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Israel bars AESA radar export to India

Its highly impossible.. Usually technologies are the one which are denied..denying and asking for the equipment denial to a country which is on a larger scale like India is suicidal for US.

The issue of AESA will be a temporary one.. they cant hold us for long on this one. Wait for the Aeroshow, something will evolve during that time.

Agree on that point. One way or another ;). things will be back on track.

BTW, Benny; CONGRATS on the elevation. You have your FOC now!
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India's LCA AESA Radar Programme Detailed

Indian state-owned radar developer Electronics R&D Establishment (LRDE) is in the process of identifying a development partner (DP) for an indigenous AESA radar for future tranches of the Tejas and the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) and is likely to make a final decision shortly. The radar has begun development in the country. According to official updated material made available to LiveFist, the fully solid-state X-band radar is being developed with the following modes:

Air-to-Air: Multi-target detection and tracking / Multi target ACM (Air-to-Air combat mode) / High resolution raid assessment

Air-to-Ground: High Resolution mapping (SAR mode) / AGR – Air to Ground Ranging / RBM – Real Beam Mapping / DBS – Doppler Beam Sharpening / Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) / Ground Moving Target Tracking (GMTT) / Terrain Avoidance (TA)

Air-to-Sea: Sea search and multi target tracking / Range Signature (RS) / Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR)

As I've reported here before, the development partner that LRDE identifies will be responsible for "detailed design, development and realisation" of (a) antenna panel constisting of main antenna, guard antenna and sidelobe cancellation antenna, (b) transmit/receive modules/groups, (c) RF distribution network consisting of RF manifold/combiners, RF interface, (d) antenna/beam control chain consisting of T/R control and T/R group control, and (e) array calibration/BITE among other areas
i doubt thats the case. israel has a history of deny things in the media and fooling the world. We saw this before the six day war, when israel posted its soldiers enjoying the sun. next thing you know, YOM KIPPUR. besides if they can give india their phalcon awacs, i see no point in placing a bar on a decent radar. i mean, india provides them with a very big market


An Israeli radar has arrived in India, which when planted on the homegrown Light Combat Aircraft(LCA) will initiate the LCA project in full throttle weaponisation stage. Unspecified numbers of the Multimode Radar(MMR), made by Elta have arrived in Bangalore for integration with the LCA.:woot:

The MMR will finally be developed in joint collaboration with India entities and Elta of Israel. :yahoo:
The delay in the joint development of a homegrown MMR has delayed the LCA by as much as three years. It was only decided in May last year that the Elta MMR radar be brought to India to be incorporated on the LCA as the homegrown effort to develop the MMR by ADA caused delay. The homemade MMR was being developed by HAL and Electronics and Radar Development Laboratory (Bangalore) along with coordination from the Centre for Airborne Studies(CABS). :chilli:

In fact, the delay in MMR led to the testing of a weapon last year without the MMR using only a targeting pod. However, the weaponisation of LCA will commence once the Elta MMR is mounted on the LCA. :flame:

A prototype of the LCA last year fired a fire and forget R73 missile after reaching a height of 6.5 kilometers. LCA will test critical weapons said a senior scientist of ADA. Along with the weaponisation stage the LCA also enters the Flight Certification Stage. Foreign help is also being sought for the Flight Testing Stage.

Who knows what Radar inside the pot only pilot and engg can say it
No related posts.

Posted in Indian Air Force.

Tagged with light combat aircraft, MMR.
(9.1 billion / 14.2 trillion) * 100 = 0.006%:rofl::rofl: Oh stand back boy, this finical catastrophe is getting worse and worse lmao :lol:

how am I trolling? I'm saying wat loss this is :lol: and wat impending finical disaster I'm about to face:rofl::lol:

Alright. So you calculate everything with respect to a country's GDP now????? :lol:

When was the last time you opened your economics book??? if you ever did....:lol:
i see many INDIAN members frowning over yankees for this, but i would like to thank them for proving once again that they can never be a trust worthy ally or even friend. i am sure this will push the indigenous development even more helping INDIA stand on its own.

and i m sure IAF and MoD will now think thousand times before selecting American planes for MMRCA which will be most important plane for IAF In future, because everyone knows INDIA doesnt like to bend in front of pressure irrespective of where the pressure is coming from.
I think US wants India to buy APG 77 AESA radar(one of the most advanced AESA radar in the world) It has already offered it on it's F-18 super hornet which is participating in the MMRCA deal.
An Israeli radar has arrived in India, which when planted on the homegrown Light Combat Aircraft(LCA) will initiate the LCA project in full throttle weaponisation stage.
But its not aesa.
I think US wants India to buy APG 77 AESA radar(one of the most advanced AESA radar in the world) It has already offered it on it's F-18 super hornet which is participating in the MMRCA deal.

