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It's funny how Iran decided to make an enemy of Israel

Aug 17, 2013
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Because right now, they could really do with being allies with the one country in the region that is reliable enough and strong enough to counter the Wahhabis.

Iran's actions have awakened the Sunnis who are not happy. Like a pride of Lions that have been snoozing in the sun, and suddenly some Mullah has flicked their ears.

You're on your own Iran :cheesy:

That's what you get for calling for our destruction.
Because right now, they could really do with being allies with the one country in the region that is reliable enough and strong enough to counter the Wahhabis.

Iran's actions have awakened the Sunnis who are not happy. Like a pride of Lions that have been snoozing in the sun, and suddenly some Mullah has flicked their ears.

You're on your own Iran :cheesy:

That's what you get for calling for our destruction.

You speak as if Wahhbis are a threat to Iran.

Wahhabis are no threat to Iran, we don't have them inside Iran.

We don't mind a nice Wahhabi buildup around and Inside Israel.

Good strategy for us, we don't even have to do anything.

We'll just sit back, relax and watch.:cheers:

Good luck :)
You have Arabs in Iran that are increasingly building up hatred for Iran. You are going to lose your ability to project any power or threats when Syria goes and Hezbollah follows.

You will be confined to your borders and only capable of sending out your terrorist agents around the globe who usually get caught or botch the operation.

Without the ability to use Hezbollah and Syria to threaten Israel - that leaves you wide open for a strike on your nuclear sites. The fallout will devastate you.

You can chuck some kebab 3 missiles towards Israel, but the Arrow defence systems should deal with them adequately.

Iran is heading for turmoil.

You wanted this course. You wanted to declare war on a country that does not even border you or have any disputes with you.
You have Arabs in Iran that are increasingly building up hatred for Iran. You are going to lose your ability to project any power or threats when Syria goes and Hezbollah follows.

You will be confined to your borders and only capable of sending out your terrorist agents around the globe who usually get caught or botch the operation.

Without the ability to use Hezbollah and Syria to threaten Israel - that leaves you wide open for a strike on your nuclear sites. The fallout will devastate you.

You can chuck some kebab 3 missiles towards Israel, but the Arrow defence systems should deal with them adequately.

Iran is heading for turmoil.

You wanted this course. You wanted to declare war on a country that does not even border you or have any disputes with you.

2% of the population in Iran is going to cause turmoil in Iran? Many of them hardcore Shia muslims!!!!

Turkey's population also has 2% Arab Alawites, I don't see them in turmoil. And they absolutely hate Turkey now. Many of them didn't care about Iran, now they strongly see Iran as their savior.

Syria is not going down with 2 days of bombing , Sadly it just means more Syrians are going to die. That's it, it's not going to collapse , unless U.S and it's allies invade Syria.

Invading Syria would be a great strategic move for Iran, it means Iran can get them stuck in Syria for a long time.

What this conflict has caused is Shia-Sunni conflict, which means even secular Shias are now supporting Iran.

Shias are about 50% of the population in the Middle East.

This means we can actually extend our influence even further, before this conflict not many Shias cared about Iran, Syria.

Now, we have Shias all over the world looking to Iran for Support, survival.

It sounds like your reading way too much Israeli garbage!

Your analysis is completely wrong!

My advice to you is stop reading strategypage.com !!!!

Good luck with Wahhabis around and INSIDE Israel!:)
One more thing:

The escalation of Syrian crisis is actually only going to further destabilize your allies in the region..

More refugees for Turkey, and Jordan.

This is while Iran is building and expanding it's nuclear program.

and don't forget we are also working on certain secret project;)

That means we'll have 2nd and 3rd strike capability.

In the future that will be Mutually Assured Destruction for Israel and Iran if any war breaks out!
It is variously estimated that 10–15%[51][52][53][54] of the world's Muslims are Shia. They may number up to 200 million as of 2009.[53] The Shia majority countries are Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Bahrain.[55] They also constitute 36.3% of entire local population and 38.6% of the local Muslim population of the Middle East.[56]

Those 36.3% are nearly entirely all Shia Iranians......Who are not even that religious to begin with.

The Child-Murderer is gone. As in gone. The last Farsi ally of the Arab world. HizbAlShaitan will thus also face destruction along the road.

There is no need to talk about any religious war or sectarian war since you Shi'as only form 10%. You would have no chance of achieving anything. You are limited to Iran, Southern Iraq, Southern Lebanon and parts of tiny Bahrain. Besides Azerbaijan which is the most secular Muslim country and not part of the Middle East and no player in the region. That's it.

Good luck with all that. You are already in deep sh_t and it is only going to be worse for you as the hate increases towards you and your likes.

What you and your Mullah's did and supported in Syria only helped that.

This should be a lesson for Mullahistan to stay out of the Arab and Muslim world and minding its own business.

I would be cautious if I was a fake wannabe Arab farsi Mullah. Very cautious.

As I said many times then your Mullah's should follow the advice of the highest Shia Twelver authority the Iranian Arab Al-Sistani.

Here you can see the difference between the purely religious Arab Hawza of Najaf which Al-Sistani is a part of and the poisonous state-Mullah controlled Hawza of Qom:


I recommend everybody to watch this short clip above.
Those 36.3% are nearly entirely all Shia Iranians......Who are not even that religious to begin with.

The Child-Murderer is gone. As in gone. The last Farsi ally of the Arab world. HizbAlShaitan will thus also face destruction along the road.

