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Israel at Defexpo 2012

Elbit system at Defexpo 2012

Fully integrated, modular artillery and air defense solutions, incorporating C4I systems
and platform upgrades. These highly flexible solutions allow for gradual and
multiphase implementation using existing infrastructure.

1. ATMOS - 155 mm, computerized autonomous truck mounted self-propelled howitzer


2. ATHOS - 155 mm autonomous towed howitzer system; operational efficiency combined with a highly versatile advanced towed gun concept.


3. Soltam Mortar Ammunition - 60mm, 81mm, and 120 mm, for quick response fire support at the platoon and company level for infantry or mechanized infantry.

Covering the entire spectrum of combat vehicles from complete modernizationand
training to maintenance depots and life-cycle support services, providing a full suite of
net-centric solutions to enhance combat effectiveness, lethality and survivability.
The following systems will be highlighted:

1. WIN BMS - Weapon-Integrated Battle Management System for advanced networked
integration of the entire sensor-to-shooter loop, and real-time coordination between
fighting vehicles

2. Laser Warning System (E-LAWS) - accurately detects categorizes and pinpoints laser
sources such as rangefinders, designators, beam riders, infrared illuminators and

3. Overhead Remote Controlled Weapon Stations (ORCWS) adaptable, effective and
field-proven range of ORCWS with dual-axis stabilization, providing a high first-round
hit probability while shielding the operator from danger.

4. Fire Control Systems (FCS) - accurate, modular reliable, battle-proven and adaptable
to a wide range of AFVs and tanks, featuring long-range, day and night, on-the-move
high first-round hit probability against moving targets. Systems range from simplified
FCS for one-man light turrets to high-performance hunter-killer FCS for front-line main
battle tanks (MBTs).

5. Appended Tank & ACV Crew Trainer - answers the need of enhanced training,
tailored to the specific platform. Based on data link technologies the combat vehicle
platforms simulator generates a comprehensive virtual environment for training as close
to reality as it gets

6. TANDIR™ - Advanced Threat Warning System for Combat Vehicles - a highly
effective and unique passive warning system that provides early and accurate alerts for
anti-tank threats, activation of onboard passive/active countermeasures, and enhanced
survivability of frontline combat vehicles – MBTs, AFVs and APCs.
While integrated with IR CENTRIC®, the system provides full situational awareness,
ultra-fast, high precision day and night detection of incoming threats, including a variety
of short range and short flame eject threats, such as anti-tank guided missiles, anti-tank
rockets, and small arms fire.

7. Ground Integrated Electronic Warfare Suite, comprised of Signal Intelligence
(SIGINT) capabilities and electronic countermeasures, handles Communication and
Non-communication advanced signals. The system includes cutting-edge technologies
in receiving, processing, jamming, and countermeasure techniques, enabling efficient
operation in future combat scenarios.

8. EW-SIGINT for Ground Applications are integrated, high-performance, modular
systems with cutting-edge receiving, signal processing and highly accurate DF
technologies - including Differential Time of Arrival (DTOA) and interferometer
techniques - providing real-time information. Operating in dense, demanding
electromagnetic environments, they include ESM, ELINT, and COMINT- DF systems.

9. EoShield – Vehicle Infra-red Countermeasure System (VIRCM) for protection
against Anti-Tank Ground Missiles - a "soft protection" system which disrupts second
generation anti-tank missiles and provides a 360-degree protection shield for a wide
variety of vehicular platforms.

10. Kinetics Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) for MBTs and AFVs, improves the crew’s
performance and safety by reducing fatigue and minimizing exposure to noise, heat and
vibrations. APU allows the vehicle to operate in silent mode while reducing the thermal
signature. It also supports the increased power demand for sophisticated electronic

11. Kinetics Life Support Systems (LSS) for AFVs and MBTs, includes chemical,
biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) protection and detection, as well as fire
suppression systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The LSS can be
powered by the platform engine or can be self-propelled when it includes an APU.

12. Kinetics Individual Crew and Equipment Cooling System (ICECS) for optimal crew
performance in extreme conditions. Available as a stand-alone system or as part of a
comprehensive Life Support System, ICECS is an ideal solution when cooling is
required for several crewmen in spite of open hatches or ramps.

