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Islamic-Christian Commission warns of fake Jewish history imposed on the Te


Dec 15, 2011
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Islamic-Christian Commission warns of fake Jewish history imposed on the Temple Mount

Thursday, 16 August 2012 15:15

The Islamic-Christian Commission in Support of Jerusalem and the Holy Sites has warned that the Israeli occupation authorities are working to impose a false Jewish history in the occupied city, especially on the area known to Jews as the Temple Mount. The Commission called for a firm refutation of the fake history and warned of new Judaisation projects in the Umayyad palaces, the Magharba Gate and Silwan.

The Commission pointed out that the occupation authorities not only dig tunnels in the archaeological areas to search for relics of their temple in Jerusalem, but are also working to impose a Jewish history on these areas to prove Israel's rights in the Holy Land. Israeli excavations and claims about the existence of the remains of an entire Jewish city are plans brought into reality drafted by Jewish extremists."The excavations under the Umayyad palaces to the south of Al-Aqsa Mosque now connect the bottom of Jerusalem's walls, behind the southern wall of the blessed mosque,"noted the Commission in a press statement.

It added that the Israeli occupation, headed by the Jerusalem municipality and the Antiquities Authority, is preparing a large project targeting the Noble Sanctuary of Al-Aqsa. According to the plans, Israel will change the features of Al-Aqsa Mosque and impose a Jewish character on it,"in a preliminary step to achieve the goal of Judaising Al-Aqsa Mosque and establishing a Temple".

According to the Islamic-Christian group, the two regions of the Umayyad palaces and Silwan will remain an integral part of Occupied East Jerusalem. The Commission called on Israel "as an occupying power"to adhere to its obligations under international humanitarian law, which imply that it must preserve archaeological sites and refrain from making any changes to Jerusalem's historic landmarks.

Reporting from Jerusalem, Judea not ...
Islamic-Christian Commission warns of fake Jewish history imposed on the Temple Mount
since jew religion is older than other two so among the three claimaint jew have better case.
Well, Jews wanna reconstruct the Solomon's Temple again & they believe by doing this we could rule the World again as it was ruled at the time of Prophet Davud/David (AS) & Prophet Suleyman/Solomon (AS). LOL!

They better show some good behaviour & win people hearts instead of making occupation & ruling them.

Anyway, what else could we expect from them as Anti-Christ/Dajjal would be followed by 30, 000 Jews at first.
Nope Athrolipiticus Africanus...And 160,000 years of existence in South africa. The oldest people are san people. Their genes leads them to other primares..

And what's the proof that they were present on Earth 160, 000 years ago?
And what's the proof that they were present on Earth 160, 000 years ago?

Genetics. All humans have something called haplogene. It tells things like R1a or E1b1b or J1 etc. All these are codes for migration pattern of Humans..99% of all humans came from the east african rift valley. BTW non africans have 4% Homo Neandethal

Yes! This is why we are called BELIEVER

Well then grow up and accept reality. If a lord in the sky existed he would care less about feuds of 7th century arabia..
Genetics. All humans have something called haplogene. It tells things like R1a or E1b1b or J1 etc. All these are codes for migration pattern of Humans..99% of all humans came from the east african rift valley. BTW non africans have 4% Homo Neandethal

So you were monkey before. Nice to know that :D
Now, how do you feel while being with us?
They seem to "forget" that Judaism is the source of all Abrahamic religions.

What is judaism?:lol: Prophet Moses (pbuh) never even heard such a word in his lifetime. HE was sent to the original people of Israel by Allah(SWT) to give the message of ISLAM, the same message that prophets previous to him had been sent with. ISLAM is there since the beginning of time with prophet Muhammad (pbuh) being the final of the prophets to bring the message in its complete from for the whole of mankind , which was an act of mercy by Allah(swt) on the whole of mankind.

You are an european jew I suppose. SO you being ignorant is obvious. People of israel just corrupted the message of Moses (pbuh) and turned it into what they now call judaism , same is the case with Christianity.
Genetics. All humans have something called haplogene. It tells things like R1a or E1b1b or J1 etc. All these are codes for migration pattern of Humans..99% of all humans came from the east african rift valley. BTW non africans have 4% Homo Neandethal

Well then grow up and accept reality. If a lord in the sky existed he would care less about feuds of 7th century arabia..

So you do believe Human came from Sea?? Eyes were created by nature?? Nature??? our blood ph is 7.4 anything less or more would be disaster, was decided by nature??? Infidel, Grow up!!
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