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Israeli forces enter Nairobi mall: security source

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Look at who's calling a 'savage' entity while expressing an urge to commit genocide on a whole ethnic group. Then he wants to tell us his countrymen are not evil people. Only Muslims can be evil.

No matter how bad the situation is around Islamic countries. One thing for sure is Palestinians are more largely supported out all Muslims.

Israel doesn't get shown in a better light due to events occurring.
Help from Iran is cut.you will be left with the kinds of mozambique drill(even worse).
but how fruitful is to interfere now?
they had killed almost 60 already.
they have done their job...
this is now the publicity that Jews have controlled the situation,.........:ashamed:

by leaders of the HELL....

Was their job to kill exactly 60 people and then call it a day and go back home? Or is their job to kill as many as they can?

What the Israeli special forces can do is to ensure that the terrorists die with as few more civilian deaths as possible. A lot more people would die, if Israeli commandos do not provide their expertise.
In this case, that is precisely what is needed. Oh and BTW, they are used to a lot more than just urban warfare. They have decimated the combined might of numerically superior arab armies quite a few times. They have eliminated the air forces of Syria and Egypt and other arab nations with ease. They have conducted precision strikes on Syrian nuclear plants in recent times. They have conducted the most spectacular and difficult hostage rescue mission of all time in Entebbe.

They have tackled everything - conventional, sub conventional and unconventional war, and managed to stay a free nation with equality and prosperity for all, while neighbouring Arab nations have all become mass graves, with domestic squabbles and fierce civil strife.

Fail again by another slap happy Jew worshipping Indian the all great Godly Israelis. Here we go again. They are not needed at all. In fact, dozens of armies and special forces all around the world do a much better job.

Israel has sent not advisors who play the role of the strategy. There aren't actual armed Israeli forces there.

And if it wasn't for the US and Czechoslovakia arming Israel to teeth and giving intelligence to Israel Egypt could have done way more than it intended. But, it only intended to achieve a specific objective. Israel on the other hand was looking for opportunities to get a ceasefire to rearm and occupy Palestinian lands. For their own interests unrelated to the war. If was for the aftermath. They wanted to expand their borders after their preemptive attacks in 1967. Then in 1973 we had a Egypt destroy the whole several billion dollar Bar Zev line. Go read what the IDF commander today says about the war then.

Now, don't worry about Arabs. Your lord Israel is safe for now but when the time comes to get rid of the aggressor religious theocratic nation it will come. We don't your input.
FAO the dirty terrorist dog from the mythical entity.

Don't address me any longer. I don't recognise you as human, let alone a so-called 'palestinian'.

You are a brutal savage like the rest of your so-called 'people'.

I will not respond to you again.

Go take your Cymbalta pills.
God bless Israel :victory:


This is quite shamefull, not even Bharati army asked for help from Israel even after failing miserably in Mumbai 2008 drama. Anyway i hope they kill every terrorist.

It was not a drama (well maybe that's the sort of thing that entertains you, but to us it was a massacre). India already had counter terrorist units like the NSG who are highly specialized in CQB and HR. But Kenya doesn't, hence their call to experienced professionals.

BTW India did not fail miserably. Despite 10 highly trained Pakistani gunmen attacking 5 different points of a city of ten million people, and all of them moving - the worst possible scenario for any civil defence - they managed to keep the death count to 186. That is fewer than the death counts in serial bomb blasts in Pakistan shortly afterwards.

A few days back there was ONE lone shooter INSIDE a military base in USA, and it took them hours to kill him. When gunmen attacked a highly protected target (the sri Lankan cricket team) in Lahore, they all went back home to have tea, and nobody was caught or shot. This despite the target being given full security.

And then we have something like the Mumbai massacre, with 5 parts of the city under attack simultaneously, shooting vulnerable, unprotected civilians. Every one of the terrorists was killed or captured.

I know it is tempting to laugh at India, but the fact is that India is a lot more successful in dealing with terrorists than Pakistan is. And the results speak for itself. What was today's count in Pakistan? Since the Mumbai "drama" how many mass killings in India, and how many in Pakistan?

Think about it and cry.
Was their job to kill exactly 60 people and then call it a day and go back home? Or is their job to kill as many as they can?

