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Jamaat men torch Hindu temple, houses in Noakhali

Your lust to incite violence and trouble in the neighboring countries is fulfilled. Other than that Hindus from BD might come into Bharat, again which is good for you. You can settle them in West Bengal to counter the 27% Muslim population. Win win situation.
Well we learned from the best in business. :omghaha:
I any case you seem to be the only beneficiary. BD burns on the other hand.
Yeah, so many refugees coming into our country, people killed in BD. We don't take flavor in this.

This is your favorite time pass.
Taking a hindu god as witness by Indian court and based its verdict on his claims is indeed super intellectual and not mythology.

the rest is historty VNM.

Its not the subject of discussion here so wont continue to let you all discuss the topic at hands

Can you give me a source?
Yeah, so many refugees coming into our country, people killed in BD. We don't take flavor in this.

This is your favorite time pass.

Well those refugees might contain Hindus. Good for India.

Muslims can be shot dead by BSF. Not a big problem for India.
The law that is NOT implemented is as good as not having one at all.

:)))))))) after 65 years you still have to kill Indian Muslims for no fault of theirs but for their decision to remain in India.
Its a sordid boon indeed for them.

Ok guys can anyone post the pictures of Temple ? was it an intact one or a moveable one?

Muslims from India want to go to Islamic republic of Pakistan to live in Dar al Islam in peace. But Pakistanis refuse to help Muslim Brothers and allow them to be persecuted under Dirty Kuffars.
Well those refugees might contain Hindus. Good for India.
Muslims can be shot dead by BSF. Not a big problem for India.
We gave refuge to Hindus and Muslims back in 1971 and it may happen now.

But I don't know why Muslims will seek refuge, its only Hindus targeted.
We gave refuge to Hindus and Muslims back in 1971 and it may happen now.

But I don't know why Muslims will seek refuge, its only Hindus targeted.

Muslims taking refuge in India after persecution in Bangladesh would be the ultimate irony in context of partition. Think about it :lol:
let me see....some bangladeshi's burned down some hindu temples....but why should we care.I mean arent we a secular country having NO official religion.The same thing happens when we hear news of oppressed minorities in pakistan....especially hindus....even our governments reacts on that...which we shouldnt.We didnt react for rohingya massacre.I feel that a nation must act for its strategic interests only.

Because unlike rohingyas , bengalis are integral part of India. What becomes of some obscure ethnicity of mayanmar is none of our concern, however when Bengali Hindus and Muslims are harassed in bd by terrorist elements it becomes our concern. Just as Somalian civil war is none of our concern but treatment of Tamils by SL army is.

Personally I don't care if temples are burnt unless it has historical value, however when you burn temple, mosque or other establishment which a community relate to, you are inflicting serious psychological trauma to the said community which is no less than physically assaulting them.
Muslims taking refuge in India after persecution in Bangladesh would be the ultimate irony in context of partition. Think about it :lol:

Those who are gloves in hands with Indian Hindus are no friends to Muslims in BD so they are indeed to run towards India.

by the way the Indians claim that most of these and BD Hindus
Forget the Hindus, its humanity.

Why is the Pakistani press (in the same vein) a thekedar of Muslims in India (Gujarat-Kashmir)?

no we are little bit different than your " Mullah Military Media " country . Indian media never print communal attack in detail it create hate-trade . Pakistani mullahs have destroyed 100 of temples but they they don't print anything , even if any Hindu-Muslim riots happen they never print it because it spreads in other places ., they mention after long time in articles but they don't print in form of news .

you destroyed many temples Then Indian Hindus also want to destroy few mosque thats why they don't print,.it makes unstable country and increase hate-trade .

even our media never printed offensive destruction of Kashmiri pundit hindu from kashmir during 1990.

you have destroyed your minority already , you Constitution itself provoke discrimination against minority , and anti- nonMuslim is your DNA of establishment . so in your country it get printed , it's different you have alliance of " Mullah Military Media " thats why even if 100 temple destroyed in pak no news/or small in corner of page on second last page , 1 mosque is get destroyed in india - ---A front page color news.

Most predictably, when confronted with facts and unable to respond, some people immediately switch to Pakistan-bashing.
AWAMI propaganda with Indians trolling. Yesterday Khaleda zia cealrly said that its an awami shabotage. Just like Ramu BAL fagots know how to spice things up by attacking minorities.

সরকারি চক্রান্তে সংখ্যালঘুদের নাজেহাল: খালেদা জিয়া বলেন, জনগণের গণতান্ত্রিক আন্দোলনকে ভিন্নখাতে প্রবাহিত করার হীন উদ্দেশ্যে সরকার এরই মধ্যে পরিকল্পিতভাবে ধর্মীয় সংখ্যালঘুদের বাড়িঘরে আক্রমণ চালিয়ে দেশে বিরাজমান সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতি ধ্বংসের অপচেষ্টা চালাচ্ছে। এরা একই উদ্দেশ্যে শান্তিপ্রিয় বৌদ্ধধর্মাবলম্বীদের ওপরও হামলা চালিয়েছিল। আমি সরকারকে এমন আত্মঘাতী ষড়যন্ত্র থেকে বিরত হওয়ার পরামর্শ দিচ্ছি। দেশবাসীকে আমি সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতি বিনষ্টের যে কোনো অপচেষ্টার বিরুদ্ধে সজাগ থাকার আহ্বান জানাচ্ছি।
A Hindu sticking up for other Hindu is a fair game. I respect your stance but be a man and be proud of your real religion. There is no reason to hide behind fake religious identity. We know you are a Bengali Hindu.

Make sure you and your fellow Hindu country men(Awami) kill all Muslims because if they come out from this then your ma Kali/Durga will not be able to save you.
abe do you think that the 950 million strong Hindu community living in India will watch this silently.we will send our Army to help the patriotic Bangladeshis eradicate the jamaatis once and for all if the situation demands so,but then again i am full confident on the capabilities of the Bangladeshi people and its Govt. and personally i think they are more than enough to take care of these pests i.e. the jamaatis!
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