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Jameel Farooqui is being tortured

Jameel Farooqui is being tortured. It is coming from his own mouth. He has been sexually abused. No one would lie about something like this.

Human beings always oppose and resist sexual abuse - here it seems now onwards 'sexual abuse' becomes a normal 'tool of torture' for political prisoners.

When the so-called bunch of 'democratic parties' convicted criminals, liars, thugs, murderers, thieves, corrupts, and liars are at the helm then such state crimes become a norm.

Masses are to accept it or resist it - today someone else tomorrow it could be you or any of your family members - BETTER RESIST IT TODAY - TOMORROW IT WILL BE TOO LATE.
Reminds me of the excesses under Bhutto regime. His dullai camps roped in all without discrimination, allies, enemies, potential enemies, etc.

And BTW, this has agencies written all over it, so yes Bajwa is responsible.
Even if its not Bajwa, it is Bajwa. He brought them to power.

Even if its not being done by the boys, it is certainly with their blessings.
People voted the same thugs for personal benefits for years and will continue to do so

Majority of people in pakistan support thugs..

It is as simple as that..mr model town guy got votes..i cant imagine how someone can vote for such a guy unless they are thugs..

Unless majority of people become honest thugs will vote for thugs
I have always believed that the army ultimately had Pakistan's interest at heart. For the first time, I have doubts. Even if its only the top brass who is at fault, why is everyone else quiet. Military discipline and chain of command are not more important than one's duty as citizen or as Muslim.

I have dismissed the stories of torture and rape in East Pakistan. Now, I am beginning to think that maybe there is some truth to those stories. Maybe our army is indeed capable of committing such crimes.

It is unfortunate that the army has completely alienated the most loyal segment of society. Sharif, Zardari and their supporters are opportunists. They have never been supporters of the army. Now there is no one left to defend them, and give them the benefit of the doubt.

The damage that Bajwa and his cronies have done to the Pakistan Army, and Pakistan is immeasurable indeed.
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