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Israel shoots down its own drones?


Apr 3, 2011
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The terror drones, the US-Israeli unmanned fast aircrafts, are being used both Americans and the Jewish State's elites to kill Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Palestine. In fact Israel has “popularized drones" by attacking the besieged Palestinians as advertisement for potential customers for this massacre technique without incurring any causality on Zionist side.

The news that the Israeli Air Force shot down a drone after it crossed into southern Israel on Saturday makes one wonder why Israel should target its own drones. Israeli military obviously pretending to be the victims promptly said it remained unclear where the aircraft had come from.

The drone was, first spotted above the Mediterranean in the area of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip to the west of Israel, by military obviously belongs to Israel itself. And Israel is eager to blame, as usual, on Iran for its own misadventures.

Israel now claims that the drones was kept under surveillance and followed by Israeli air force jets before it was shot down above a forest in an unpopulated area near the border with the occupied West Bank. And they say it was shot down at about 10 a.m. (0700 GMT), after it travelled east some 35 miles across Israel's southern Negev desert.

With a view to make the conspiratorial gimmick look credible, the Israeli military released a 10-second video clip of what it said was Saturday's mid-air interception. In the video, a small, unidentified aircraft is seen moments before being destroyed by a missile fired from a fighter jet.

Military terror minister Ehud Barak, a former terror PM, praised the interception as "sharp and effective". "We view with great severity the attempt to compromise Israeli air space and will consider our response in due course," Barak said in a statement.

Israeli state terrorist gang, assisted by helicopters, were searching the area for the remains of the drone, which security sources said most likely did not originate from the Gaza Strip. Israel's Army Radio reported the drone was not carrying any explosives.

Israeli parliament member hawkish Miri Regev, a former chief spokesman of the military, said it was an "Iranian drone launched by Hezbollah", referring to the Lebanese Shi'ite group that fought a war with Israel in 2006. Military terror officials would not confirm Hezbollah's connection to the drone. On at least one occasion, Iranian-backed Hezbollah has launched a drone into Israel. And in 2010, an Israeli warplane shot down an apparently unmanned balloon in the Negev near the country's Dimona nuclear reactor.

The obvious question is why should Israel now resort to such cold tricks like shooing down its own drones?

Does Israel mock at CIA by imitating the Sept-11 hoax through a simple drone drama?

But why?

It is high time fascist Israel get out of West bank and Mideast as well!

Israel shoots down its own drones? : The Canadian National Newspaper
Nice source. I see that "Dr" Abdul Ruff has found a new abode:lol:
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