13. Kinetics LSS: (Life Support Systems for MRAP / Piranha) - integrated systems
providing all or some of the following functions: Auxiliary Power, NBC Protection
Air-Conditioning, Heating and Ventilations, Dehumidification, Chemical and
Radioactive Detection, Fire and Explosion Suppression. All Kinetics' LSSs are tailored
to the specific requirements of the vehicle and the client, and many of these systems
are fielded on board of tracked and wheeled AFVs.

The following systems will be highlighted:

1. Infantry Combat Systems (DOMINATOR®)- An integrated infantry combat
system enabling full situational awareness from the infantry battalion level down to the
individual soldier. DOMINATOR dramatically shortens the sensor-to-shooter loop,
enhancing the combat effectiveness of the dismounted soldier.

2. LILY-S - an un-cooled Lightweight Short-range Thermal Weapon Sight (STWS) and
Monocular Camera for small arms (up to 7.62 mm caliber), comprised of a single Field
of View un-cooled thermal imager and a high resolution OLED display and viewer, all
housed in a ruggedized and sealed housing. The LILY - S, when mounted on light
weapons (like M4, AK-47 or Individual Weapon [IW] Steyr Special Purpose rifle), will
enable the weapon system user to detect, acquire and engage targets during day and
night and under adverse weather and atmospheric conditions.

3. CORAL-CR & Mini Atlas
Hand-held thermal imaging camera with targeting capabilities and precision electronic
goniometer for enhanced target acquisition. Provides real-time target acquisition and
target coordinate calculation as well as image and target data storage. For use by
infantry, scouts and special units, as well as for security and perimeter defense.

4. CORAL - Hand-held 3-5 µm FPA Thermal Imaging Camera
A high resolution hand held Dual FOV personal Thermal Imaging camera. It is
lightweight, easy to operate and provides excellent picture quality. The system’s
applications include infantry, scout and perimeter defense missions. It features
continuous X1 – X4 electronic zoom. CORAL was selected by the US Marine Corps as
their standard night binoculars. .

5. PLLD - a portable lightweight laser designation system for day/night laser designation to
stationary or moving targets, for all types of laser-guided munitions.
Suitable for CAS designation and ranging missions; FO operation; FAC missions.

6. COYOTE 54/54 - Uncooled medium-range thermal imaging scope – very light weight
high-performance uncooled medium-range thermal imaging scope. It uses thermal
detections to produce visible video images for reconnaissance and observation, under
dust, fog, smoke and night time conditions.

7. Long View CR – a versatile combined day/night system for very long-range
observation and target acquisition. Integrates a long-range zoom FLIR, day channel,
eye-safe laser rangefinder, GPS, magnetic compass, and mounted on a goniometer
(Mini Atlas).
For use by intelligence and surveillance units, special forces and reconnaissance

8. MARS, Reflex sight - a reticle reflex sight based on the state-of-the-art concept of
combining an innovative, high-precision reflex sight with a laser pointer .MARS
significantly enhances the operator's ability to quickly acquire and engage the target.

9. AIM Family Weapon mounted Laser Pointer Family - an advanced, battle-proven
laser-based aiming light designed to support high-precision instantaneous fire,
especially in unexpected scenarios. It enables high-aiming accuracy for quick-response
target hit, and “shooting from the hip” capability with an unobstructed field of view. AIM
is also very useful for surveying questionable terrain and signaling to allies.

10. COYOTE Pocket Scope (PS) - a very light weight high-performance un-cooled thermal
hand-held pocket scope that significantly boosts the war-fighter’s round-the-clock, allweather-condition capabilities. Whether hand-held or optionally weapon-mounted, the
COYOTE enables the war-fighter to see without being seen, as it doesn’t emit any light
or RF energy. The COYOTE is an Ideal solution for military and para-military forces and
can easily Interface with all existing peripheral equipment .