The one on F-18E/F is not APG-77 but APG-79.
APG-77 won't be offered to anyone.
One thing is sure now..Pretty soon we will be seeing our own AESA up and standing..Lets see if US can stop that..
(9.11 billion / 17 000 billion) * 100 = 0.005% :rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah real big loss! I think i'm going have to re-draw my investments out of Asia in event of this potential finical catastrophe. lmao :rofl::lol:

Or on second thoughts maybe we should cut our aid lines by 1/3 to avert this potential disaster! lmao

EDIT: I forgot to mention that Russia, Germany, UK and Europe is all bound to the United States and each other through NATO.

What a economic sense you have :bunny:... You dont know how 10+billion dollar will stir ones economy on a long term basis..
Bloody AMerican scum$ags.

Again, these creatures are poking their nose.

Really, giving MMRCA to Typhoon is the only way out to deny the Americans the money that they are so desperately seeking.

Yeah with an economy of trillions are desperate for 10 billion?:rofl:

P.S=I remember how u indians were crying how usa is ur pal and usa would support u in a war etc etc b.s!
Wat happened now? started abusin them?
High technology defence sales to bond U.S.-India Partnership

Wednesday, 12 January 2011, 12:10 IST

Washington: U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke vouched for U.S. fighter aircraft manufacturers saying that U.S. is a willing and capable defence partner. High Technology defense sales which included aerospace, specialized materials, information and communications technologies, electronics and flexible manufacturing systems were the key drive for the strategic partnership of India and U.S.

Locke, who would lead the trade mission to India from Feb 6-11, told Indian Ambassador Meera Shankar at a meeting here Tuesday that the U.S. government views high technology defence sales as a cornerstone of the U.S.-India strategic partnership.

Two U.S. planes, Lockheed Martin's F-16 and Boeing's F/A-18 are competing with Russian MiG-RAC's MiG-35, French Dassault's Rafale, Swedish Saab's Gripen and European consortium EADS' Eurofighter Typhoon for a $10 billion deal for 126 fighter aircraft for the Indian Air Force.

The tendering process for the 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA), initiated in August 2007, has entered its final phase after the IAF carried out the flight and weapons evaluation of the six competing aircraft for what has been described as the "mother of all deals".

Locke met Shankar to discuss bilateral trade and investment issues as he prepares to lead the high technology business development mission that will make stops in New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, the Commerce Department said.

Over 70 companies applied to participate in the U.S. mission in order to promote U.S. exports of high technology products and services in key economic sectors: civil-nuclear trade, defence and security, civil aviation, and information and communications technology.

U.S. exports of goods to India are up 15.2 percent through the first 10 months of 2010 and projected to surpass $19 billion for the entire year - an all-time high.

Advanced technologies, including aerospace, specialized materials, information and communications technologies, electronics and flexible manufacturing systems underpinned this growth, the department said.

Overall U.S. exports to India were $16.4 billion in 2009, making India the 17th largest export market. Exports to India through October 2010 reached approximately $16.1 billion.

High technology defence sales to bond U.S.-India Partnership - General news
Alright. So you calculate everything with respect to a country's GDP now????? :lol:

When was the last time you opened your economics book??? if you ever did....:lol:

I don't need to, my financial are in perfect order. :coffee:

Ok what would like to calculate it against? the US defence budget? larger than Indian economy lmao :rofl::rofl::lol:

(9.1 billion / 1.2 trillion) * 100 = 0.7%

But doesn't this comprise like 40% of your defence budget? lmao

I would suggest you make choices without considering grudges u hold, and end up with a watered down 3rd world export version of a typhoon. rofl :rofl:
(9.1 billion / 14.2 trillion) * 100 = 0.006%:rofl::rofl: Oh stand back boy, this finical catastrophe is getting worse and worse lmao :lol:

how am I trolling? I'm saying wat loss this is :lol: and wat impending finical disaster I'm about to face:rofl::lol:

Welcome Back Mahinda..Hope you survive more this time..
Yeah with an economy of trillions are desperate for 10 billion?:rofl:

Of course they are. Havent you been reading the news? All of them came to our shores last year, one by one.

P.S=I remember how u indians were crying how usa is ur pal and usa would support u in a war etc etc b.s!
Wat happened now? started abusin them?
Why are you so surprised? You guys have been doing the abusin and teh praisin for more than 3 decades now..!
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