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It Turns Out Hamas Didn’t Kidnap and Kill the 3 Israeli Teens After All


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Hamas Didn’t Kidnap the Israeli Teens After All -- NYMag

When the bodies of three Israeli teenagers, kidnapped in the West Bank, were found late last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not mince words. "Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay," he said, initiating a campaign that eventually escalated into the present conflict in the region.

But now, officials admit the kidnappings were not Hamas's handiwork after all.

Non-plagiarizing BuzzFeed writer Sheera Frenkel was among the first to suggest that it was unlikely that Hamas was behind the deaths of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel, and Eyal Yifrach. Citing Palestinian sources and experts the field, Frenkel reported that kidnapping three Israeli teens would be a foolish move for Hamas. International experts told her it was likely the work of a local group, acting without concern for the repercussions:

Sheera Frenkel @sheeraf Follow
After Israel's top leadership exhaustively blamed Hamas for kidnap of 3 teens, they've now admitted killers were acting as "lone cell."

7:40 AM - 25 Jul 2014

[Gershon Baskin] pointed out that Hamas has earlier this month signed an agreement to form a unity government with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, bridging, for the first time in seven years, the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank and Gaza.

“They will lose their reconciliation agreement with Abbas if they do take responsibility for [the kidnappings],” Baskin added.

Today, she was proven right:

Repeated inconsistencies in Israeli descriptions of the situation have sparked debate over whether Israel wanted to provoke Hamas into a confrontation. Israeli intelligence is also said to have known that the boys were dead shortly after they disappeared, but to have maintained public optimism about their safe return to beef up support from the Jewish diaspora. Writing for Al Jazeera, Musa al-Gharbi argued that Israel was deliberately provoking Hamas:

All the illegal and immoral actions related to Operation Brother’s Keeper were justified under the premise of finding and saving the missing teens whom the Israeli government knew to be dead — cynically exploiting the tragedy to whip up public outcry in order to provoke and then confront Hamas. This pattern of deception continues under the ongoing military offensive in Gaza. For example, last week in collaboration with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Abbas, in its efforts to alienate Hamas, Israel announced a bad-faith cease-fire proposal, which Hamas was not consulted on and never agreed to but whose violation supposedly justified Israel’s expansion and intensification of the military campaign into Gaza.

Despite continued negotiations, the violence shows no signs of letting up, and after Thursday night's massive protests in the West Bank, there is still no ceasefire agreement. On Friday, it became clear that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's attempts to broker a seven-day truce were rejected by Israeli officials. Instead, Israel will apparently widen its ground operation in the Gaza Strip, despite international outcry about the civilian death toll. According to unnamed officials, the proposed truce was too generous to Hamas's demands.




We told you this is a pariah state. That took advantage of a lone attack to commit miserable atrocities. All these people had to die because of this states political interests, including recently 14 of my relatives.

@RFS_Br @Hasbara Buster @iranigirl2 @Serpentine @ResurgentIran @Aeronaut @al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Mahmoud_EGY @Umair Nawaz @That Guy @Developereo @Slav Defence @Dillinger @levina @Ravi Nair @dexter @Ceylal @S00R3NA @senheiser @Burger Boy @revolutionary mujahid @Riea @JUBA @Desert Fox @qamar1990 @Pakistanisage @Mugwop @Fulcrum15 @Chak Bamu @blain2 @WebMaster @Akheilos
It was known even before this revelation that Hamas wasn't behind the kidnapping and murder of those 3 Jews. It just so happens that israelis needed an excuse to divert the worlds attention from more important events and started slaughtering innocents over false pretexts.

Kind of like how Bush invaded Iraq for WMD's which he so ardently claimed the Iraqis possessed, yet when Iraq was completely destroyed and after millions of Iraqi casualties, everyone admitted that there were no WMD's and no one did a thing to punish criminals like Bush and Blair.
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@HRK @Adnan Butt @Proudpakistaniguy @EternalJives @pkuser2k12 @Jazzbot @Jaanbaz @Indus Falcon @Aslan @Sinan @ozzy22 @patriotpakistan @Leviza @Luffy 500 @TeesraIndiotHunter @HunterKiller @ChineseTiger1986 @Luftwaffe

It was known even before this revelation that Hamas wasn't behind the kidnapping and murder of those 3 Jews. It just so happens that israelis needed an excuse to divert the worlds attention from more important events and started slaughtering innocents over false pretexts.

Kind of like how Bush invaded Iraq for WMD's and once Iraq was completely destroyed and millions of Iraqi casualties, everyone admitted that there were no WMD's and no one did a thing to punish criminals like Bush and Blair.

We all knew it but you have that pro-Israel crowd which kept pushing that lie. You know who I'm speaking of. Some people of various nationalities also.

This should tell people of Israel's character. If it is willing to deceive the world to achieve a pretext for two offensives in the West Bank and Gaza which have resulted in over 900 Palestinians killed during that period and causing massive damage.

What more do people need to see? Will they view this state as an credible or reliable state? Hopefully this allows people to open their eyes and see the deliberate policy aimed at advancing the Israeli interest in occupying Palestinian land while disregarding all their rights.
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It was known even before this revelation that Hamas wasn't behind the kidnapping and murder of those 3 Jews. It just so happens that israelis needed an excuse to divert the worlds attention from more important events and started slaughtering innocents over false pretexts.