11. Mini N/Seas -a compact, monocular night vision system that offers high resolution and
a clear, bright image under adverse environmental conditions. The Mini N/SEAS’ unique
design enables the user’s unaided eye to converge to the device’s optical LOS without
losing depth perception and with significantly less eye fatigue.

12. Rattler™ G - Dismounted Miniature Coded Designator / Marker - a hand-held, manportable target designator/marker which rapidly enables combatants to bring effective
fire to bear on hostile targets. Its miniature SWaP facilitated by diode-pumped
technology, makes it body wearable and accessible for immediate tactical use.

13. MARS - an un-cooled, hand-held dual field of view FLIR thermal imager with target
acquisition capabilities. Featuring extremely light weight and compact dimensions, it
employs advanced un-cooled microbolometer technology. It incorporates an integral
eyesafe laser rangefinder, digital magnetic compass and GPS. All data is transferable to

An Advanced Covert Remote Reconnaissance and Targeting System
Designed for the use of intelligence, infantry and special forces units, Engager provides longrange intelligence gathering, targeting and laser-guided weapon capabilities in one compact
system. Developed especially for the modern battlefield's demands of "SWAP" (size, weight and
power), this unique system increases force survivability and safety by covert remote operation
day and night, meeting infantry and special forces mission profiles requirements.

15. Radar Systems: Foxtrack™- a man-portable, lightweight and compact Ground
Surveillance Radar System - can be carried by two operators – soldiers, special
operations forces, or security personnel. It functions in a tripod-mounted configuration or
installed onboard a vehicle. Foxtrack™ is designed to provide surveillance at medium to
long ranges (8 km for soldier and 15Km for small cars). Intended to identify both people
and vehicles, the system differentiates individuals and/or vehicles from their
surroundings, while identifying vehicle types by their characteristics .

A complete range of tactical radio, IP and satellite communications solutions that meet
the requirements of the individual soldier through to large systems required by HQ.
The following systems will be highlighted:

1. Tactical Communication System (TCS) - offering the most advanced, flexible
integrated communications systems for dispersed forces to quickly deploy data and
voice infrastructure and open communications arteries in the field.

2. MIPR – Military IP Radio - next generation tactical IP radio delivering high-speed
broadband data communications to the battlefield.

3. Tadiran GRX-4000 - the most advanced line-of-sight frequency hopping, multi-channel,
radio relay system in its class, providing full-band IV orthogonal fast frequency hopping
for simultaneous, interference-free communications.

4. BRO@DNET- the first fully-operational battle-proven broadband military wireless
communication infrastructure solution that integrates all echelons of military hierarchy
into a unified communication solution, offering the flexibility and reliability required for
any operational scenario.

5. Tadiran PNR 1000A - Personal Network Radio providing an on-the-move situational
awareness picture for deployed combat units, thus presenting a unique operational
edge on the battlefield.

6. Tadiran SDR-720 - Software-defined Radio that enables improved battle group C4I Tadiran SDR-720
functions through a range of unique capabilities. Housed in a single radio unit, it
provides soldiers and commanders with improved operational efficiency, using fewer
radios and lowering both cost and weight.

7. Tadiran SDR-7200 HH - flexible, powerful and lightweight software-defined Radio
redefining handheld tactical communications. Offering unprecedented ease of use, the
highly intuitive user-interface delivers the elegance and simplicity of today’s leading
commercial devices to the battlefield.

8. MSR-R - a military satellite router that is scalable in both performance and capability,
making it an optimal BLOS communication solution for all command levels.
The MSR-R is a robust VSAT solution for deployable and on the move arenas
Combining advanced VSAT capabilities with encryption, protocol acceleration and
optimization. The MSR-R has low power consumption together with the ruggedness
required for operation in difficult environments.


