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Israel Suffered a Double Defeat

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Israel Suffered a Double Defeat

By Norman Finkelstein

November 22, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - - It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Israel has just suffered a historic defeat.

One only had to watch the international news coverage.

BBC persisted in its typically awful reportage on the Israel-Palestine conflict during Israel’s latest rampage.

But tonight it had to acknowledge that the people of Gaza were out in the streets celebrating.

It desperately sought some “balance” by positing that “some people in Israel are probably also celebrating.”

Fat chance.

CNN aired Christiane Amanpour’s “exclusive” interview with Khaled Meshal.

Despite, or perhaps because of, her silly histrionics (“What do you want?” she tearfully pleaded), Meshal came across as remarkably articulate.

It could not have failed to register even on the terrifyingly stupid Abu Mazen that the PA Comedy Hour will soon be cancelled.

Meshal also explicitly endorsed a settlement on the June 1967 border, which won’t please the BDS/One-State cultists.

CNN then televised the Israeli news conference of Netanyahu, Lieberman and Barak.

They looked like three sixth-graders called down to the Principal’s Office, counting the minutes until the humiliation was over.

Israel suffered a double defeat.

Its announced goal when it went into Gaza was to restore its “deterrence capacity.”

But at the end of the day its deterrence capacity had been drastically reduced:

The once mighty Israeli army that caused the whole Arab/Muslim world to tremble could not even defeat the impoverished and weaponless tiny enclave of Gaza.

Israel demanded an unconditional and unilateral secession of Hamas “rocket” attacks.

But Israel had to accept a mutual ceasefire. It also had to make promises regarding the siege of Gaza.

It is highly improbable that anything will come of these Israeli promises, but still, Israel could not unilaterally impose its will.

Let it, finally, be said:

In praise of the ever-martyred but ever-heroic and ever-renascent people of Gaza.

May they live to see the full brightness of dawn.

Norman Finkelstein: Israel Suffered a Double Defeat
Yes , they did. If math is not math then they certainly did. If this is defeat, then congrats on your victory. You should rejoice with what you have left...and that is what? Maybe your fav ICH website you paste articles from every-time can be your cheer leader

for those who are true friends of Palestine , they know that Arafat had the best chance he squandered and that Hamas has been a the sole reason for the stalemate in not getting a peaceful resolution.

But do enjoy your victory , the numbers shows it. the status quo shows it.( not)
Iron dome is a gamechanger. According to sources, Isael only needs 10-15 batteries to cover all of the country.
It currently has five. And not a whimper from Hazbollah, the Soviet tactic of showing no sympathy to terrorists has proven effective time and time again.
Hamas claims victory.

Israel claims victory.

Hence, they are both winners. It doesn't matter how others see you. What matters is how you see yourself :)

Run along now kids...
I have no idea how some brain-dead so-called reporters can fabricate such type of bullshxts???

I have no idea how Israel can be interpreted as the one defeated while Hamas can be interpreted as winners though being the ones bombed shxt out and axxes burned???

What a joke.

In Chinese, we have a famous saying by great author: Lu Xun: 精神胜利法 for Mr. Q.

Israel Suffered a Double Defeat

By Norman Finkelstein

November 22, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - - It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Israel has just suffered a historic defeat.

One only had to watch the international news coverage.

BBC persisted in its typically awful reportage on the Israel-Palestine conflict during Israel’s latest rampage.

But tonight it had to acknowledge that the people of Gaza were out in the streets celebrating.

It desperately sought some “balance” by positing that “some people in Israel are probably also celebrating.”

Fat chance.

CNN aired Christiane Amanpour’s “exclusive” interview with Khaled Meshal.

Despite, or perhaps because of, her silly histrionics (“What do you want?” she tearfully pleaded), Meshal came across as remarkably articulate.

It could not have failed to register even on the terrifyingly stupid Abu Mazen that the PA Comedy Hour will soon be cancelled.

Meshal also explicitly endorsed a settlement on the June 1967 border, which won’t please the BDS/One-State cultists.

CNN then televised the Israeli news conference of Netanyahu, Lieberman and Barak.

They looked like three sixth-graders called down to the Principal’s Office, counting the minutes until the humiliation was over.

Israel suffered a double defeat.

Its announced goal when it went into Gaza was to restore its “deterrence capacity.”

But at the end of the day its deterrence capacity had been drastically reduced:

The once mighty Israeli army that caused the whole Arab/Muslim world to tremble could not even defeat the impoverished and weaponless tiny enclave of Gaza.

Israel demanded an unconditional and unilateral secession of Hamas “rocket” attacks.

But Israel had to accept a mutual ceasefire. It also had to make promises regarding the siege of Gaza.

It is highly improbable that anything will come of these Israeli promises, but still, Israel could not unilaterally impose its will.

Let it, finally, be said:

In praise of the ever-martyred but ever-heroic and ever-renascent people of Gaza.

May they live to see the full brightness of dawn.

Norman Finkelstein: Israel Suffered a Double Defeat

The ones got bombed the shxt out and axxes burned could claimed to be the winners???

Is that a joke???

Hamas claims victory.

Israel claims victory.

Hence, they are both winners. It doesn't matter how others see you. What matters is how you see yourself :)

Run along now kids...
Israel killed the top leaders of Hamas. Destroyed lot of Hamas infrastructure.
Hamas destroyed a car garage and damaged a bus in Tel-aviv. This is a great victory for Hamas.
What did hamas achieve by firing rockets, if we know what the aims of both parties before entering the conflict, we can better judge the winner.
What I can gather, its just status quo again, with hamas forced into a ceasefire.
It is amazing to see Indians and one Chinese dude comparing the term "victory" in context of 'numbers' ? We lost in Vietnam , Soviet Union lost in Afghanistan--have you guys ever looked the "numbers" of these conflicts? :lol: Israel and Palestinian conflict can not be gauged in conventional military terms. I thought people were posting in a military forum? You guys should have known that already , no?

At the end of the day , people from both side lost.
So he is a brain-dead political scientist. There are so many so-called political scientists/analysts who are purely brain-dead. Their analyses are totally nonsense.

Norman Finkelstein is a political scientist.
Norman Finkelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You never know.....

Both sides suffers. However, those with hamas are way much closer to hell.

It is amazing to see Indians and one Chinese dude comparing the term "victory" in context of 'numbers' ? We lost in Vietnam , Soviet Union lost in Afghanistan--have you guys ever looked the "numbers" of these conflicts? :lol: Israel and Palestinian conflict can not be gauged in conventional military terms. I thought people were posting in a military forum? You guys should have know that already , no?

At the end of the day , people from both side lost.
It is amazing to see Indians and one Chinese dude comparing the term "victory" in context of 'numbers' ? We lost in Vietnam , Soviet Union lost in Afghanistan--have you guys ever looked the "numbers" of these conflicts? :lol: Israel and Palestinian conflict can not be gauged in conventional military terms. I thought people were posting in a military forum? You guys should have known that already , no?

At the end of the day , people from both side lost.

Fanboys tend to defy common sense and laws of Physics.
Well, enjoy the "victory" claimed by hamas. I think they have enjoyed such victories so many times from their flatten infrastructures and powerless houses.

Well, they can enjoy such pains for a long long time. I see no improvement for them at lest for the next decades, and probably for a much longer time and several generations as well.

And? Victory and defeat isn't defined by "pain" one side suffers,specially in context of Israel and Palestine.
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