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Istanbul's Soccer Fans United By Protests


Nov 18, 2010
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ISTANBUL -- The protests in Turkey have accomplished the seemingly impossible: uniting fans of Istanbul's three bitterly rival soccer teams.

Normally, there is no love lost among supporters of Fenerbahce, Galatasaray and Besiktas. Ferocious confrontations are common, and Galatasaray's stadium has earned the nickname "Hell" because of the intimidating atmosphere for opposing teams.

Violence has even been deadly on occasion. In mid-May, a 20-year-old Fenerbahce fan was stabbed to death by two people wearing Galatasaray shirts after a match.

All that changed on May 31, when a violent police crackdown on a peaceful protest against a redevelopment plan that would have turned a park in the city's main Taksim Square into buildings galvanized tens of thousands of Turks into action.

Before the weekend was out, protesters from all walks of life had thronged into the square and the accompanying Gezi Park to fight off the police. Barricades were erected, the injured treated in their dozens by fellow protesters and volunteer doctors before being carried to hospitals.

Soccer fans, well versed in battling police and dealing with tear gas and water cannons, became instrumental in helping those overcome by the chemicals which blanketed the area and in organizing barricades. Sworn enemies who usually display nothing but hatred and contempt for each other have united as one, throwing their arms around each other and chanting together.

Carsi, a group of die-hard Besiktas fans, played a particularly prominent role, and their involvement propelled them to mini-stardom in the protests.

"There were times when Carsi members distributed gas masks to people and gave first aid to people who were injured... And there were times they called on people to remain calm and to clean the place up, and they acted as a bridge between police and protesters," said Melis Alphan, a columnist for the daily Hurriyet.

Carsi, she said, became a "hero" of the protests.

Within days, an incredible sight had appeared. Pinned up on a wall next to a mountainous improvised barricade made of bricks and metal railing hung a new flag combining the colors of all three teams: black and white for Besiktas, yellow and red for Galatasaray and Fenerbahce's yellow and dark blue. In the center, a new symbol that combined the three teams' logo, with the words: "Istanbul United. Since 31 May 2013."

On Saturday night, soccer fans joined tens of thousands of protesters in Taksim Square in one of the largest gatherings in the protests so far. They sang and danced, standing on the top of a building holding dozens of red flares that lit up the night sky. Earlier, thousands of Besiktas fans had marched through central Istanbul, with a group of Galatasaray supporters bringing up the rear of their raucous march, before joining up with Fenerbahce fans, who had crossed the Bosphorus on a ferry from the city's Asian side.

"It was a great proud moment for us when Fenerbahce supporters joined us," said Sercan Emiroglu, a 30-year-old Besiktas fan who is a sympathizer of Carsi and was at the march. One Fenerbahce banner elicited particular praise. It read: "We would sacrifice everything for Carsi."

The recent protests have been the most widespread Turkey has seen in decades, spreading from Istanbul to a total of 78 cities. They quickly morphed into a general denunciation of what many called Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian manner, and his attempt to impose conservative Muslim values on a country with secular laws.

On Monday, Turkey's opposition party leader accused Erdogan of escalating tensions and dragging the country "into the fire" as anti-government protests that have led to three deaths hit their 11th straight day.

Erdogan headed a Cabinet meeting to discuss the protests, the first serious challenge to his 10-year rule. On Sunday, he made a series of fiery speeches in three cities, saying the government's patience was running thin, demanding an end to the protests and threatening to hold those who don't respect his government to account. He has also called for major pro-government rallies in Ankara and Istanbul next weekend, apparently aiming to intimidate the protesters by showing that he, too, can get large numbers out on the street.

Istanbul's Soccer Fans United By Protests
What I don't get is how a " building plan " is so important that you have risk burning the country up? look we have protests in our country too and govt listens to all most all of it.

Why no just say " we heard the masses and this square has a history for the country" - so okay, we won't build on it - and stop the unnecessary bleeding.
What I don't get is how a " building plan " is so important that you have risk burning the country up? look we have protests in our country too and govt listens to all most all of it.

Why no just say " we heard the masses and this square has a history for the country" - so okay, we won't build on it - and stop the unnecessary bleeding.

I think you're talking about USA because here in India, protesters get beaten up and water cannoned. Remember the anti-rape protests in Delhi. Media showed it to the whole country and see what happened.
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