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Jang/ Geo Magazine showing wrong Pakistani map


Apr 27, 2010
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This was taken from Yesterday's Jang/Geo Sunday magazine - The map shows even Azad Kashmir as an India territory. This is second or third time Jang grounp has done this recently, but no action from Govt or SC. Is everyone sleeping in this country? :pissed:

Source: Sunday Magazine:چابہا رپورٹ:چینی اثر ورسوخ کا بھارتی توڑ

@Leader @Aeronaut @RescueRanger @A.Rafay @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @airmarshal @pkuser2k12 @Zarvan
it happens sometimes...
Even india and international papers did this many times....
Truth hurts, what?

This Resolution in the Indian Parliament was unanimously adopted and passed on February 22, 1994:

On behalf of the People of India,

Firmly declares that-

(a) The State of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means;

(b) India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

and demands that -

(c) Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression; and resolves that -

(d) all attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely."

Kashmir: Legal Documents

So what's wrong in that map?? :azn:
Truth hurts, what?

This Resolution in the Indian Parliament was unanimously adopted and passed on February 22, 1994:

On behalf of the People of India,

Firmly declares that-

(a) The State of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means;

(b) India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

and demands that -

(c) Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression; and resolves that -

(d) all attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely."

Kashmir: Legal Documents

So what's wrong in that map?? :azn:

Indian delusions.


This was taken from Yesterday's Jang/Geo Sunday magazine - The map shows even Azad Kashmir as an India territory. This is second or third time Jang grounp has done this recently, but no action from Govt or SC. Is everyone sleeping in this country? :pissed:

Make 100000 photocopies of this picture on a leaflet.
On the leaflet, ask people to cancel subscription to Jang/Geo.

Distribute leaflets to all neighborhoods, all colleges, everywhere.
Pakistan is not a high-tech country; only some people will see petition on internet.
To reach the vast majority, you still need low tech methods like leaflets.
Make 100000 photocopies of this picture on a leaflet.
On the leaflet, ask people to cancel subscription to Jang/Geo.

Distribute leaflets to all neighborhoods, all colleges, everywhere.
Pakistan is not a high-tech country; only some people will see petition on internet.
To reach the vast majority, you still need low tech methods like leaflets.
that will be a free publicity to GEO...because indians will subscribe...
that will be a free publicity to GEO...because indians will subscribe...

I am talking about distributing leaflets in Pakistan.
Indians won't subscribe to GEO just because of a map, but Pakistanis should definitely unsubscribe.


This was taken from Yesterday's Jang/Geo Sunday magazine - The map shows even Azad Kashmir as an India territory. This is second or third time Jang grounp has done this recently, but no action from Govt or SC. Is everyone sleeping in this country? :pissed:

Source: Sunday Magazine:چابہا رپورٹ:چینی اثر ورسوخ کا بھارتی توڑ

@Leader @Aeronaut @RescueRanger @A.Rafay @hasnain0099 @xyxmt @airmarshal @pkuser2k12 @Zarvan
send it to Mubashir Luqman.
And no one gives a flying **** to indian parliament...
No one? Wrong! Indians do!

And we don't care a flying fook for your blathering on the Kashmir issue. Like just the other day, Nawaz got a lot of egg on his face at the UN when no one cared a flying fook about your stance on Kashmir, even after he went crying to Obama!! :P
Nawaz got a lot of egg on his face at the UN when no one cared a flying fook about your stance on Kashmir, even after he went crying to Obama!! :P

Nawaz doesn't give a damn about Kashmir. All the drama is for the Pakistani public.

If you put $10 in his pocket, he will sell half of Pakistan. He is very "business friendly" that way. ;)
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