nothing because China do or not do change the reason why US did not use nuke.
umm. Korean war were long finished in the 60s.

And beside the point of Not using nuke is A.) US do not need them (Close but we did not lose Pusan in the end) and B.) Russia also have them.

Nothing because China do or not do change the reason why US did not use nuke.

US threatened to nuke China, for whatever reason US didn't nuke China wouldn't change the fact China didn't even blink on the threat of US annihilation with the nuclear bomb. From the past to the present China will fight a war if they think a war worth fighting.
Can anyone provide an insight what kind of meaningful support (not lip service) india can provide to Japan against China?
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Japan is a tiny country and it will get annihilated but saying they cannot strike back is not accurate cause they will have subs with nukes all over international waters. May be they cannot annihilate China but they can surely injure China.

Some bellicose hyper-nationalists here don't seem to grasp that Japan would develop nuclear weapons only as a defensive deterrent, not to launch a first strike against anyone. As they know doing that would be committing national suicide. Japan, like any other rational actor isn't interested in committing national suicide.

it would basically amount to them saying to any belligerent nuke nation who would be insane enough to launch a first strike "you might obliterate us, but we'll make sure you will lose most of your cities in the process"

Instead of asking rest of the world to support them, first of all Japanese themselves need to help themselves. They need to change their constitution and go nuclear

I agree, and think they need to change their constitution ASAP. Japan, like any other nation, has every right to defend itself.
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