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Israelis in secret trip to inspect Saudi bases


May 21, 2006
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By Aaron Klein

TEL AVIV — Israeli personnel in recent days were in Saudi Arabia to inspect bases that could be used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Iran, according to informed Egyptian intelligence officials. The officials said Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and other Arab and Persian Gulf countries have been discussing the next steps toward possible strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites. The officials said the U.S. passed strong messages to Israel and the Saudis that the Americans control radar capabilities over the skies near Iran and that no strike should be launched without permission from the Obama administration. It was unclear whether the purported visit to Saudi Arabia by Israeli military and intelligence officials signals any real preparation for a strike or if the trip was meant to keep pressure on the West amid Israeli fears about the current deal with Tehran. The trip came prior to the announcement today of the deal with Western powers that aims to halt key parts of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. At a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed what he called a “bad” and “dangerous” deal, while affirming that Israel will not allow Iran to go nuclear. “Israel is not obligated by this agreement,” Netanyahu said. “I want to make clear we will not allow Iran to obtain military nuclear capability.” “Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world,” he said. The deal reportedly halts the installation of new centrifuges, but allows Iran to keep current centrifuges used to enrich uranium. The agreement caps the amount and type of enriched uranium Iran can produce and opens many nuclear sites up to daily inspections. However, Israel is warning that even the low-grade uranium allowed in the agreement can be used to eventually assemble a nuclear weapons capability. As part of the deal, Iran agreed to halt work on key components of its Arak heavy-water reactor that could be used to produce plutonium, but the country doesn’t have to dismantle the reactor. In response, Iran gets sanctions relief, including the freeing of $7 billion or more in frozen assets. Hours after deal was signed, President Hassan Rouhani said the agreement recognizes Tehran’s “rights” to maintain an atomic program. - See more at: Officals: Israelis in secret trip to inspect Saudi bases. Could be used as staging ground for strikes against Iran « Klein Online
if true it will be a disaster for the region and 'countries around this region'.
I think when talk about regional foreign policy , all issue should be discussed openly. Rather then shy away from reality. Its very clear, KSA is weak player of the region, it need help to mount pressure on its regional rival. But its fact US policy is moving slowly toward neutral zone. Where a constant alert or standoff situation can not be afforded by US.
In coming years US will slowly pulled out from the region. Where in 2015 US will be meet all its gas need locally. Where US law makers are forcing Obama administration to put sanction on countries who are supporter and producer of terrorist after 911.
But, KSA and Iran should work toward regional peace. Because many countries feel the heat of this confrontation.
Side are drawn and Persians will draw there sides. World would be intertwined with a lot of speculation of upcoming Arab-Persian war which will be feeding lot of stomachs with appetite for conspiracies. :pop:
KSA and Iran are locked into a cold war since 1979's revolution in Iran.

Ayatullahs have turned Iran from a strong regional player into an international criminal.

And yet

Iranian leaders until recently never hesitated from issuing threats to everyone.

Both Iranians and KSA have used proxies to put each other down.

So even though it is unfortunate,

it is natural that at some point the two will come very close to landing direct punches.

It is time that Iranian intellectuals realize that Israel is no longer the baddest guy in the region, so using its name to malign KSA will not work the way it worked 30 years ago.

However perhaps it is too much to ask, because Mullahs are known to be stuck in times that are centuries and centuries old.


You have no clue as usual mister @HAIDER

Don't fall into every single trap that the Shia Mullah's have prepared for you and others.

@Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE @Bubblegum Crisis etc.

If you always start a discussion by targeting shia, then you will get nowhere. You always fail and get insulted.Always have best regard for Hijazi intellect. But seems all those intellect left Hijaz. Leave kafir, mushrik, heaven, hell for the day of judgement ,first try to create peace inside the soul. You live next to the most holiest place on earth. Your attitude to fellow member should be an example .
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If you always start a discussion by targeting shia, then you will get nowhere. You always fail and get insulted.Always have best regard for Hijazi intellect. But seems all those intellect left Hijaz. Leave kafir, mushrik, heaven, hell for the day of judgement ,first try to create peace inside the soul. You leave next to the most holiest place on earth. Your attitude to fellow member should be an example .

Eh, what are you talking about? I do not live in KSA right now.

I am not countering you Shias unless you start doing what you do best - invent and write nonsense. At least most of you here. So I counter that and tell you not to listen to everything that you Shia Mullah's are propagandizing.

You are the one that should think twice before posting. You are posting some nonsense from a ZIONIST source.

If you cannot be neutral then there is no need to engage in such discussions.

