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Israel warned to prepare for Syrian 'surface-to-surface missile attack'

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
The Guardian Express Newspaper

As the already unthinkable pace of slaughter in Syria accelerates further, Western military sources warned Saturday, July 14, that not only Israel, but additional strategic targets in Middle East lands deemed enemies by Bashar Assad should prepare for him to launch surface-to-surface missile attacks. The assaults would start out with conventional warheads, but as the regime continued to be hammered, the beleaguered ruler might well arm the next round of missiles from his huge stockpile of mustard gas – not to mention sarin nerve poison and cyanide.

Western intelligence sources say Assad has a list of targets ready to go. Analyzing the Syrian war game taking place last week, they calculated that Wednesday and Thursday, July 11 and 12, the Syrian army practiced shooting missiles at strategic centers in Israel, Turkey and Jordan.

But while most Western officials now confirm that Assad has moved his WMD warheads and shells out of storage, they are already divided on what it means. Some US officials are soft-pedaling the menace, offering the theory that the Syrian ruler is only safeguarding his unconventional weapons from falling into rebel – or what he calls “terrorist” – hands.

Other Western intelligence watchers, especially in Britain, believe he is preparing a campaign of ethnic cleansing at centers of revolt and report that chemical weapons have already been transferred to Homs, Latakia and Aleppo for operational use.

That is one game-changing predicament facing the West. It would quickly assume a regional dimension if Turkey, Israel and Jordan were to come under Syrian missile assault. Air and missile reprisals against Syrian military or regime centers would carry the danger of Hizballah retaliation from Lebanon leading to direct attacks from Iran. Before going down that road, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan – who are not on speaking terms – would certainly confer with US President Barack Obama.

Even then, their consultations would not necessarily lead to action.

For example, three weeks have gone by since Syria shot down a Turkish Air Force reconnaissance jet and yet after, close consultation with Washington, the Erdogan government was persuaded to leave the incident without response. Administration officials explained to the Turks that covert warfare carried a price in failure and casualties.

This US attitude might well embolden the Syrian ruler to risk his arm with limited missile strikes against Turkey and Israel and bank on the Obama administration twisting their leaders’ arms behind their backs to prevent them making any serious response.

The situation in the middle east appears to be worsening with no end it site. It’s unsure if Bashar Assad feels his back is against the wall yet, but it is reasonable to prepare for what might be an unpredictable move on the part of Syria.
May God help us get through this. I don't care what would happen to us as much as I care Syrian people get their freedom. Syria is like a rose and doesn't deserve this ugliness from a monster.
May God help us get through this. I don't care what would happen to us as much as I care Syrian people get their freedom. Syria is like a rose and doesn't deserve this ugliness from a monster.
dude you're like a broken answering machine on a never ending loop

and for ****'s sake, get some freedom for your own lot than start this comedy
dude you're like a broken answering machine on a never ending loop

and for ****'s sake, get some freedom for your own lot than start this comedy
And I am a broken answering machine...:disagree:
Repeating empty and baseless words will not give you any gravity. I am free and happy with my living here and I will never think of moving outside Jordan. Now stick to the topic and stop being rude.
May God help us get through this. I don't care what would happen to us as much as I care Syrian people get their freedom. Syria is like a rose and doesn't deserve this ugliness from a monster.

Not once have We heard from You and your broken team Lot regarding Palestinian Freedom Issue who are in the world's largest open Prison by israel under constant threat to be eliminated exterminated murdered butchered slaughtered crimes against humanity committed by israelis against Palestinian in a visible Holocaust defying ICC-Geneva Convention-UN for the past 66 Years and to shorted atleast 42+ Years. While you and your team have all the attention towards a normal internal Syrian Affairs being politicize and internationalize.

How about all you Arabs Rise and Force israel and world to Free Palestine for what is left of the land, Is there any comparison of 66 Years of Palestinian Holocaust VS internal affairs of syria, where the frack were you people don't you see a Palestinian dies every day don't you remember more than a million Palestinians affected in just a decade and almost million eradicated vanished and only below 5Million Palestinian population only survives.

