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Israel and Non Arab Muslim countries

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So now you see this another thing that is common in you and some of your friends you wish to take God's role and start judging us??

God alone is judge of human beings , but the reality of any one see ur posts he is know what in ur mind , we r not like this stupid , maybe u r really sunni but ur heart with shia . .

thats not problem for me , but when i see u attack arabs and my country what do you expect from us ?
Look guys, he has invited me over then admonished me of being in a Pakistani national issue...

More rants. How am I on your backs? I have posted this thread. I have been polite and being responding to you but if you look at OP this was addressed to non Arab members. So will you please get off my back.

Forum members look at this bizzare behaviour, I start a thread specifically for non Arabs, I am polite in addressing them even when they come uninvited. Then this guy asks me to get off his back. Simply he would ignore my thread if he had any logic in him.

So you see he is on my back but cries that I am on his back. Similarly he and some of them make racist remarks and then accuse me of being racist.

Its funny really if you check my past posts I have been virulently anti Israeli in the past. Even in post 94 I think I tried to put a Palestinian perspective. Yet Ptex knowing this engages in dialogue with me to try to explain to me the Israeli position.

Compare Ptex informative posts on here which we do not have to agree with and BE posts constantly whining at me and others. I say we ignore this and invite some Palestinians to speak for themselves

Aryan_B said:
brother check


Please go check post 90 and make sure you comment. you will see what I was trying to do now:rofl:

Now, tell me, how am I supposed to deal with such mindsets?
God alone is judge of human beings , but the reality of any one see ur posts he is know what in ur thinking , we r not like this stupid , maybe u r really sunni but ur heart with shia . .

thats not problem for me , but when i see u attack arabs and my country what do you expect from us ?

I am a Muslim and I resent your attempt to define me and turn this into sectarian issue. I attack and will continue to attack corrupt regimes in the world whether they be Saudis or Pakistanis. You do what you can. sad thing is that it would be better for the causes you support for you to keep quite.

Someone once said its better that people think you are a fool than you open your mouth and confirm it, Now good night have a good think on what I said to you. If you want that is.

Look guys, he has invited me over then admonished me of being in a Pakistani national issue...

Now, tell me, how am I supposed to deal with such mindsets?

Lol. like I said I expected you to play this game. You have repeated it twice now and it still does little to add to your argument. Do you not understand that undermining me does not add on iota to the discussion or your position.
thank you. I an critical of the traitors we have in Islamabad that are called our leaders. I am also critical of Saudi leaders. I see no difference in their corrupt practices. I have to go now as it is late here but I look forward to more Palestinians coming and giving their point of view. I do not ask you to take any side but see how some like me who have in the past been anti Zionist have been forced by some Sauds and one Jordanian's taunts and insults and irrational position of being critical of Israel but at the same time supportive of their leaders who support Israel to look at what in the past has been blind loyalty to the Palestinian cause. A cause they have not served well.

Coming from a person who has been the hub of trashing Arabs and Muslims in PDF. The same person who tried to lead a campaign to recognize Israel among Pakistanis here.

I am a Muslim and I resent your attempt to define me and turn this into sectarian issue. I attack and will continue to attack corrupt regimes in the world whether they be Saudis or Pakistanis. You do what you can. sad thing is that it would be better for the causes you support for you to keep quite.

Someone once said its better that people think you are a fool than you open your mouth and confirm it, Now good night have a good think on what I said to you. If you want that is.

Lol. like I said I expected you to play this game. You have repeated it twice now and it still does little to add to your argument. Do you not understand that undermining me does not add on iota to the discussion or your position.

I don't know how to deal with you. :disagree: You are a bad actor, you invited me over then pretended to be a victim of me intruding over Pakistani internal issue! You lied. Don't you get it?
I am a Muslim and I resent your attempt to define me and turn this into sectarian issue. I attack and will continue to attack corrupt regimes in the world whether they be Saudis or Pakistanis. You do what you can. sad thing is that it would be better for the causes you support for you to keep quite.

Someone once said its better that people think you are a fool than you open your mouth and confirm it, Now good night have a good think on what I said to you. If you want that is.

Lol. like I said I expected you to play this game. You have repeated it twice now and it still does little to add to your argument. Do you not understand that undermining me does not add on iota to the discussion or your position.

dude don't play this game with me , if that real what u say about ur self , then why u don't open thread and talking about dictator syria Al-asad , or talk about IR what there doing in lebanon ?

u r trying to manipulate emotions and gain all threads show a bad view of arabs
. .

Coming from a person who has been the hub of trashing Arabs and Muslims in PDF. The same person who tried to lead a campaign to recognize Israel among Pakistanis here.

You and your mates comprehension skills and lack of education is preventing meaningful discussion. I want to discuss as clearly stated in my op what is in Pakistan's national interest. Your country and your leader ie Jordan have decided long ago to recognise Israel. This has not prevented you singing the praises of your leadership. Allow us the curtsy and rights that you have already exercised.

This is not called "credentials", this is hypocrisy at it's best. You are nothing to support Palestine or not. Who the hell cares about your little humble opinion? Arabs don't look at you man if they see you. Be grateful we give you some of our precious time. LOOK AT YOURSELF...

