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ISI vs the CIA - Tensions and Mistrust Rise


Apr 24, 2007
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How the CIA lost in Pakistan

Posted on 22 March 2011.

The day the war in Afghanistan same to stop was the day the earth stood still. The Non-cooperation of Pakistan in the war in Afghanistan was not only felt in Washington but also in Moscow, Delhi and London. The prominence given to Mr. Saeed on Kashmir liberation day shook the arrogance and hubris of the Superpower that wants to exit Afghanistan.

Diplomats in Delhi were in disarray. Those in Europeans capitals wondered where it was headed. All wanted it to end. For about two months the war in Afghanistan was frozen, held hostage to the fate of “Raymond Davis’ and the CIAs efforts to extricate him from the gallows.

Diplomats around the world and and analysts in Langley were concerned that Pakistan’s non-cooperation in the American war in Afghanistan could lead to trouble in the region if CIA haters were given more freedom to move.

America got a bit worried when the smoke signals from Islamabad grew blacker and the skies became more ominous. Concerns grew when ISI chief Pasha sent a message of silence to the CIA. All joint spy operations were suspended. The flow of information from spies to spies was reduced to a trickle. Even the Pakistan Ambassador to Washington (divisively labeled the US Ambassador to Pakistan) Hussain Haqqani was asked to send a message that the era of unstinting and open intelligence sharing with foreign agencies in Pakistan was over. General Kayano also sent the same message that foreign operatives would not longer enjoy unfettered access to the Pakistani countryside.

The Pakistani government has turned a new leaf and had grown a conscience. Either that or it was livid with anger at the indiscretions of the CIA. The Pakistani spy agency had already started a 24/7 “counter-intelligence operation” on all Western diplomats. Mercenaries belonging to outfits like Blackwater/Xe were deeply affected by Pakistani spies who were ordered to follow them around and essentially let them know that they were wanted. Typical anti-spy operations were initiated to harass the CIA operatives who were running amok all over the country. Kids on bikes, and officials on vehicles trailed them on this missions. The round the clock surveillance had been limited to Bharati, Russian and Afghan diplomats. Now it was extended to all European and American diplomats.

In the post 9/11 world the US and Pakistan had agreed to share intelligence. The tree of suspicion grew and grew. The US suspected the Pakistanis of running operations without their knowledge and the Pakistanis knew that the CIA had established its own offices and was not being honest with Islamabad. During the chaos of a new government in Islamabad, right after the fall of Musharraf’s governemnt in 2008, the CIA saw a colossal opportunity and began spreading its tentacles into Pakistan. Xe mercenaries hired local Pakistanis, and began hiding out in safe houses in posh US localities. The boisterous hooliganism of the private contractors led to several scuffles in crowded places in the larger metros of Pakistan. However each time this happened, the contractors were rescued by the the US Embassy. The US operatives were running independent rogue operations which kept on growing. Nothing seemed to be off limits to the contractors.

This modus operandi (MO) was a breach of trust and the Pakistanis were deeply chagrined. First they released the news about ht eoperatives to the newspapers, and the media, then they sent subtle messages to Washington. None of it registered. The US tin ear didn’t quiet get it. They didn’t see it as a direct intervention in Pakistan.

The alarm bells had gone off. The Army had sent the messages to the PPP government. The was sending warnings to the Prime Minister and to the COAS. In 2009, after the PPP government had steadied its legs a bit, Islamabad started to react. It began slowly at first and even then in a very cautious matter. First it held back diplomatic visas to hundreds of Americans who were posing as staff-members of the US Embassy. Then the reaction became more feverish, and a very serous and concerted counter-intelligence operation was started.

Things came to a head when “Raymond Davis” over-reacted to him being followed and murdered his followers in cold blood. The discovery of pictures, the links to the TTP, and the presence of the GPS tracking system opened the eyes of the most skeptical in the Pakistani establishment. The PPP was not unaffected the vents. A groundswell of opposition to the US indiscretions were bubbling up through the rank and file. Once the Davis affair exploded, Islamabad clearly told the Americans that the CIA’s presence in Pakistan would have to be severly curtailed and henceforth it would have to be limited administrative chores only. CIA personnel would have to be restricted to the consulates and embassies. They would be free to write reports on Pakistan. Pakistan informed them that all intelligence operations would be dealt with through the ISI–just like the way it was in the 80s when the ISI was running the Anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan.

