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Israel: Turkey will pay the price


Feb 22, 2013
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Despite the fact that Israel apologized to Turkey over the Mavi Marmara incident some three months ago, Ankara has yet to fulfill any of the commitments it took upon itself as part of the reconciliation agreement brokered by US President Barack Obama, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Wednesday.

Senior Israeli officials who are familiar with the situation described Turkey's conduct as humiliating and disrespectful, adding that it exposes IDF soldiers and officers who took part in the 2010 raid on the Gaza-bound Turkish ship to lawsuits by the victims' families. Nine Turkish nationals were killed during the commando attack on the vessel.

As part of the reconciliation agreement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erodgan that Israel would compensate the victims' families and also substantially lift the restrictions on the transfer of goods to Gaza.

A statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office at the time said the countries agreed to normalize diplomatic relations, including an exchange of ambassadors. Erdogan, according to the statement, said Turkey would terminate all legal proceedings launched against IDF soldiers who were involved in the raid and would prevent similar legal action in the future.

However, following Netanyahu's apology, the Turks appeared to be in no hurry to fulfill their end of the deal. Israel agreed to pay $5 million in restitution, while Ankara demanded $40 million. During talks held over the past few days the Turks have expressed their agreement to receive $24 million from Israel, while the Israeli side raised its offer to $14 million - a regular Turkish bazaar.

And if this wasn't enough, the Turks announced they could not guarantee that IDF soldiers and officers who were involved in the raid, including former IDF Chief Lt.-Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi, would not be prosecuted, claiming that in Turkey the "executive branch cannot influence the judicial branch."

According to the Turks, Erdogan cannot act to stop the legal proceedings while anti-government protests are taking place because he does not want his constituents to view him as being pro-Israeli.

In light of Turkey's conduct, Israel is considering the possibility of exacting a diplomatic price from Ankara with the help of a pro-Israeli Congressman. "After they fed us smelly fish and ran us out of town, it's time that the Turks pay a price for their nasty behavior," a senior official said.

Source: Officials: Turkey humiliating Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
Turkish Source: Haber : ?srail'den tehdit: Türkiye bedel ödeyecek! haberi
Israelis think apology to Turkey ‘a mistake’

A large majority in Israel, 71 percent, believe it was a mistake to apologize to Turkey for the killing of nine Turkish nationals by Israeli soldiers when they boarded Mavi Marmara, a humanitarian aid ship bound for Gaza in May 2010, according to a recently conducted poll.

Professor Efraim Inbar, the director of the Begin-Sedat Center for Strategic Studies that commissioned the poll, said 55 percent of Israelis believe Turkey’s global and regional ambitions are behind the deterioration in relations. “Israel-bashing brings Turkey popularity inIran*and the Islamic world,” he said yesterday at a panel organized by Turkish Policy Quarterly and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

A total of 24 percent believe domestic reasons are the cause of the souring of relations, while only 8 percent attribute it to anti-Semitism, according to Inbar, who said the Israeli public analyzed Turkish-Israeli relations from a realpolitik lens.

The Israeli apology is irrelevant to the future of relations because as long as Turkey is not interested in having good relations with*Israel*not much will change, said Inbar.

Nimrod Gore, the chairman of Mitvim, the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, used more optimistic rhetoric, saying the Israeli apology had opened channels for dialogue. But he also said the lack of progress in normalizing ties has fueled skepticism among the Israeli public about Turkey’s willingness to reconcile with Israel. Negotiations are stuck on the issue of compensation, but the Israeli public needs to see some visible steps from Turkey to increase their trust in the reconciliation process. One such step could be the exchange of ambassadors, according to Goren.

Journalist Kadri Gürsel said “normal” normalization is no longer possible in the context of recent protests in Turkey. Recalling statements from Turkish officials accusing Jewish lobbies of being behind mass demonstrations in Turkey, Gürsel said progress in relations with*Israelwas difficult as it would contradict the government’s rhetoric.

The panel saw a heated debate when the Kurdish issue came to the agenda, as Inbar said the Israeli stance on that issue depended on Turkey. “We may decide to do things we have refrained from so far.”

When he was asked to clarify, he said preferred not to. He was compelled to elaborate, however, when he was criticized by a member of the audience who said his statement would be perceived by the Turkish public as support for the outlawed*Kurdistan Workers’ Party(PKK) and as such it was “idiotic” rhetoric and bad public diplomacy.

While Inbar responded by saying the*PKK*was considered a terror organization by Israel, he added that Turkey supported Hamas, which is an organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel. By supporting Hamas, Turkey is seen as a hostile country in the eyes of Israelis, who won’t turn the other cheek when they receive a slap to the face, according to Inbar.

Ohad Avidan-Kaynar, the Israeli deputy counsel general, said during the discussions that the statements of the panelists should not be taken as the official views of the Israeli state. He then left the room toward the end, when Inbar criticized the Palestinian position, likening it to*Nazipolicies, saying the Palestinians wanted a state without Jews.

Source: INTERNATIONAL - Israelis think apology to Turkey
MHP ? Who will ask them ?

AKP will stay for 10 -20 Years ,because Erdogan has actually his own Deep state ,if he goes he will handle anything from outside.
I mean even if AKP doesnt stay nothing will change between Israel and Turkey because CHP will never get a majority vote and so they would need AKP/MHP and both dont like Israel.
I mean even if AKP doesnt stay nothing will change between Israel and Turkey because CHP will never get a majority vote and so they would need AKP/MHP and both dont like Israel.

AKP has lost only 10 % and they will get this back in the next election.
Pakistani people love Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the AKP. I hope they stay in power forever and Turkey keep on becoming stronger and stronger under their stewardship.

I say Only wait for the Future ,but why we are talking again Political Issues here on Forum ? :D
Pakistani people love Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the AKP. I hope they stay in power forever and Turkey keep on becoming stronger and stronger under their stewardship.

Do you represent all pakistani people? Erdoğan is an elected pm; which means when people start to see his real face; they will kick him out of the power; at that time just invite him to your country and give him the key to act like a sultan. for he is happy only when he is in a middle east country or countries lilke the ones in the me; and i am sure you can guess why he is happy only in those countries; tell me what it is that is common in those countries?

btw i am sick of seeing such threads about israel; she is just a country; no need to act obsessively like some arabic countries. We have saved them a few times in our history; so we do not have any serious problems with them.
I dont really think so becaue the MHP also dont like Israel i think
Well, no political party in Turkey "likes" Israel in particular :D But I believe CHP should at least follow a relatively calm foreign policy.

Just because AKP got elected democraticly, doesn't mean they ruled by democratic means.
Demokratik yollarla seçilmek ve demokratik yollarla yönetmek farklı şeylerdir.
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