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Israeli forces enter Nairobi mall: security source

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It's funny how your Million Muslim man march totally failed, and a million bikers turned up to kick your worthless Islamist back side.

Hopefully your people will start falling like flies from lack of medicine.

Your rage gives me pleasure. Keep it up :)
It's funny how your Million Muslim man march totally failed, and a million bikers turned up to kick your worthless Islamist back side.

The majority of Mosques here opposed the "march" not that it has anything to do with anything.

Now you can stop running your mouth, no matter how much sht you talk you won't be a bigger man than your mother twerp.
Maybe this guy actually has an mental condition? Let's be easy on him. Something is obviously wrong with him.

His *** is on extra fire today a Muslim must have jacked him or something so he is raging over here.
And that last bit about "theocratic". As if the arab countries areall bastions of secular equality. In Israel a non jew has almost as many rights as a jew. In Saudi Arabia.....lol.

In Saudi Arabia we stomp people if they didn't play by our rules. After all, they came on their own will. Either to adopt or go back to where you came from.

Yet, many Indians/others are dying to get here, in case you don't know.
When I'm in a rage, I just watch videos of your people being killed in Syria and it cheers me right up.

Hopefully some more scientists will soon have more unfortunate 'accidents'

We got our thumbs right in your eyes. Are you still licking the wounds after having Suffered two humiliaring defeats by Hezbollah? :omghaha:
Hopefully your people will start falling like flies from lack of medicine.

Easy boy ... easy !
Your rage gives me pleasure. Keep it up :)

You heard what Rouhani said about KSA two days ago? :yay:

They only love you for your money, you tart. :rolleyes:

Fair enough, you do something, and you get paid! Just let them make no noise :lol: or we will ship them back.
You heard what Rouhani said about KSA two days ago? :yay:

No, what did he say?
Hezbollah? I'm just happy the coffin makers in Beirut are doing great business as those rats fall.

I wonder if they have added a new career option for rafidi Irani students studying the Sciences....hmmm, quantum mechanics....human genetics,. nuclear energy....death by magnetic bomb


It feels great to eliminate those would-be mass killers.
Bro, if you really want to support Israel and its existence, then the current Israeli regime is your worst nightmare.
It is turning itself into a de facto one state (with borders stretching from the Jordan river to the Meditarrenan sea).

Once that is complete it will factually be an apartheid state seeing as how Palestinians will live under different laws in small ethnic enclaves, with no right to vote. Such an entity will be politcally unsustainable and ultimately defeated. Israel will cease to exist.

Actually, you are more pro-Palestine than pro-Israel. You just dont know it yet. :)

I support the existence of two separate Israeli and Palestinian states existing peacefully side by side. Anybody from either side who prevents this from happening is a trouble maker in my opinion. Period.
I support the existence of two separate Israeli and Palestinian states existing peacefully side by side. Anybody from either side who prevents this from happening is a trouble maker in my opinion. Period.

It's not possible with this entity.

They are not interested in a peace. They are terrified of peace.

Their whole short history is violence. Their culture is violence. It consumes them. Even their 'arts' are about violence.

What do you do when your whole identity and culture is taken? this is what would happen in a peace. Suddenly they would need to stop killing, stop violence and incitement. They would need to become new people.

They can't do this.

This is why they always terrorist during peace talks. They are insufferable savages. Utterly detestable.

Great news how did this resonate among your government?
Great news how did this resonate among your government?

This is between Saudia and Iran :coffee:

Translation please .. :pop:
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