You are always trying to write nonsense about KSA. Why is that?

Maybe you should apply for a job at PISSTV ("PressTV") ?

Yes, KSA together with Israel is going to nuke Iran back to the stone age. Happy now? The nuclear attack will happen tomorrow. So be prepared.
Eh, what are you talking about? I do not live in KSA right now.

I am not countering you Shias unless you start doing what you do best - invent and write nonsense. At least most of you here. So I counter that and tell you not to listen to everything that you Shia Mullah's are propagandizing.

You are the one that should think twice before posting. You are posting some nonsense from a ZIONIST source.

If you cannot be neutral then there is no need to engage in such discussions.

You are always trying to write nonsense about KSA. Why is that?

Maybe you should apply for a job at PISSTV ("PressTV") ?

O well, now Isreali source is nonsense too.....news is false....happy now.
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Which Egyptian intelligence officials reported this?

Because if it is verified that Egyptian intelligence officials leaked this information I believe them. Egyptian intelligence is probably the best in the Arabic world.

Before I go an a rant, it want this information verified or I won't believe it.
Which Egyptian intelligence officials reported this?

Because if it is verified that Egyptian intelligence officials leaked this information I believe them. Egyptian intelligence is probably the best in the Arabic world.

Before I go an a rant, it want this information verified or I won't believe it.
It's no secret that Saudi and Israel are in talks. You must be naive to believe that there are no relations.

Muslims hate Muslims more than Jews hate Muslims.
Its very clear, KSA is weak player of the region, it need help to mount pressure on its regional rival

KSA is calm and quirky.

We have a very different idea of what makes KSA weak or strong. In Yemen, Bahrain, and Egypt everything went well and good. In Syria, it just is a matter of time. The difference between Iran and KSA is like the difference between water and fire ( Oh fire must be suitable for you Haider and your bros :lol: ) ..

But its fact US policy is moving slowly toward neutral zone. Where a constant alert or standoff situation can not be afforded by US.

Liberian mentality offers a second chance for everyone! Even the Taliban and Iran. However, I do believe in the theory of containment, even though the Mullahs' regime still lacks the very basic components to deter its enemies. The only thing they are good for is shouting " Death to America, death to Israel " :usflag:

In coming years US will slowly pulled out from the region. Where in 2015 US will be meet all its gas need locally

The US is going to be energy independent in the coming few years. But only narrow-minded people would think that the US will pull back from the region due to its energy independence policy. If they gave up policing the ME, the Russians and the Chinese will be more than happy to gawk around.

Where US law makers are forcing Obama administration to put sanction on countries who are supporter and producer of terrorist after 911.

The countries WHICH supported Al-Qaida to carry out 9/11 don't exist in reality, the mastermind was KSM - he openly admitted it several times - and their Chief of Terrorists OBL - who's now gone for ever -

Imposing sanctions on KSA will affect the US as the Saudis happen to be a big-time buyer of US securities " bonds " and debits. Not to mention the influence the Saudis have in Wall Street, major US cooperations, and the market place.

The Saudis happen to be one of the most important players who keep the US dollars alive.

Get over it bro, the US won't throw the Saudis under the bus, stop your wishful thinking for once.

But, KSA and Iran should work toward regional peace. Because many countries feel the heat of this confrontation

If Iran seeks trouble, then be it, but over the entire course of our history, we never looked for drama, and we will never be looking for it in future.

I think when talk about regional foreign policy , all issue should be discussed openly. Rather then shy away from reality. Its very clear, KSA is weak player of the region, it need help to mount pressure on its regional rival. But its fact US policy is moving slowly toward neutral zone. Where a constant alert or standoff situation can not be afforded by US.
In coming years US will slowly pulled out from the region. Where in 2015 US will be meet all its gas need locally. Where US law makers are forcing Obama administration to put sanction on countries who are supporter and producer of terrorist after 911.
But, KSA and Iran should work toward regional peace. Because many countries feel the heat of this confrontation.

It's no secret that Saudi and Israel are in talks. You must be naive to believe that there are no relations.

Muslims hate Muslims more than Jews hate Muslims.

It's no secret that Saudi and Israel are in talks. You must be naive to believe that there are no relations.

May I see any official document for such claim?

Muslims hate Muslims more than Jews hate Muslims

We don't form our FP on religious basis. Iran was responsible for two terror attacks within KSA, while the Jews didn't even fire a single bullet at us.
Is that what you really base it on, Yzd? They didn't fire a bullet towards you so there's no reason to be aware of their actions or to consider them a threat to the region?
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