Got some photos from Japanese military sites, they provide some kind of vision of what is being developed there. I also hear that we are going to expand the size of the military base, it will be capable of hosting a very large force. As to the nature and intention of the base --- Japan intends to have a long-term presence here, hence, we will be involved in the affairs of the Greater Middle East / Africa region for the foreseeable future.
At the center of the base, the National Color is raised. Banzai!
F-2 fighter getting ready to do air patrols. Yes, there is a Japanese air presence in around the Persian Gulf region....
@Nihonjin1051 Is there will be a deployment of the Japanese air force ?
I'd really like to see our air forces training together..... and show you guys who's the best.

Yes, there is deployment of JASDF there. We already deployed a large number of our P3Cs (anti sub) there, and some of it have been modified to work as a gunship --- (Death from the Air, baby!)
And there is a sizeable F-2 presence there as well. But from what i have heard , we are going to bolster our air presence there, greatly. Attack helicopters would be deployed , in addition to more F-2s (possibly even F-15Js).
ps. id love to see more French and Japanese military camaraderie, seriously. You guys have great anti-insurgency experience , and it would be great to have our boys train with the French.
@Nihonjin1051 Is there will be a deployment of the Japanese air force ?
I'd really like to see our air forces training together..... and show you guys who's the best.

So beautiful !!
@Nihonjin1051 I haven't yet commented on the news itself, so I'll do that now. This is a very welcomed initiative! Japan is a proven stabilizing force, no matter where it is in the world. Its leaders are prudent, unwilling to act on emotions, and wont make the mistakes we too often have. Good to see Japan join the likes of the US and China in Africa. May our continued partnership bring peace, stability and prosperity to the region and beyond. Question though. What's the force being sent?
@SvenSvensonov ,
Thanks for the vote of confidence in us ! Greatly appreciate that, my friend. As to the force being sent, its a combined force deployment. The Destroyer Squadron we have stationed there will be bolstered with support. We are sending more air units, and a larger ground reaction force, something similar to the American 'QRT' --- Quick Reaction Team. And of course, some other SPECOP analysts were sent.