There is no need to talk about any religious war or sectarian war since you Shi'as only form 10%. You would have no chance of achieving anything. You are limited to Iran, Southern Iraq, Southern Lebanon and parts of tiny Bahrain. Besides Azerbaijan which is the most secular Muslim country and not part of the Middle East and no player in the region. That's it.

Good luck with all that. You are already in deep sh_t and it is only going to be worse for you as the hate increase towards you and your likes.

I would be cautious if I was a fake wannabe Arab farsi Mullah. Very cautious.

Israel has good relations with Azerbaijan which Iran has continuously tried to spoil.

I don't understand why Iran is going down this path. Down the path of regional isolation, sanctions and proxy wars. Shias are suffering enough in places like Pakistan. Why make them sitting ducks in the middle east too?

I hope this isn't all to usher in the Mahdi. That would be a bit willy.
You speak as if Wahhbis are a threat to Iran.
Wahhabis are no threat to Iran, we don't have them inside Iran.
We don't mind a nice Wahhabi buildup around and Inside Israel.
Good strategy for us, we don't even have to do anything.
We'll just sit back, relax and watch.:cheers:
Good luck :)

You are wrong brother, From Morroco to Indonasia, Wahabi ideology is harmful for Shia. Let me explain you

Syria: Shias are targeted.
Iraq: Shia have been targeted
Pakistan: No comment
India : Shia Have been targeted in Uttar Pradesh and Kashmir.
Indonasia : We all know what is happening in Bali...

The War is coming to Iran, and unfortunately West is not with Iran. Russia is not powerful. And Indian leaders are spineless. you can not sit back , relax and watch.. The war is coming to your door.

Its time to look for better partners..
You are wrong brother, From Morroco to Indonasia, Wahabi ideology is harmful for Shia. Let me explain you

Syria: Shias are targeted.
Iraq: Shia have been targeted
Pakistan: No comment
India : Shia Have been targeted in Uttar Pradesh and Kashmir.
Indonasia : We all know what is happening in Bali...

The War is coming to Iran, and unfortunately West is not with Iran. Russia is not powerful. And Indian leaders are spineless. you can not sit back , relax and watch.. The war is coming to your door.

Its time to look for better partners..

Wahhabi Ideology is no threat to Iran, because it doesn't exist in Iran.

If Wahhabi ideology spreads from Morroco to Indonasia, It will only harm the host country NOT IRAN.

Look at Afghanistan and Pakistan.

I think secretly, Iran would LOVE To see Wahhabi ideology spread to Sunni majority places,etc...:)

It means further destabilization of these countries.

No harm to Iran whatsoever...

When you have daily clashes in India between Shias and Wahhabis, it only destabilizes India, NOT IRAN.

The Wahhabis have far more problems with Hindus than Shias.

Shias muslims keep to themselves and their motto is success through education, knowledge and spiritual and material wealth .

I'm confident Shia muslims do great anywhere they live.
Wahhabi Ideology is no threat to Iran, because it doesn't exist in Iran.

If Wahhabi ideology spreads from Morroco to Indonasia, It will only harm the host country NOT IRAN.

Look at Afghanistan and Pakistan.

I think secretly, Iran would LOVE To see Wahhabi ideology spread to Sunni majority places,etc...:)

It means further destabilization of these countries.

No harm to Iran whatsoever...

When you have daily clashes in India between Shias and Wahhabis, it only destabilizes India, NOT IRAN.

The Wahhabis have far more problems with Hindus than Shias.

Shias muslims keep to themselves and their motto is success through education, knowledge and spiritual and material wealth .

I'm confident Shia muslims do great anywhere they live.

Agree Shia success thru educatiuon, knowledge etc.. Shia are doing good everywhere but they are threaten worldwide...
Hope Iran is safe for Shias, But I am sure in my lifetime I will see war coming to Iran doorstep.. Wait and watch...

Could you cite even one advantage that Iran derives from being hostile to Israel ?

You have to look at the geopolitics of the region.

Israel will stop all it's neighbors and regional countries from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Iran wants the nuclear weapons to deter dominance from 5 surrounding nuclear countries.

it's Israeli hegemony vs Irani hegemony for the mediteran For Gas pipelines

To contain Israel from attacking Lebanon, Syria, and annexing more land.

But it's not just Iran vs. Israel.

It's much much more complicated. There are many different countries pushing for conflict and hegemony in the middle east.

It's Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, and Iran. Along with superpowers like U.S and Russia.

It's a mess.

But It's just politics.
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What you propose is a joint alliance between Iran & Israel against Arabs? Sounds great....
You have to look at the geopolitics.

Israel will stop all it's neighbors and regional countries from obtaining nuclear weapons.

it's Israeli hegemony vs Irani hegemony.

Nothing against Jews.

I did not asked for polemics but real world advantage.

There is no hegemony of Israel. All it's neighbours hate it for religious reasons even when they remain shut because they are militarily inferior to Israel.

You do not share border with Israel. If your mullahs would not have gone bonkers, your nukes would have been as inconsequential for Israel as South African Nukes.

So what is it exactly that makes Iran, anti Israel?

To contain Israel from attacking Lebanon, Syria, and annexing more land.

But it's not just Iran vs. Israel.

It's much much more complicated. There are many different countries pushing for conflict and hegemony.

It's just politics.

That does not seem to be a logical possibility.

Israel returned Sinai back to Egypt in return for recognition.It would have done same with golan height and sheeba farms had assad recognized it.

Israel does not derive any strategic benefit from annexing any more land as it would not be demographically good for them.
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