The US Administration got scared by Pakistani tactics–especially after it outed the name of the CIA Chief in Pakistan. With the annual Talib Spring beginning in a few weeks, the intense and perhaps decisive battle in Afghanistan is just beginning. America’s huffing and puffing did not quite scare the Pakistanis. The relationship is being redefined. According to the Washington Post “The CIA has launched an internal review of how it trains and deploys security officers overseas after a fatal shooting by one of the agency’s contractors in Pakistan triggered a diplomatic crisis and new recriminations between the two nations’ spy services, U.S. officials said.”

Islamabad was also promised a new deal, a more powerful strategic role in South Asia than Bharat, a diminished role of the CIA and the new lay of the land where the ISI would have full reign of operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Those who think that Pakistan is a winner in this diplomatic wrangle may be wondering about the CIAs next moves in South Asia.

George Will in an fascinating article opposing the war in Libray tells an interesting tale:

“On Dec. 29, 1962, in Miami’s Orange Bowl, President John Kennedy, who ordered the Bay of Pigs invasion, addressed a rally of survivors and supporters of that exercise in regime change. Presented with the invasion brigade’s flag, Kennedy vowed, “I can assure you that this flag will be returned to this brigade in a free Havana.” Eleven months later, on Nov. 2, 1963, his administration was complicit in another attempt at violent regime change — the coup against, and murder of, South Vietnam’s President Ngo Dinh Diem. The Saigon regime was indeed changed, so perhaps this episode counts as a success, even if Saigon is now Ho Chi Minh City.”

Intrusive US interference in Iran led to the Islamic revolution.

Washington plans moves years in advance. While Islamabad seems to have kicked the CIA out–the world awaits the other shoe to fall.

The China factor has been ignored by most analysts. The Chinese Premier arrived in Pakistan and promised to invest $20 billion in Pakistan in the next five years. This colossal spending and will fundamentally transform the Pakistani infrastructure. Islamabad has also discovered hundreds of Billions of Dollars of Gold and Uranium in Balochistan. With the Middle East in turmoil, the Tajiks and the Kygyz and the Turks are swarming to Pakistan for a long term relationship. Pakistan as the fifth largest Nuclear power with intercontinental ballistic missiles cannot be overtly attacked. A few hundred CIA agents have caused damage to the psyche of the people, but the CIA cannot fundamentally undermine the country–in this sense they have failed.
CIA is yet to determine who they are up against , ie people who actually have worked with them for about 60+ years.
Its just a matter of time when these CIA asshooles would be thrown into the dust bin of history & Pakistan will emerge stronger than ever.
America has been playing threat/pouch game with Pakistan since Pakistan went to America in place of soviet Russia.. It has betrayed, betrayed again and betrayed again and again the country which, since its birth has been supporting western interest in Asia even at the cost of its own interest..

Its about time that Pakistan should consider its relations with the US, and decide once in for all that enough is enough and tie its friendship and interests knot with China..

This will keep Pakistan's Arch rival India at bay and the country would not have to surrender its sovereignty to the west on every single minute task..
America has been playing threat/pouch game with Pakistan since Pakistan went to America in place of soviet Russia.. It has betrayed, betrayed again and betrayed again and again the country which, since its birth has been supporting western interest in Asia even at the cost of its own interest..

