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ISRO's Rocket Scientists build pump for heart transplant

Bad Guy

Nov 4, 2015
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ISRO's Rocket Scientists Build Pump For Heart Transplants

New Delhi: Scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation or ISRO have used material and technology used to build rockets to create a small device that pumps blood and is seen as a step towards making an artificial heart.
The Made-in-India left ventricle assist device weighs 100 gm and will help people who need heart transplants, replicating the function of a part of the heart that pumps blood.
It is being tested right now by a team of surgeons on animals and is expected to be ready for use on humans only after a few years of extensive testing. The device was recently tested on five pigs at a hospital in Thiruvananthapuram for a six-hour experiment which doctors said was successful.
The device is made of biocompatible titanium alloy and can pump blood at the rate of 3 to 5 litres per minute. Similar imported heart pumps cost crores of rupees, but the ISRO version is expected to cost only Rs 1.25 lakh.

"Material used in a rocket, the mechanism used in a rocket, electronics used in a rocket are combined to form the device... which is useful as a first step towards heart transplantation. This device was tested in a pig, and it was found that the pig was alive after fitting it. The other organs of the animal were intact. This shows that it is a very good alternative for an artificial heart," Dr K Sivan, Director of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram told NDTV.
A team of about two dozen experts like metallurgists, electronic engineers, flow mechanics and conduction specialists have worked for over six years to build the pump and they describe it as work in progress.
"This is one of the examples of how work that is done for rocket technology or satellite technology can help human beings. This is an alternate system in case the human heart has difficulties in pumping blood. It provides a bypass pumping system that can definitely help human lives," said Dr Kiran Kumar, ISRO chairman.
But I know our commie friend will still call it wastage of resources. ;)
I hope it will be operational soon. My father has a low EF rate of 20%. And he will need a transplant someday.
You guys ever heard about American Facility HAARP which is rumoured to be a Weather Based Weapon?
ISRO has also established a similar facility called GIRI(Gadanki Ionospheric Radar Interferometer). ;)
Do you guys know what happened between 2012 till today in Indian Space Odyssey?
1.ISRO sent a probe to Mars.
2.ISRO tested a large rocket called LVM3-X to launch heavy satellites as well as humans in space.
3.ISRO successfully conducted CARE test of space capsule.
4.Gujarat firm made space suits for ISRO.
5.India finally got breakthrough in indigenous engine technology and successfully indigenized and operationalized GSLV mk2.
6.India's own GPS is almost complete. Last SAT of the constellation will be launched on 28th April
7. India launched it's eye in deep space called Astrosat gave us such breathe taking photos.



8. ISRO is involving private companies slowly to launch service just like American ULA, resulting, India is managing to conduct one launch every month.
ISRO has plans to increase frequency from 12-18 launches per year and later take it to 24.

A lot more to mention. :D
In near future,
1. ISRO is launching final satellite of IRNSS constellation on 28th April. After this, India's own version of GPS will be ready to use. It's coverage will be increased in interval of time.
2. India is launching 21 satellites in a single launch next month closer to NASA's 29 Satellites record.
3. India is launching a high resolution CartoSat2C reconnaissance satellite whose resolution is 0.65 meters, very close to biggies.
4. India will conduct HEX experiment in one or two months, baby step towards developing own space shuttle.
5. India is going to use Ion thrusters on Satellites.
6. India is launching GSLV Mk3 D1 in December 2016(improved LVM3X) with capacity of 5-6 tonnes to GTO and 10-12 tonnes to LEO.(Manned mission or a small space station? :woot: )
7. India is landing a rover on Moon (Cdy-2) in mid 2017 and will conduct nuclear propulsion on following Cdy-3 and 4.
8. India will launch a Geostationary reconnaissance high resolution satellite, GISAT-1. Only China has similar operational satellite called GaoFen-4.
9. India may be sending Mgy-2 rover to Mars in 2018.
10. India us lauching a solar observatory (Aditya L1) in 19.
will launch humans in space by starting of next decade.
Many more things to mention.

I do not want to troll anyone.
I also see Iranians as best friends but I'm unable to stop myself from asking about ISA from our dearest and loveliest friend @SOHEIL who said in 2012 that Iran will be ahead of India in space tech in 2016.

What happened bro? 2016 is here. :partay: As far as I know, it's India who is getting near to conduct manned space missions and is well ahead every other field as well. :P
I don't want to create a flame, but that prediction of 2016 really irritated me. :azn:
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You guys ever heard about American Facility HAARP which is rumoured to be a Weather Based Weapon?
ISRO has also established a similar facility called GIRI(Gadanki Ionospheric Radar Interferometer). ;)

this one :D

I think the picture is of an implantable ventricular assist device. A prototype, since it's not all-stainless construction. Its small size means it's not for operations but long-term use. Reliability and avoiding damage to the blood are key to this type of pump.
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