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Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller


May 7, 2013
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United Kingdom

Kayla Mueller's death was announced in February this year

An American aid worker who was killed in February while held hostage by Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria, was sexually abused by the group's top leader, US officials tell ABC news.

Kayla Mueller, 26, was repeatedly raped by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, they said.

Counterterrorism officials made her family aware of the abuse in June.

Mueller was abducted while working in Aleppo, Syria, in 2013. IS said she was killed in a Jordanian air strike, but the US blames IS for her death.

"We were told Kayla was tortured, that she was the property of Baghdadi. We were told that in June by the government," her parents, Carl and Marsha, told ABC News.

Baghdadi personally took the humanitarian aid worker to the home of another senior IS member - Abu Sayyaf - who was in charge of IS oil and gas until his death in a US special forces operation in May, ABC news, citing US officials, reports.

US special forces raid
The channel said he regularly visited the compound where she was being held and repeatedly assaulted her.

Officials said they had obtained information about the abuse from at least two teenage Yazidi girls who were held hostage as sex slaves and found inside the Sayyaf compound at the time of the US attack.


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly took Mueller as a "wife"

Mueller was reportedly held for some time by Sayyaf and his wife, Umm Sayyaf, who was also captured by US special forces in May.

At the time, the Pentagon said Umm was suspected of being an IS member and of being complicit in the enslavement of a young Yazidi woman who was rescued in the raid.

Hundreds of young women and girls - many of them Yazidis captured in northern Iraq - are believed to be held as sex slaves by IS militants in areas under their control.

The Yazidi girls provided intelligence used by the US to interrogate Sayyaf's wife, who "spilled everything" about several IS leaders and their whereabouts, a counterterrorism official told ABC.

Umm Sayyaf was handed over to the Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq last week to face trial.

The information that has come to light appears to contradict speculation that Mueller was treated well in captivity, as a letter written in 2014 and smuggled out to her family implied.

In it, Mueller tried to reassure her family, saying that she had been treated with "utmost respect + kindness".

The humanitarian aid worker from Prescott, Arizona, travelled to the Turkey-Syria border in 2012 to work with refugees.

Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller - BBC News
why don't they just nuke the city he's in?

That would be the final solution but I guess he moves around a lot, besides what if they nuke the wrong city. I can bet this dumb bastard uses civilians as human shield, not forgetting he also has more sex slaves with himself. I really wish he gets caught alive by Iraqi army or Shia Militia and what they do next with him should be posted online.
She shouldn't have visited that country. It was totally stupid on her part. Anyways it is very painful to read what happened with her. RIP. :(
She shouldn't have visited that country. It was totally stupid on her part. Anyways it is very painful to read what happened with her. RIP. :(

russian language journalists are in syria ( some from anna news agency ) and they broadcast the real truth, from under protection of the syrian army... in fact, they go into war zones.

this is a recording from a syrian army tank patrolling darayya city and battle... you can see what this war has destroyed...


i hope this will not get me banned...

(( Syria: Journalists of 'ANNA News Agency' targeted by FSA's Terrorist Snipers: driver killed - YouTube ))
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Hope the kurds or iraqi militia capture him alive & than hand him over to
Syrians army who are known for their torture techniques .. Not supprtive of the syrian regime but this pig deserves to be dealth by animals of his kind
I can understand the help part. But still. Visiting an area where these beasts are present is a totally stupid idea.

Well lets hope others will learn a lesson here, she had good intentions and I pray that her soul rests in peace after going through so much.

If the people there want to chop others heads off over sectarianism then that place is not for a foreigner.
Hope the kurds or iraqi militia capture him alive & than hand him over to
Syrians army who are known for their torture techniques .. Not supprtive of the syrian regime but this pig deserves to be dealth by animals of his kind

More then likely he would end up getting killed in an air strike but yeah I really do hope he is captured alive by Iraqi army, trust me they would know what to do with this scum. it would be million times better if the Kurds get their hand on this piece of turd though.
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