Pakistan is the only country on planet earth that places western interests before its own country's interests. You would think that Pakistan would have learned its lesson after the British screwed us in 1947.
They won't lose as long as isi acts just like another arm of CIA in Pakistan I see too many posts here claiming how Americans are losing and how are we kicking their butt very heroically but the sad reality is we are just their servants and the army and isi is killing on their behalf and are only loyal to us dollars I wonder why no one questions the loyalty of the top generals in Pakistan
they wanted us to free RD and we did this shows our slavery now we can think re think 1000 times present sook many theories but the reality is we did what they asked for no value of Pakistani life we should think about that only that our life has no value and we have become worthless someone very rightly said here on PDF we are the meera of the world and only because we left the path of Allah and his Rasool SAW
@ Mutee: Cheer up mate.. Pakistan came into existence only 64 years ago.. its only a DAY in the life of a nation.. We should be proud of our achievements that whole of the world is trying to keep us in check.. We fall down.. we get up.. we fall down again.. we get up again.. every time we fall we walk better the next time.. It has been proven in our short history and insha Allah pretty soon we'll be standing on our own two feet.. we just need to get rid of those 54 "khandaan" which we brought from India in dowry.. The ones which have been ruling us for past 64 years.. but now the tide is changing.. and you know.. nothing is permanent but change.. isn't it?.. so cheer up!.. keep your chin up!!.. be a PROUD Pakistani.. cuz thats what our country is.. its not boundaries.. its in the blood and heart of its people!!.. We will never go down Insha Allah!!
They won't lose as long as isi acts just like another arm of CIA in Pakistan I see too many posts here claiming how Americans are losing and how are we kicking their butt very heroically but the sad reality is we are just their servants and the army and isi is killing on their behalf and are only loyal to us dollars I wonder why no one questions the loyalty of the top generals in Pakistan

Even if Pakistan cuts off its right leg for CIA and America's interests, the CIA and US government will not give Pakistan anything just a few dollars to their servants - Zardari and Co.

The Americans are the same as the British. They get excited when they hear about India, but when talking about Muslims and Pakistan they turn away. Remember Mountbatten. All these westerners are pretty much the same.
Even if Pakistan cuts off its right leg for CIA and America's interests, the CIA and US government will not give Pakistan anything just a few dollars to their servants - Zardari and Co.

The Americans are the same as the British. They get excited when they hear about India, but when talking about Muslims and Pakistan they turn away. Remember Mountbatten. All these westerners are pretty much the same.

Well along with Islam and Muslims the other issue of US and UK acting over excited about India is the Size of country.. India is a HUGE market as compared to Pakistan..
@omar then sir why don't we leave them ? Zardari is as guilty as the army is to some extent he is worse why don't we put our intrests first why ? because the corrupt leaders and generals have sold their souls to usa and the liberals here still blame Islam for the decline as a society not the us so don't you agree the only way out of this mess is Islam ????? why don't we adopt it as a system why do pakistanis who say they are very patriot oppose Islam ?????? is it because they are wrongly influenced or they think shariat means Taliban which is totally wrong
sir in Pakistan a patriotic is someone who is in favor of the army and the one who glorifies them more the one who say army is not the savior of Pakistan Islam is they call him fundo new word I have learned sir the one who puts Islam before anything and follow sunnah they call him fundo or army ki such jhoti khiyanion per undha imaan bus yah hai mera Pakistan
@Mutee: I Agree that Islam is the only way out.. the only way to lead the world and the only way to peaceful and prosperous life.. but the problem in Pakistan is that there are too many school of thoughts.. and everyone has its own understanding of shariah laws.. everyone will try to impose HIS style of Islam which is going to be not good for the country and its people.. We WANT Islam to be our guiding light as a nation.. no question about it.. but first we have to clarify the misconceptions of each other about Islam..

You know these Mullahs can make people fight each other on whether to do rafa-e-yadain or not.. don't u?.. people believe in so many things which are not a part of Islam even.. so in such conditions where illiterate people are considered the leaders of Islamic Groups.. its dangerous..

Let us stabilize a little somehow.. and then we'll insha Allah work together to impose Islam as the Law of Pakistan.. I believe that we Pakistanis are meant to lead the Islamic world from the front!
sir in Pakistan a patriotic is someone who is in favor of the army and the one who glorifies them more the one who say army is not the savior of Pakistan Islam is they call him fundo new word I have learned sir the one who puts Islam before anything and follow sunnah they call him fundo or army ki such jhoti khiyanion per undha imaan bus yah hai mera Pakistan

Bhai ji aap ko yaad ho ga.. Sharab 3 bariyon main haram hoi thi :D.. abhi yeh log Islami Shariat kay kabil nahi hain.. ahista ahista bhai ji ahista ahista
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