Kind of like how Bush invaded Iraq for WMD's which he so ardently claimed the Iraqis possessed, yet when Iraq was completely destroyed and millions of Iraqi casualties, everyone admitted that there were no WMD's and no one did a thing to punish criminals like Bush and Blair.

True especially after the reconciliation took place. A united Palestine isn't of the Zionists interest. Such thing was need to invade Gaza for one reason or another.
Israel, not Hamas, orchestrated the latest conflict in Gaza | Al Jazeera America

In the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the dominant discourse is that the Palestinian militants provoked the hostilities — while Israel, as President Barack Obama affirmed last week, is acting in legitimate self-defense. Many have attempted to problematize this narrative, for instance by arguing that Israel, as an occupying power, does not have a legitimate legal or moral claim to self-defense. Others have argued that rockets fired by Hamas do not constitute an existential crisis for Israel or its citizens and certainly did not warrant the killing of more than 500 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including women and children.

While these are all valid and important points, the broader narrative remains largely unchallenged: Hamas began firing rockets at Israel first, triggering Israel’s latest military incursion. This is not true. In fact, far from acting in self-defense, the crisis is the result of deliberate actions by Israel over the last few weeks — first to stir up anti-Arab sentiment among the Israeli population and then to provoke Hamas into open conflict.

Israeli provocations
The current escalation began with the abduction of three Israeli teenagers from settlements in the West Bank. The fact that the three were kidnapped from settlements is an important detail that is often passed over far too quickly or overlooked altogether. The settlements, what they represent and how the settlers interact with the Palestinian population form a critical part of the episode’s context.

After the kidnapping, for more than two weeks Israeli authorities put on a show of looking for the missing teens — the whole time whipping up anti-Arab sentiment, raising hopes of a recovery and marginalizing voices of dissent. When the abductees were found murdered, the Israeli public was outraged and demanded vengeance. Shortly after the funerals for the youths, another group of Israeli settlers beat and burned to death a 16-year-old Palestinian teen, Mohammed Abu Khdeir. This incident was followed by a brutal assault on Tariq Khdeir, a 15-year-old U.S. citizen and cousin of Mohammed’s by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Another fact that is less known — but perhaps more important — is that within hours of the three teens’ disappearance on June 12, Israeli officials knew that they were dead. Yet for the next two weeks authorities put on a phony rescue effort, instituted a gag order to prevent the public from knowing the truth and rallied the Jewish domestic and diaspora populations in anticipation of their move against Hamas.

Knowing that the teens were already dead, the Israeli government even sent the mothers of the abductees to the United Nations’ Human Rights Council to raise international awareness and plead for their boys’ safe return. Then the IDF launched Operation Brother’s Keeper, the most extensive military operation in the West Bank for more than a decade, under the auspices of saving the missing teens whom, again, they knew to be deceased.

The blame for their abduction immediately went to Hamas, which denied any involvement in the kidnapping. Israel has offered no concrete proof to implicate Hamas — instead identifying as its prime suspects a rogue faction with a history of defying Hamas’ leadership and sabotaging the group’s peace-building efforts. They were identified early on, meaning that Israel knew full well that neither Hamas nor its armed wing (al-Qassam Brigades) were behind the boys’ disappearance. Nonetheless, the IDF began a military campaign against them and de facto the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza.

@HRK @Adnan Butt @Proudpakistaniguy @EternalJives @pkuser2k12 @Jazzbot @Jaanbaz @Indus Falcon @Aslan @Sinan @ozzy22 @patriotpakistan @Leviza @Luffy 500 @TeesraIndiotHunter @HunterKiller @ChineseTiger1986

We all knew it but you have that pro-Israel crowd which kept pushing that lie. You know who I'm speaking of. Some people of various nationalities also.

This should tell people of Israel's character. If it is willing to deceive the world to achieve a pretext for two offensives in the West Bank and Gaza which have resulted in over 900 Palestinians killed during that period and causing massive damage.

What more do people need to see? Will they view this state as an credible or reliable state? Hopefully this allows people to open their eyes and see the deliberate policy aimed at advancing the Israeli interest in occupying Palestinian land while disregarding all their rights.

Israel has a Phd in deception. It holds the mouthpiece (media) of the world's sole superpower in it's hands and thus it's voice has a long reach.
It's more like the world enables Israel to adopt these excuses based off lack of inacton towards their illegal policies. No country is allowed this special treatment.
Goons will never admit that they are goons and they will always bring lies and fabricated stories to cover up their crimes..Isreali just like to show their military power on innocent civilians..brave terrorists
And they will still not pay the price for the destruction they caused in Gaza. Why? Because Israel is America's spoiled child who can do no wrong. Seriously, what country in the world other than Israel is allowed to continuously kill civilians and preemptively strike anyone of their neighbors for " security reasons "?
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And they will still not pay the price for the destruction they caused in Gaza. Why? Because Israel is the America's spoiled child who can do no wrong. Seriously, what country in the world other than Israel is allowed to continuously kill civilians and preemptively strike anyone of their neighbors for " security reasons "?

No other country gets this special treatment. Why? We don't know why. That is where we have to draw up many plausible theories.
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