What the Israeli special forces can do is to ensure that the terrorists die with as few more civilian deaths as possible. A lot more people would die, if Israeli commandos do not provide their expertise.

What 'expertise'? Razing villages? That's what they're best at. Israelis aren't going to change the situation much. Strategists do. And they come from all backgrounds. I could name a dozen courtesies of the top of my head who can do a much better job than Israel and the US would do.

Israeli special forces do thing they shoot and kill activists on a flotilla. Face to face with combatants they abandon their own soldiers. As we've seen with Hezbollah and Hamas.

This is rooted to their false unjustified cause. Even Israeli soldiers were telling the media they don't know what they're fighting for anymore.
Meanwhile the Iranian Mullah rafidi dog regime is slaughtering in Syria.

Help from Iran is cut.you will be left with the kinds of mozambique drill(even worse).

I will volunteer in any capacity to return them to Jordan.
Meanwhile the Iranian Mullah rafidi dog regime is slaughtering in Syria.

I will volunteer in any capacity to return them to Jordan.
You first get civilized then we will have talk.

By the way,I ask you to beat the $hit out of Hamas if possible.

During the beginning of the war of 2006, the Hezbollah have captured JEWS soldiers as they try to free South Lebanon, and the JEWS sent commandos to free them. The Hezbollah have ambushed and killed 8 JEWS commandos without any losses,

It was the start of the war, and then the Hezbollah have made a very great "score" against the jews







You are a funny retard.What all these pics has to do with the topic in hand ? Looks like you have been ganged banged by Jewish that is why your every thread revolves around Jews.
Fail again by another slap happy Jew worshipping Indian the all great Godly Israelis. Here we go again. They are not needed at all. In fact, dozens of armies and special forces all around the world do a much better job.

Israel has sent not advisors who play the role of the strategy. There aren't actual armed Israeli forces there.

And if it wasn't for the US and Czechoslovakia arming Israel to teeth and giving intelligence to Israel Egypt could have done way more than it intended. But, it only intended to achieve a specific objective. Israel on the other hand was looking for opportunities to get a ceasefire to rearm and occupy Palestinian lands. For their own interests unrelated to the war. If was for the aftermath. They wanted to expand their borders after their preemptive attacks in 1967. Then in 1973 we had a Egypt destroy the whole several billion dollar Bar Zev line. Go read what the IDF commander today says about the war then.

Now, don't worry about Arabs. Your lord Israel is safe for now but when the time comes to get rid of the aggressor religious theocratic nation it will come. We don't your input.

Yea well, if it hadn't been for America arming Israel....

As if arabs arm themselves. The arabs were even more armed by the soviet union, in far greater numbers. Israel produces quite a lot of cutting edge military stuff like AEWACs and missiles, while Arabs wouldn't even know how to press the button on those, let alone designing or manufacturing such stuff.

Because you see, such endeavours require serious investment in science and technology, not simply millennia of internecine tribal warfare.

And that last bit about "theocratic". As if the arab countries areall bastions of secular equality. In Israel a non jew has almost as many rights as a jew. In Saudi Arabia.....lol.

In whatever parameter you judge, the arabs fare a lot worse than Israelis. It is a fact. Get used to it. And yes, arabs have killed more arabs and muslims than Israel ever has or ever will. Arabs have not stopped warring against themselves in recorded history, and are unlikely to.

And it is a bit comical to hear you call Israel MY lord. Last time I checked, Israel is not occupying my land, it is occupying YOURS. They are your lords, not mine. Sorry, but India is a sovereign country, and doesn't have lords and rulers. That is your fate.
This is quite shamefull, not even Bharati army asked for help from Israel even after failing miserably in Mumbai 2008 drama. Anyway i hope they kill every terrorist.

They should learn from you..50000 killed and you are still busy in arranging peace talks lol
Help from Iran is cut.you will be left with the kinds of mozambique drill(even worse).

We don't need Iran. We need God. God gives people who sin less victory.
Meanwhile the Iranian Mullah rafidi dog regime is slaughtering in Syria.

I will volunteer in any capacity to return them to Jordan.

Yes, my sweet heart ... we R really BAD !!!

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