Elbit Systems’ UAS have earned international recognition and are playing increasingly
vital roles in the global war on terrorism. Military and homeland security forces
worldwide are benefiting from their sophisticated capabilities and onboard systems
which are taking on many of the complex challenges previously performed solely by
manned aircraft. Elbit Systems' extensive experience and innovative approach to all
aspects of UAV systems result in the outstanding operational solutions for Israel
Defense Forces and the UK MOD. In cooperation with Thales, Elbit Systems is
providing Hermes UAV systems for the U.K. WATCHKEEPER Tactical UAV program..
The following systems will be highlighted

1. Skylark I-LE- Man-portable High Performance Mini UAV- a revolutionary, electricallypropelled , highly covert UAV mini/man-pack or vehicle-based system providing
airborne (ISR) capabilities to lower tactical echelons, at battalion level and below.
Already operational with several armed forces worldwide, it supports open area as well
as urban warfare scenarios for war time, force protection, peace keeping, low intensity
conflict, law enforcement, security and disaster management applications. It will be
demonstrated on a mini launcher.

2. Hermes 900 Next Generation MALE UAS – featuring Over-the-horizon, persistent, multimission, multi-payload capabilities with class leading payload carrying capacity.

3. Hermes 450 High-performance Deployable, Multi-role Tactical UAS - a mature, reliable,
high capacity, long endurance, multi-role, multi-payload tactical UAS for versatile
missions over land or sea.

4. Hermes 90 Expeditionary High –performance, affordable tactical UAS – a runway
independent UAS for maneuvering forces, combining the performance of a tactical UAS
with the robustness and mobility of Mini UAS to provide maneuvering forces with highend sensor capabilities

5. Skylark II Tactical Close-range UAS - a close-range, silent, electrically-propelled tactical
UAV designed for day and night observation, data collection and target marking at
mission ranges exceeding 60 kilometers.

6. SIGINT Payloads for UAS - include Emerald AES-210V (ELINT) and SkyFix (COMINT)
systems, meeting the full range of SIGINT mission requirements. Lightweight and
modular, they detect, identify, and locate ground-based, airborne, and shipborne radars
and communication emitters, and are easily installed and remotely operated from a
ground control station.

Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV)
Drawing on world class know-how derived from generations of Unmanned Air Vehicle
(UAV) design, development and operation, Elbit Systems now offers unmanned surface
vehicles featuring autonomous navigation and position capabilities, cruise sensors and
stabilization systems to prevent capsizing. Designed for homeland security and coast
guard applications, the new USVs are also highly adaptable to naval combat ISR and
EW missions. The USVs are set to significantly enhance naval capabilities and play
important roles in a variety of naval missions.

1. Silver Marlin – a fast and agile, highly maneuverable medium-sized USV featuring
autonomous obstacle avoidance sensors and controls. Capable of carrying a wide
variety of payloads including Elbit Systems' Electro-optic naval payload and remotecontrolled stabilized weapon station, this USV features adaptive boat control to enhance
performance in rough conditions and at high speeds.

2. Micro CoMPASS™ - an extremely lightweight 8” electro optical payload for small
UAVs and other airborne, marine and ground platforms. It features a unique miniature
cooled continuous zoom FLIR, color TV camera, laser target illuminator and optional
eye-safe laser rangefinder.

3. ECM/ESM Suite for Naval Applications - The systems serve latest generation
frigates, corvettes, fast attack boats, and submarines - offering cutting-edge capabilities
such as: comprehensive frequency coverage, high DF accuracy, 100% intercept
probability, innovative signal processing and advanced coherent jamming, enabling
protection from simultaneous attack of multiple missiles fired from different directions.


Elbit Systems commands a broad range of core technologies, systems and products
that include mission computers, multifunction displays, and electro-optical payloads with
FLIR, CCD and Laser Range Finder / Laser Designator (LRF/D). Additional offerings
include advanced "Glass Cockpits", flight management systems and mission
management systems incorporating digital maps

1. ANVIS/HUD 24- the world's leading Day & Night Helmet Display System for head-out
flight. Available for both utility and attack helicopters, it is operational on 25 different
platforms and more than 6,500 helicopters worldwide. The upgraded system includes
advanced features, such as conformal 3D symbology (including DVE/LVL solutions),
color display and more.

