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Islamists want Sharia state inside Bangladesh


May 10, 2010
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Islamists want Sharia state inside Bangladesh


by Special Correspondent
September 6, 2012
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A number of jihadist terror outfits comprising Lashkar-e-Toiba, Harkatul Jihad, Joish-e-Mohammed, Hizbut Towhid, Jamaatul Mujahin Bangladesh, Hizbut Tahrir, RSO, ARNO, Ibtada Tullah al-Muslemin [ITM], United Student Association of Arakan Movement, ASSF etc are conspiring to establish a Sharia estate within the eastern province in Bangladesh. With the target, these Jihadist terror outfits are intensifying activities within Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts, which are bordering areas of Myanmar [Burma]. According to intelligence reports, the Jihadists are planning to establish an independent Sharia state named 'Nuresia' with its territory expanded into Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts in Bangladesh and the entire Arakan Province in Myanmar. Captured members of 'Jamaat-e-Arakan' confessed to interrogators in Bangladesh that the plan of establishing independent 'Nuresia' state is getting "fullest support" from the Muslim population in Arakan province in Myanmar, as well as some of the Muslim nations in the world.

In a top secret report, one of the sensitive intelligence agencies in Bangladesh informed the government about the increased and doubtful movements of foreign nationals within Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts in Bangladesh. It said, people from Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Sudan as well as some other countries are visiting Cox's Bazar in a doubtful frequency in recent days. They distributed relief materials during the months of Ramadan among the residents of Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts in Bangladesh, while large volume of relief materials were smuggled to Arakan Province through cross-border trafficking network controlled by the Arakan Muslim militia groups and their Bangladeshi counterparts.

The intelligence report said, groups of people from Pakistan are visiting Hrila Madrassa within the Bangladesh-Myanmar border in Teknaf, most of who are arriving in Bangladesh with 'on arrival visa'. It also said that the Jihadist terror outfits are distributing a newspaper named 'At-Tahrid' within their targeted area of so-called 'Nuresia' Sharia state, which has recently published an interview of Pakistan based top aide of Osama Bin Laden. The Jihadists are giving motivation to the locals in waging war against "enemies of Islam" with the aim of establishing a separate 'Nuresia' state within South Asia. The Islamist militants are also recruiting locals from Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts in Bangladesh as well as Arakan Province in Myanmar and sending them for 'training' in Pakistani frontier, Jammu-Kashmir and Palestine. It is also learnt from intelligence report that, organizations such as Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood etc are providing secret fund to these Jihadist outfits, while Iranian regime is also extending patronization with weapons and fund. The entire activities of these Jihadists groups are reportedly controlled from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Libya, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and United Kingdom. Chief of Hizbut Towhid militancy group in Malaysia [Kuala Lumpur] is collecting millions of dollars from various individuals and organizations in the world, in the name of 'contribution to establishment of sovereign Nuresia'.

While Bangladeshi authorities are taking tougher measures in "combating the Jihadists" on the basis of the tips from the intelligence agency, some other sources told Weekly Blitz that the entire case of intelligence report and subsequent government actions were initiated to justify Dhaka's refusal in allowing the oppressed Muslims in Arakan Province in taking safe shelter inside Bangladesh. Dhaka's refusal in allowing the Muslims to take shelter had earned huge criticism in the West and the world, while US administration has particularly expressed serious dissatisfaction on such stand of Bangladesh.

The source further said that the entire draft of the intelligence report was planned by an intelligence agency of a neighboring country of Bangladesh to create sympathy of the West in favor of Bangladesh Awami League. Sensing fastest decline in popularity of the ruling party in Bangladesh, the intelligence agency of the neighboring nation has intensified presence of the members of its agency inside Bangladesh, and it is even learnt that the same intelligence agency is conspiring some 'major offensives' to prove Islamist notoriety in Bangladesh.

Seeking anonymity another highly placed source inside Bangladeshi intelligence said, they never heard of such 'Nuresia' state in the past and the entire story "must have been recently manufactured" by the intelligence agency of the neighboring country to divert the issued of series of failures of the ruling Bangladesh Awami League as well as high profile corruptions, with the ulterior motive of salvaging the ruling party from a possible nosedive in near future.
we should take over rakhain state

I am quite confident now this Nuresia project have been taken by bd to take over Arakan without blaming bd directly by using these islamists and also to warn Myanmar what can happen next. Good job. Nuresia or whatever that will remain part of Bangladesh including Arakan.
Grossly exaggerated! NGO based on islamic countries which are working there have no connection with Terrorism and are renowned organisations. Their only fault is they are secretly providing foods and other goods ignoring Govt. order! Officially our border is closed. But the truth is everyday many Rohingyas are arriving in Takenaf!

And about terrorism! That was expected! Govt. failed to represent a muslim country, i was not suprised when i heard that, Jamayatul Arakan was formed with the purpose of freeing Arakan and They are attracting Bangladeshi youths!

Its alarming that they have already started training with weapons. If Bangladesh becomes unstable its only present Govt. to blame for not responding to Rohingya call leading Bangladeshi youths to extremism!
Nuresia Sharia state is the brain child of Indian intelligence agencies. Rohingyas have proved themselves unqualified for a fighting. While all other tribal groups in Burma are fighting for independence or autonomy, only the uneducated Arabic learning Rohingyas cannot fighting. They are waiting for a divine intervention that will never come up.
Nuresia Sharia state is the brain child of Indian intelligence agencies. Rohingyas have proved themselves unqualified for a fighting. While all other tribal groups in Burma are fighting for independence or autonomy, only the uneducated Arabic learning Rohingyas cannot fighting. They are waiting for a divine intervention that will never come up.

These idiots should not had made Rakhaine as their enemy. They should had fought along with Rakhaine for a independent Arakan where their rights will be respected as equal minority citizen.

Even you stop cheerleading for China, this won't gonna happen. :cheesy::cheesy:

I think Assam is more resourceful than Arakan and the plan working pretty good there.
bro first they take care of small minority bodo forget whole asaam .bangladeshi were daily killed by small bodo minority .:coffee:

Collateral damage was part of the game plan. Stay tuned.
I think Assam is more resourceful than Arakan and the plan working pretty good there.
once i watched on discovery channel a documentary showing how resource rich oceans and man will go to sea in search of resources.Allah is meherbaan on BD's that he is sending the sea to them itself.So I'm sure BDs will adapt to their new watery environment and evolve into sea mammals.

Allah meherbaan to gadha pahalwan :D
These idiots should not had made Rakhaine as their enemy. They should had fought along with Rakhaine for a independent Arakan where their rights will be respected as equal minority citizen.

I think Assam is more resourceful than Arakan and the plan working pretty good there.

I think you already got sufficient reply for your troll but an important question how will Bangladesh make Rakhine independent when lots of countries in the region has interest associated in Myanmar, Myanmar being an important regional economic hub and transit.
Finally Bangladesh following on the footsteps of its master 'Pakistan'!!!

Go Bangladesh Go !!
I think you already got sufficient reply for your troll but an important question how will Bangladesh make Rakhine independent when lots of countries in the region has interest associated in Myanmar, Myanmar being an important regional economic hub and transit.
BDs think that with there 150 million population they can overwhelm 1.22 billion indians.If india empties only 2 states of its like UP and bihar then with in a day bengalis will be minorities in their own land.Then bihari razkaras living in bangladesh under bengalifear will get some respite from there 10 crore bihari brethren coming to bangladeshi land............:woot:
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