Yea yea we are really great-full now go get some sleep

Iran-B, Your not racist at all and You have never been. You are mistaken if you think we look at you as a Pakistani.

Does not matter what you think I am. I know what I am. Do you know who you are?

Iran-B, Your not racist at all and You have never been. You are mistaken if you think we look at you as a Pakistani.

Does not matter what you think I am. I know what I am. Do you know who you are?

dude don't play this game with me , if that real what u say about ur self , then why u don't open thread and talking about dictator syria Al-asad , or talk about IR what there doing in lebanon ?

u r trying to manipulate emotions and gain all threads show a bad view of arabs
. .


If the cap fits. Wear it
You and your mates comprehension skills and lack of education is preventing meaningful discussion. I want to discuss as clearly stated in my op what is in Pakistan's national interest. Your country and your leader ie Jordan have decided long ago to recognise Israel. This has not prevented you singing the praises of your leadership. Allow us the curtsy and rights that you have already exercised.

Yea yea we are really great-full now go get some sleep

Does not matter what you think I am. I know what I am. Do you know who you are?

Does not matter what you think I am. I know what I am. Do you know who you are?

Psychological projection at it's best here...:disagree:
Coming from a person who has been the hub of trashing Arabs and Muslims in PDF. The same person who tried to lead a campaign to recognize Israel among Pakistanis here.

I don't know how to deal with you. :disagree: You are a bad actor, you invited me over then pretended to be a victim of me intruding over Pakistani internal issue! You lied. Don't you get it?

Lets assume that I am a liar which I do not accept. How does add gravitas to your arguments. How can a Jordanian who sings praises of his King and a country who has recognised Israel come here and is upset that Pakistanis consider their national interest might be best served doing the same. Just discuss not even carry out the action??
Canaan, welcome back Sir.

Please could you advise or give us your opinion in that case what is the duty from an Islamic point of view of the public if the leaders of a Muslim country take it upon themselves to recognise the colonial entity or be complicit with it??

Should the people whose govts are complicit with the Zionist entity still praise and defend their leaderships? Because that is what all the Sauds and Jordanian on the forum do.

I have in the past been attacked viciously and called a racist by these same members for calling their leaders imbeciles and traitors

I also could not help but notice that you commented on the behaviour of a Pakistani but chose not to mention the behaviour evident on this thread of Arabs on here who have managed to alienate and convince one person who was pro Palestinian to be pro Zionist and others to actually question our support of Arabs and or Palestinians. IMO a great disservice to the Palestinian cause

I say this as someone who in the past has been virulently anti Zionist and who has put up threads here comparing Zionism Nazism and Hindutva and finding common ground in them.

You will also notice in contrast to Arabs comments from Israelis on here on this thread that they come over as rational and logic and who will without insulting without demanding without making abusive ad hominem attacks have made some what appear to be valid points.

Well that's because Hyperion was using the derogatory term A-Rab, which is the equivalent of Paaki or N!gger.
Lets assume that I am a liar which I do not accept. How does add gravitas to your arguments. How can a Jordanian who sings praises of his King and a country who has recognised Israel come here and is upset that Pakistanis consider their national interest might be best served doing the same. Just discuss not even carry out the action??

I don't care if Pakistan recognizes Israel or not. I was happy at first as you came out and started to be genuine. Because you were using Israel enimity as a banner whom Saudis are in bed with, so to make Saudi trashing looks like genuine for people here. Then you tried to get away with it. No, not this time. Anyway, I am really fed up with some who whine over not recognizing Israel for Arab sake, so I hope Pakistan recognizes Israel today before tomorrow. We are sick of this. We reconize it then why don't you do the same?

You invited me over then you were acting like I was an intruder, this was pathetic, how can I make this any easier for you to grasp?!
I was supportive of Pakistan recognising Israel but you turned this thread into Arab mudslinging contest under your sponsorship.

And Ironically, you were talking about comprehension skills and lack of education which are preventing meaningful discussion.

You have just given a new meaning to "comprehension skills".
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I'm against racism, including anti-Arab racism but let's be honest here. Some Arabs themselves can be pretty racist and ultra-nationalist too. Criticizing Arab governments and policies is taboo it seems. You are immediately deemed anti-Arab, even anti-Islam if you dare criticize their government.

Aryan-B and others who has been relentlessly ranting and bashing Arabs and Saudis in specific. Those have never been on Muslims side. By this thread, they proved that we are the right ones. I don't care who would recognize Israel. They took advantage of Israel enmity just like Iran to trash true Muslims. Now this is so over Iran-B, you have been exposed to all.

I love Iran. Because Iran is the only Muslim country that opposes western imperialism, unlike any Arab or non-Arab country.
Well, for one, will stating "israel has no right to exist" change the fact that it does exist and that too as a powerful and influential entity in the ME backed up by the most powerful and influential nations on earth?

We have to be a little realistic here. Closing our eyes to reality is not going to change things in our favor.

Yeah the israeli-Arab conflict is an issue that must be resolved, but majority Muslim leadership, Arab leadership to be precise, are concerned about Iran rather than the Palestinian Arab-israeli issue.

Pakistan's leadership, don't even get me started on them. Not sure how much other economically developed non-Arab Muslim countries (besides Turkey) like Indonesia or Malaysia are involved in Middle Eastern affairs.
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