2. ALL-in-SMALL™ - Complete Self-Protection Suite for Helicopters- a cutting-edge,
integrated EW Suite in one single LRU - with comprehensive, advanced, EW
capabilities – It is comprised of: EWC – EW Controller, RWR – Digital Radar Warning
Receiver, MWS – IR Missile Warning System, LWS - Advanced Laser Warning System
and CFD - Chaff/Flare Dispensing System. The system is very small in size and low
weight and has a modular and open architecture with multiple interface ability. The Suite
can be optimally integrated with DIRCM, due to its high range detection, high DF
accuracy and extremely fast hand-over from IR PAWS to DIRCM. All-in-Small™ can be
provided with IR Centric®, Multi Spectral Emitter Geo-location and Net Centric

3. IR-CENTRIC® - A Force Multiplier Solution for All Airborne Platforms- a
comprehensive and unique solution for total protection, equipped with IR MWS
(PAWS™) ushers in a new age in capabilities, making available now what all missions
will demand tomorrow.
IR-CENTRIC®, operationally proven with the IAF, supports and guarantees mission
achievement, platform protection and flight safety.

4. AMPS (Advanced Multi-Sensor Payload System) - optimized for a full-range of airborne
intelligence tasks, AMPS completes the cycle that starts with initial gathering of vital
intelligence and ends with Bomb Damage Assessment (BDA).

5. DCoMPASS the latest member of the CoMPASS™ family, combines the most
advanced digital electronics and networking technologies with high performance
capabilities. DCoMPASS introduces some of the market leading operational benefits,
exceptionally high resolution, digital imagery, precise target location using on gimbal
IMU, advanced tracking & image processing algorithms, all packed in the lightest single
LRU, stabilized payload in its class. DCoMPASS allows network IP operation via
digital Ethernet interface. DCoMPASS will be displayed at the booth of BEL.

6. MUSIC MUlti-Spectral Infrared Countermeasure systems
Laser Based DIRCM Systems for Protection of aircraft against MANPADS–
a highly effective Directed Infrared Countermeasure system (DIRCM) which provides
superior protection against multiple infrared missile threats to fixed and rotary-wing
airborne platforms, integrates industry leading fiber laser and thermal imaging
technologies to generate a high-power multispectral jamming signal to deflect shoulder
fired missiles (MANPADS) from their intended target.


Equipped with a solid understanding of asymmetric warfare challenges, Elbit
Systems is applying its multidisciplinary expertise to answer evolving homeland
security demands.Our proprietary systems and technologies provide outstanding
tools for a full range of homeland security challenges from perimeter security and
electro-optic surveillance, to SafeCity solutions, border control and intrusion
prevention for sensitive facilities, through unique cyber technologies.

1. Micom-3 Family- of software-based radios- field-proven, delivering long-range
radio communication in fixed and mobile configurations delivering unmatched, costeffective and reliable HF communication. The Micom family of transceivers has
delivered long-range wireless communication to thousands of organizations worldwide
for over 30 years.

2. Snapshield
Flexible secure communications solutions, offering the highest level of security
Snapshield’s secure managed communications solutions are trusted by the military,
governments, emergency services and enterprises worldwide. Designed to meet the
highest security standards and with its advanced management tools, Snapshield
provides a comprehensive voice, data and fax security solution across the full spectrum
of fixed line, wireless, satellite and newer IP-based networks. Snapshield’s solutions are
completely transparent to the end-user, deploying cutting-edge encryption technology
and supporting commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) telecommunications equipment and
mobile devices.

3. InterSKY BSR - a complete range of satellite routers for delivering state-of-the-art,
high-performance two-way IP satellite broadband services. Combining VSAT and IP
capabilities, with separate inbound and outbound connections to the InterSKY
4G SATCOM platform. The InterSKY BSR series provides a solution for corporate and
government offices of all sizes and supports a full range of applications.

4. BSR - a Cost effective and compact VSAT for SME’s that is scalable in both
performance and capability. The InterSKY® BSR-V features embedded VoIP client and
includes dual FXS ports.

5. BSR-PRO - a High performance, enabling coverage of both low and high-end
application requirements. Model BSR-Pro-V comes
equipped with embedded VoIP client and dual FXS ports.

http://www.elbitsystems.com/elbitmain/files/Def Expo_Exhibition_Highlights.pdf
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