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Israel to unviel Merkava 4 Barak version in 3 years

AI and assaulting without sticking out your head: The new Merkava tank.

The upgrade the Merkava 4 Barack is going through is expected to finalize within 3 years and will include a smart computer, a special helmet capable of giving the inhabitants a peripheral view without exiting the tank, new sensors and touch screens.

"It will improve the firing accuracy", said IDF. The Armored Corps is also pleased with the rising motivation for enlistment.

IDF is unveiling its new Merkava tank: Merkava Mark 4 tank, which currently serves the active forces of the Armored Corps, in these months, is going through a series of upgrades, so that in 3 years the new tank will enter service - Merkava 4 Barack.

The new tank, developed by MANTAK, includes new technologies that will make it more lethal, faster, and better protected than the current Merkava 4.

  • The tank will include an AI system that uses a mission computer that combines all the tank's missions and data in a fusion of sensors, and work with the operational network. The mission computer will be responsible for receiving all the data from the operational network and the tank's own sensors and systems, analysis of the data and its presentation to the commander in accordance with the urgency and relevance of the data. "This way, the mission computer reduces the workload on the crewmen, improves their ability to trust the systems, and will increase the accuracy of location of targets, as well as the chances of hitting them", IDF explained.
  • "Other than the mission computer, the Barack will also have an improved gunner's sight and improved commander's sight."
  • The tank will include a series of sensors and innovative technologies such as the IronVision helmet, that aids the soldiers to initiate assaults in urban areas whilst keeping the hatches closed.
  • The sensors will be a significant part of the support of the operational network, that will inter-connect all land assets, that aids and will aid in closing the firing loops faster.
  • Operation of the tank will also undergo an unprecedented technological facelift. Through the use of new touch screens, the work space will be more suitable for the younger generation, easier and more comfortable to use.
  • With advanced defensive capabilities (Improvement of the Trophy system which intercepts ATGMs), and automation of processes, the tank will lower the burden on the crew, and direct them towards more urgent tasks.

Other than the new tank, the structure of the company will also change so that every company will receive a 10th tank and an additional officer for every company.

This will increase the share of tanks in the armored corps in which the TC is an officer.

The IDF explained that "This measure will enable greater effect on the battlefield on better flexibility in wider engagements, on the company level. This change comes from the understanding that the future battlefield will require more people with better qualification and understanding of the operational environment".

First Footage of IronVision Tests on Merkava 4

As a reminder, the Barak is planned to enter service in 2021, which is 3 years from now.
As I have written in the past in this blog: The Barak is a comprehensive upgrade to the Merkava 4M and will include anything from new logistically oriented technologies to reduce maintenance times and improve operation times, to brand new types of sensors and improved fire control systems. It is an upgrade that handles practically every aspect of the tank, but intentionally not too radical to avoid cost overruns.

Here is the full text from the IDF's website:
In order to improve the Armored Corps’ operational capabilities on the modern battlefield, the corps developed the Merkava Mark (Mk.) 4 Barak. This new addition will advance the Armored Corps’ operational capabilities and serve as an innovative weapon, changing the face of the battlefield. The tank’s new elements include artificial intelligence, updated sensors, and VR capabilities.The Merkava Mk. 4 Barak will be the first tank to have a smart mission computer that will manage the tanks’ tasks. This advanced artificial intelligence will reduce the team members’ workload and help them more accurately locate and strike targets.
"The advanced defense capabilities and the use of electronic means will prepare the combat soldiers to carry out missions according to the level of urgency," said a senior official from the Armored Corps. "Along with all this, additional logistical improvements will also be introduced that will enable the tank to carry out missions that are up to 30% longer than current ones."
Perhaps the most incredible advancement is that soldiers can learn how to use the tank via virtual reality (VR) simulation. As a part of The VR sessions will allow for soldiers to partake in real exercises at all times. This means that when soldiers need to use the Merkava Mk. 4 Barak they will be more prepared than ever before.
"The helmet is called Iron View, and it will allow the combat soldiers to see the outside environment from inside the combat vehicle,” said a senior official from the Armored Corps. “The sensors will allow the combat soldiers to operate the tank in a simple and advanced way, and will contribute to its defense - both physically and technologically.”
In 2018 alone, the Armored Corps struck approximately 30 different pieces of terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. The Armored Corps has played a significant and decisive role in every war that Israel has fought. Soldiers in the corps serve in a wide range of positions from those inside the tank to outside, accompanying tanks into battle. While their responsibilities may differ, the many of the corps’ soldiers work with the Merkava, which was developed in Israel in the 1970s. Since then, there have been many changes to the tank, including the recent addition of the Barak system, which will propel Israel’s ground capabilities into the future.

