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Israeli rabbi bans male handshaking


Jun 1, 2012
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Israeli rabbi bans male handshaking


An Israeli Zionist rabbi has issued a ban on handshakes between men, saying the act might lead to sin.

The head of the Gur Education Department, Abraham Benjamin Silberberg, said at a meeting with educational officials that handshakes between men is banned because it can cause “sinful thoughts.” [A case of projection, if I've ever seen one. -- RFS]

According to the new verdict, men can touch only each other’s fingertips. Silberberg, however, has said that it is better for males to avoid touching completely.

“This new prohibition will ensure the holiness of our next generation,” Silberberg said.

In 2011, an Israeli rabbi issued a religious decree forbidding Jewish women from driving or learning to drive unless absolutely necessary.

The order by Rabbi Avraham Yosef prohibited women from driving, especially in Israeli cities predominantly inhabited by ultraorthodox Jews.

The Jewish figure justified the decree by saying that driving for women does not reflect modesty or chastity, especially in cities mostly inhabited by religious people.



Since no doubt some here will try to cast doubt on this report because it is from PressTV, here's another, Jewish source confirming the story.
An Israeli Zionist rabbi has issued a ban on handshakes between men, saying the act might lead to sin.

“This new prohibition will ensure the holiness of our next generation,” Silberberg said.

In 2011, an Israeli rabbi issued a religious decree forbidding Jewish women from driving or learning to drive unless absolutely necessary.

The order by Rabbi Avraham Yosef prohibited women from driving, especially in Israeli cities predominantly inhabited by ultraorthodox Jews.

The Jewish figure justified the decree by saying that driving for women does not reflect modesty or chastity, especially in cities mostly inhabited by religious people.


Hahahaha.........WTF!? :laughcry:

The Rabbi in question had this to say..............:rofl:

Some of the Rabbi's giving some of our Maulana's competition :lol:
They should adopt the Japanese [Bow] or Hindu [two Palm joined] greetings instead.
Israeli rabbi bans male handshaking


An Israeli Zionist rabbi has issued a ban on handshakes between men, saying the act might lead to sin.

The head of the Gur Education Department, Abraham Benjamin Silberberg, said at a meeting with educational officials that handshakes between men is banned because it can cause “sinful thoughts.” [A case of projection, if I've ever seen one. -- RFS]

According to the new verdict, men can touch only each other’s fingertips. Silberberg, however, has said that it is better for males to avoid touching completely.

“This new prohibition will ensure the holiness of our next generation,” Silberberg said.

In 2011, an Israeli rabbi issued a religious decree forbidding Jewish women from driving or learning to drive unless absolutely necessary.

The order by Rabbi Avraham Yosef prohibited women from driving, especially in Israeli cities predominantly inhabited by ultraorthodox Jews.

The Jewish figure justified the decree by saying that driving for women does not reflect modesty or chastity, especially in cities mostly inhabited by religious people.



Since no doubt some here will try to cast doubt on this report because it is from PressTV, here's another, Jewish source confirming the story.

I really don't understand Why these people's head is always below the waist - they just seem consumed by sexual desire -- There should be some place where there is wall to wall sex and these people should be dropped off in that place until they can't handle the place anymore - something to exorcise their sexual desire and allow the sexual fog in their heads to dissipate.
I really don't understand Why these people's head is always below the waist - they just seem consumed by sexual desire -- There should be some place where there is wall to wall sex and these people should be dropped off in that place until they can't handle the place anymore - something to exorcise their sexual desire and allow the sexual fog in their heads to dissipate.

Orthodox Judaism does seem to see people as amoral sex machines; people in general, but some groups (women and non-Jews) in particular.

In June, an Australian rabbi commented on a case of sex abuse of kids by a fellow rabbi with the following:

When challenged on his position that young boys could give consent, Rabbi Lesches replied ''you would be surprised'' and added that some non-Jewish boys, who he termed ''goyims'', began acting or thinking sexually ''from the age of five''.

He said teenagers from poor backgrounds had ''nothing else to do in life, only thinking 24 hours about sex'' with each other, members of their own families and even ''dogs''.
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