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Jang/ Geo Magazine showing wrong Pakistani map

Make 100000 photocopies of this picture on a leaflet.
On the leaflet, ask people to cancel subscription to Jang/Geo.

Distribute leaflets to all neighborhoods, all colleges, everywhere.
Pakistan is not a high-tech country; only some people will see petition on internet.
To reach the vast majority, you still need low tech methods like leaflets.

This will draw more attention to Jang and may increase their revenue as more people may start buying it.

Indian delusions.

What he stated is our official policy.


This was taken from Yesterday's Jang/Geo Sunday magazine - The map shows even Azad Kashmir as an India territory. This is second or third time Jang grounp has done this recently, but no action from Govt or SC. Is everyone sleeping in this country? :pissed:

Source: Sunday Magazine:چابہا رپورٹ:چینی اثر ورسوخ کا بھارتی توڑ

@Leader @Aeronaut @RescueRanger @A.Rafay @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @airmarshal @pkuser2k12 @Zarvan
What can I say? - Thanks Jang :agree:
Make 100000 photocopies of this picture on a leaflet.
On the leaflet, ask people to cancel subscription to Jang/Geo.

Distribute leaflets to all neighborhoods, all colleges, everywhere.
Pakistan is not a high-tech country; only some people will see petition on internet.
To reach the vast majority, you still need low tech methods like leaflets.

You are ordering others to do that? :lol:

Who is stopping you to do this?
Love that map.
But sadly we have a truncated crown at the moment.
We must complete it all costs.
Truth hurts, what?

This Resolution in the Indian Parliament was unanimously adopted and passed on February 22, 1994:

On behalf of the People of India,

Firmly declares that-

(a) The State of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means;

(b) India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

and demands that -

(c) Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression; and resolves that -

(d) all attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely."

Kashmir: Legal Documents

So what's wrong in that map?? :azn:
Thats Indian stand. How do u explain Pakistani body adopting it?
Yes mistake, second time in a month. :coffee:
Someone needs to get fired then. It's a Pakistani news outlet, they use google images for everything, what do you expect? Even the PN ended up using google images to advertise itself, and ended up showing Indian warships as it's own.

It happens all the time, look at their actions and words, have they said that Kashmir belongs to India or Pakistan? I can tell you for a fact that it's the later.
Truth hurts, what?

This Resolution in the Indian Parliament was unanimously adopted and passed on February 22, 1994:

On behalf of the People of India,

Firmly declares that-

(a) The State of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means;

(b) India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

and demands that -

(c) Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression; and resolves that -

(d) all attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely."

Kashmir: Legal Documents

So what's wrong in that map?? :azn:

What makes you think Pakistan cares about what resolution the Indian government passes? Pakistan doesn't recognize India's authority in Kashmir, so your argument is pointless to make. It's like saying that if China passed a resolution that all of India was an integral part of China, that the Indian government would have no choice but to obey them.
JangLEES and their Indian cronies can cry all they want and make how much many maps a they want it doesn't change the fact that IOK and Azad Kashmir is part of Pakistan forever

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jung aur geo walo per pakistan k khilaf kadam uthany per pabandi lagai jaye


This was taken from Yesterday's Jang/Geo Sunday magazine - The map shows even Azad Kashmir as an India territory. This is second or third time Jang grounp has done this recently, but no action from Govt or SC. Is everyone sleeping in this country? :pissed:

Source: Sunday Magazine:چابہا رپورٹ:چینی اثر ورسوخ کا بھارتی توڑ

@Leader @Aeronaut @RescueRanger @A.Rafay @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @airmarshal @pkuser2k12 @Zarvan
actually the map shown is correct in every respect, there is no such thing as azad kashmir but kashmir, and that belongs to India
then those kashmiris shoul

d leave my country and go anywhere they like, kashmir belong to India only. BTW baluchis too hate pakistanis and want freedom

Are you retarded?

Kashmiris will fight India until Indian occupies get out
And balochis dont hate pakistanis

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