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Israeli Soldier Killed after being kidnapped by Palestinian.

Death to Iran.
not fair
take a flag and burn it , if you have balls :D ;)
RIP soldier.
Iran has killed more fellow Iranians than Israel Palestinians. Palestinians are overrated and misused for political and geo-political reasons.
The most hurtful part of this discussion for me, as an Iranian is that the ones who cry for palestinians are actually the ones who have tortured, killed, raped, and imprisoned Iranian people for more than 3 decades, these mullahs are the ones who just killed about 30,000 Iranians in 1988, and they claim to be humanitarian.
They should have cut off that israelies head and put it on post as a sign of victory against zionists.

And if you were in that soldiers shoes would you want to get your head cut off? Better yet what if that was your brother of father that was killed?
And if you were in that soldiers shoes would you want to get your head cut off? Better yet what if that was your brother of father that was killed?
These brutal mullahs have killed many of Iranians, and nowadays they want to export their sick mentality to the rest of the world. I am happy that nowadays, the world can know these a$$holes much better, and know their true face. they have absolutely zero humanitarian sense but they try to show the other way.
The most hurtful part of this discussion for me, as an Iranian is that the ones who cry for palestinians are actually the ones who have tortured, killed, raped, and imprisoned Iranian people for more than 3 decades, these mullahs are the ones who just killed about 30,000 Iranians in 1988, and they claim to be humanitarian.

Haaaaa !?

stop drinking bro !

And if you were in that soldiers shoes would you want to get your head cut off? Better yet what if that was your brother of father that was killed?
@Hosseini , this is the result ! ^^^
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Haaaaa !?

stop drinking bro !

@Hosseini , this is the result ! ^^^
you have problem with which part of it? the massacre of political prisoners in 1988(tabestaan e 67) or about their rape, ... in Kahrizak, ... ?
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Haaaaa !?

stop drinking bro !

@Hosseini , this is the result ! ^^^

I dont know if this Hosseini a$$hole troll is really an Iranian or he just uses Iran's flag for spreading BS, but tell him that he should stop talking BS and making anyone hostile to Iran
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The most hurtful part of this discussion for me, as an Iranian is that the ones who cry for palestinians are actually the ones who have tortured, killed, raped, and imprisoned Iranian people for more than 3 decades, these mullahs are the ones who just killed about 30,000 Iranians in 1988, and they claim to be humanitarian.

and the "shah" and SAVAK killed millions......
Thousands of women and children killed by Israeli soldiers no body cares? An Israeli soldier died everyone loses their minds
Thousands of women and children killed by Israeli soldiers no body cares? An Israeli soldier died everyone loses their minds

I know what the hell, they want it to be a tragedy. Just 3 days ago a Palestinian was shot and killed. A week before that another one was killed too.
And if you were in that soldiers shoes would you want to get your head cut off? Better yet what if that was your brother of father that was killed?

The head of Iranian soldiers/conscripts has been cut off by Balochi extremists in Iran, so this Hosseini guy is nothing more than a pathetic internethero.

Death to Iran.

You should use this slogan:

Marg bar jomhouriye eslami.
Israeli man wounded in Hebron shooting attack

Israeli man wounded in Hebron shooting attack | JPost | Israel News

Time to fight back. Get the checkpoints back, stop all cooperation, strangle the entity. Strangle the economy, stop free movement, revoke all permits for the savages.
Marg bar jomhouriye eslami.
not sure he knows what it means ;)
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