The new information we got in this article is that the operation time is prolonged by 30%. I don't know what exactly they are referring to here - More fuel, more efficient engine, or better batteries.
A hint can be found here. Li-ion batteries were said to be tested on the Merkava, but without any schedule. However the silent operation time was claimed to be 3 times as high as the current one, not 30% higher.

IDF Reveals Details on Merkava Mk 4 Barak
The new “smart tank” will include an innovative sensor system as well as AI and VR capabilities. “The new tank brings the Armored Corps a step forward in the operational arena, and constitutes an innovative weapon that will change the face of the combat on the ground”

IsraelDefense | 20/07/2018

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Photo: IDF

In order to improve the Armored Corps’ operational capabilities on the modern battlefield, the corps developed the Merkava Mark 4 Barak. The tank’s new elements include artificial intelligence, updated sensors, and VR capabilities.

“Israel has an Adir [F-35] in the sky and a Merkava-4 Barak on land,” Brig. Gen. Guy Hasson, Chief IDF Armored Corps Officer, said of the new tank, expected to be ready for trial runs in 2020.

The new tank is designed as a “smart tank” with dozens of sensors and a task computer that will present all information to both the crew inside the tank as well as the other tanks and vehicles present in the field. The advanced AI capability will reduce the team members’ workload and help them more accurately locate and strike targets.

“The advanced defense capabilities and the use of electronic means will prepare the combat soldiers to carry out missions according to the level of urgency,” said a senior official from the Armored Corps. “Along with all this, additional logistical improvements will also be introduced that will enable the tank to carry out missions that are up to 30% longer than current ones.”

The tank’s sensors, along with a 360-degree camera fitted outside the tank, will allow troops to remain in the tank at all times and a new smart helmet (Elbit Systems’ Iron Vision) will allow the commander of the tank to see exactly what happens outside the tank.

“The helmet will allow the combat soldiers to see the outside environment from inside the combat vehicle,” added the senior official. “The sensors will allow the combat soldiers to operate the tank in a simple and advanced way, and will contribute to its defense – both physically and technologically.”

The simplification and sharing of intelligence and information via C4I and the interoperability of all vehicles is crucial in order to identify the enemy and provide more precise and rapid fire closure, which allows the tank to eliminate the target before it disappears.

“The Armored Corps concludes a significant period of operational successes in various regions, which proves the relevance of the corps in protecting the security of the State of Israel and its civilians,” continued the senior official. “The new tank brings the Armored Corps a step forward in the operational arena, and constitutes an innovative weapon that will change the face of the combat on the ground.”

[Sources: IDF website, The Jerusalem Post]

IDF Reveals Details on Merkava Mk 4 Barak
The new “smart tank” will include an innovative sensor system as well as AI and VR capabilities. “The new tank brings the Armored Corps a step forward in the operational arena, and constitutes an innovative weapon that will change the face of the combat on the ground”

IsraelDefense | 20/07/2018

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Photo: IDF

In order to improve the Armored Corps’ operational capabilities on the modern battlefield, the corps developed the Merkava Mark 4 Barak. The tank’s new elements include artificial intelligence, updated sensors, and VR capabilities.

“Israel has an Adir [F-35] in the sky and a Merkava-4 Barak on land,” Brig. Gen. Guy Hasson, Chief IDF Armored Corps Officer, said of the new tank, expected to be ready for trial runs in 2020.

The new tank is designed as a “smart tank” with dozens of sensors and a task computer that will present all information to both the crew inside the tank as well as the other tanks and vehicles present in the field. The advanced AI capability will reduce the team members’ workload and help them more accurately locate and strike targets.

“The advanced defense capabilities and the use of electronic means will prepare the combat soldiers to carry out missions according to the level of urgency,” said a senior official from the Armored Corps. “Along with all this, additional logistical improvements will also be introduced that will enable the tank to carry out missions that are up to 30% longer than current ones.”

The tank’s sensors, along with a 360-degree camera fitted outside the tank, will allow troops to remain in the tank at all times and a new smart helmet (Elbit Systems’ Iron Vision) will allow the commander of the tank to see exactly what happens outside the tank.

“The helmet will allow the combat soldiers to see the outside environment from inside the combat vehicle,” added the senior official. “The sensors will allow the combat soldiers to operate the tank in a simple and advanced way, and will contribute to its defense – both physically and technologically.”

The simplification and sharing of intelligence and information via C4I and the interoperability of all vehicles is crucial in order to identify the enemy and provide more precise and rapid fire closure, which allows the tank to eliminate the target before it disappears.

“The Armored Corps concludes a significant period of operational successes in various regions, which proves the relevance of the corps in protecting the security of the State of Israel and its civilians,” continued the senior official. “The new tank brings the Armored Corps a step forward in the operational arena, and constitutes an innovative weapon that will change the face of the combat on the ground.”

[Sources: IDF website, The Jerusalem Post]


@DavidSling has Israel considering to replacing their Merkava 4s?
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