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Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller

so you didn't watch that interview of the lovely journalist, lizzie phelan. :(
She is lying through her teeth seriously i have watched tons of videos of migs bombing civilian locations
Even, let us assume, that she is buddy buddy with rebels...but does it justify raping her repeatedly or making a slave out of her or marrying her forcefully or torturing her. And the worst part is it is done by people who claim to be the caliphate of Islam.

No it does not. But certainly her fate does not justify what she was doing there in the first place EITHER.

And please do not bring Islam and Caliphate to this.

This is all an British American project and has nothing to do with Islam. It did not have anything to do with Islam when British put Takfiris in charge of Mecca and Medina and have protected them till date. It has nothing to do with Islam when British created Deobandism in India. Neither it had anything to do with Islam when American were creating terror in Afghanistan to hurt Soviet Union. Nor it has anything to do with Islam when Americans were creating, supporting, funding and training rebels in Syria in order to bring down a legitimate government.

I asked you a question and you did not reply. If she was doing the same in India, what would have been your attitude to her? This is the question for you to ponder.
She is lying through her teeth seriously i have watched tons of videos of migs bombing civilian locations

Pakistan Air Force is also bombing the very civilian areas you are talking about. Pakistan Air Force has leveled whole towns and villages in North West of the country named Pakistan.

Some times it is necessary to do this, in order to remove the cancer. The cancer of Takfirism.
No it does not. But certainly her fate does not justify what she was doing there in the first place EITHER.

And please do not bring Islam and Caliphate to this.

This is all an British American project and has nothing to do with Islam. It did not have anything to do with Islam when British put Takfiris in charge of Mecca and Medina and have protected them till date. It has nothing to do with Islam when British created Deobandism in India. Neither it had anything to do with Islam when American were creating terror in Afghanistan to hurt Soviet Union. Nor it has anything to do with Islam when Americans were creating, supporting, funding and training rebels in Syria in order to bring down a legitimate government.

I asked you a question and you did not reply. If she was doing the same in India, what would have been your attitude to her? This is the question for you to ponder.

She is lying through her teeth seriously i have watched tons of videos of migs bombing civilian locations

great reply by daneshmand above... and how do you know those migs were bombing syrian innocent civilians??
supports syrian rebels, end up as caliph abu bark's sex slave and dies in a US airstrike.. sounds like a case of bad karma.
and how do you know those migs were bombing syrian innocent civilians??

Through propaganda. If PAF or IAF or PLAAF do it then it is all ok and justified. But if Ghaddafi or Assad do it, then it is not. This is hypocrisy. Look what they did with Libya. That country was much better with Ghaddafi in charge than now.

Now the propaganda machine has abit cooled down. But from 2011 to 2014, a daily huge dose of propaganda against the legitimate government of Syria was being disseminated. The kind of propaganda that caused tens of thousands of Sunnis living in Europe to go to Syria and join rebels and become Isis. The kind of propaganda that caused this girl to go to Syria and patch the wounds of rebels. The kind of propaganda that Syrian government is evil and the rebels are angels.

Now we know the truth. These are the facts that must be kept in mind. Unfortunately people have such a short memory span.
Unfortunately people have such a short memory span.

yes, that is a sad fact of especially modern life when people don't bother to look beyond what is fed to them by the mainstream media because they want to get busy with their cell phones and such like.

truth can be found even by googling but citizens of most societies are not politically involved/trained so they don't know the keywords to put into google and end up accepting what their nato-connected government gives them.
great reply by daneshmand above... and how do you know those migs were bombing syrian innocent civilians??
Well i saw many raw footages of migs bombing buildings and those buildings were apartment blocks
Well i saw many raw footages of migs bombing buildings and those buildings were apartment blocks

and i saw once in that hell-hole thread, "syrian civil war" ( what a name :lol: ), a vid showing the "democracy-bringing rebels" firing a "hell cannon" shell into a apartment building where some army soldiers or militia might have been present.

see, when this international war started in 2011, there was one well known incident which many may have chosen to forget... there was one sniper in a building in i think damascus shooting randomly at civilians... he was soon caught by civilians and giving a beating... at first, people thought he might be israeli or a american mercenary, and then i think he turned out to be a turk.

@Daneshmand , do you remember that??


@fakhre mirpur

there is the anna news agency ( abkhazian network news agency ) - russian language - whose reporters have been in syria since 2012 at least and they roam with the syrian army and broadcast the real truth.

below is a anna reporter shot by the fsa "moderate rebels"...


below is a anna footage from a syrian army tank as it patrols darraya city and engages in battle...


in 2012, maya nasser, a syrian reporter for press tv and going about with syrian army, was purposely targeted by fsa or one of those terrorist groups because he showed the truth that bbc, al-jazeera etc wanted to hide.
Only her boyfriend who was captured with her and then released knows what really went down up until their kidnapping.

There were rumors that she was 'sold' to IS by rebels accompanying her in a deal between 2 sides, of course I don't think we'll ever get to know the reality of what happened.

and i saw once in that hell-hole thread, "syrian civil war" ( what a name :lol: ), a vid showing the "democracy-bringing rebels" firing a "hell cannon" shell into a apartment building where some army soldiers or militia might have been present.

see, when this international war started in 2011, there was one well known incident which many may have chosen to forget... there was one sniper in a building in i think damascus shooting randomly at civilians... he was soon caught by civilians and giving a beating... at first, people thought he might be israeli or a american mercenary, and then i think he turned out to be a turk.

@Daneshmand , do you remember that??


@fakhre mirpur

there is the anna news agency ( abkhazian network news agency ) - russian language - whose reporters have been in syria since 2012 at least and they roam with the syrian army and broadcast the real truth.

below is a anna reporter shot by the fsa "moderate rebels"...


below is a anna footage from a syrian army tank as it patrols darraya city and engages in battle...


in 2012, maya nasser, a syrian reporter for press tv and going about with syrian army, was purposely targeted by fsa or one of those terrorist groups because he showed the truth that bbc, al-jazeera etc wanted to hide.

First video might get you banned.
@Daneshmand , do you remember that??.

Sorry I do not know about this specific incident. But let's not forget the over all statistics. The thing is, there is no excuse whatsoever to bring down a legitimate government and replace it with terror. Syrian government has to do what it has to do. If Taliban is bad to take over Islamabad and this gives Pakistani military excuse to bomb the hell out of areas in Pakistan, then the same is true for Syria.
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