You shameful people have some shame while you keep playing recording of syrian killing but forget 66Years of Palestinians misery, why are you waiting on a messiah to come and fix the problems you incompetent people Rise the fk up and do something!..
Syria has full rights to defend its country from the brutal attacks of the Western nations. They reserve the rights of the repulsive attacks . The West shold stay away from the internal affairs of Syria.......:smokin:
Regardless of whatever is going on in a country no Nation has the right to invade-intrude-attack that specific nation under any pretext may it be suppression of local population. The definition is Internal Affairs neither west or GCC nations have any right to meddle into the internal affairs of syria this would be mean further aggregating and destabilizing syria. Where are GCC diplomatic Aces and champions who consider themselves political chess players when it comes to fixing world problems.

Correct way is heads of GCC Nations visit-contact Assad's regime and discuss the matter not turning their faces the opposite sides. For example the GCC nations are calling the west to meddle into syrian affairs or supposedly fix the problem but they don't give a hoot about Palestinian issue that is pending 42+/66 Years.
Oy vey....more zionist propaganda.

I just hope they're not going to try it, if they do, this means all out war. It's about time to stop those psychopaths-they stop at nothing, even attacking innocent civilians just to get their war.

Anyone who believes Assad would order such an attack needs to get his head examined. FSA would be behind it...I really hope they won't DARE!
May God help us get through this. I don't care what would happen to us as much as I care Syrian people get their freedom. Syria is like a rose and doesn't deserve this ugliness from a monster.
Hope Syrians get rid of Al Assad as soon as possible he and his father are the most brutal leaders in Arab World but if in the process Israel or even half of Israel also gets lost that will be great to watch
Didn't we go through this once before!?
Only last time the "bad guy" was Saddam.
Some people just can't wait to start a new war!
(Of course, THEY don't have to FIGHT -
They send their slave armies to do THAT!)
Not once have We heard from You and your broken team Lot regarding Palestinian Freedom Issue who are in the world's largest open Prison by israel under constant threat to be eliminated exterminated murdered butchered slaughtered crimes against humanity committed by israelis against Palestinian in a visible Holocaust defying ICC-Geneva Convention-UN for the past 66 Years and to shorted atleast 42+ Years. While you and your team have all the attention towards a normal internal Syrian Affairs being politicize and internationalize.

How about all you Arabs Rise and Force israel and world to Free Palestine for what is left of the land, Is there any comparison of 66 Years of Palestinian Holocaust VS internal affairs of syria, where the frack were you people don't you see a Palestinian dies every day don't you remember more than a million Palestinians affected in just a decade and almost million eradicated vanished and only below 5Million Palestinian population only survives.

You shameful people have some shame while you keep playing recording of syrian killing but forget 66Years of Palestinians misery, why are you waiting on a messiah to come and fix the problems you incompetent people Rise the fk up and do something!..

Syria has full rights to defend its country from the brutal attacks of the Western nations. They reserve the rights of the repulsive attacks . The West shold stay away from the internal affairs of Syria.......:smokin:

Regardless of whatever is going on in a country no Nation has the right to invade-intrude-attack that specific nation under any pretext may it be suppression of local population. The definition is Internal Affairs neither west or GCC nations have any right to meddle into the internal affairs of syria this would be mean further aggregating and destabilizing syria. Where are GCC diplomatic Aces and champions who consider themselves political chess players when it comes to fixing world problems.

Correct way is heads of GCC Nations visit-contact Assad's regime and discuss the matter not turning their faces the opposite sides. For example the GCC nations are calling the west to meddle into syrian affairs or supposedly fix the problem but they don't give a hoot about Palestinian issue that is pending 42+/66 Years.

And here are the crocodile tears over Palestine. Listen people, we know you very well. Your mates in this forum started just like this and ended up to be openly Zionists and pro-Israel. We were all over them refuting their baseless claims for too long untile they gave up and turned to be themselves. So, plz, spare us from this nonsense now.
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