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ISI has Urged Taliban Leader to Leave Pakistan: Official


May 5, 2010
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ISI has Urged Taliban Leader to Leave Pakistan: Official


An Afghan security official on Tuesday told TOLOnews that Pakistan's spy organisation has asked Mullah Mohammad Omar to leave Pakistan for a period.

The Afghan security official who spoke on the condition of anonymity told TOLOnews that ISI has conveyed its message to the Taliban leader in Quetta through former Pakistani spy chief Gen. Hamid Gul.

Mullah Omar has been asked to leave Quetta for some time and move to Afghanistan or Iran.

"The Taliban leader, in the message, has been promised that ISI will facilitate his move to Helmand in Afghanistan or somehere in Iran," the official said.

The source said Pakistan's spy organisation wants to move Mullah Omar out and then report his location to the US forces.

Then if the Taliban leader is killed on Afghan soil, Pakistan will use it as a propaganda tool to show that terrorist leaders are also hiding in Afghanistan, the source said.

Meanwhile, Commander of Isaf Joint Command Lt Gen. David Rodriguez said on Monday that there were still around 100 al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan.

"We still think that there are just less than a 100 al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, but again what they do is a cadre type organisation that helps out to bring both resources as well as technical skills to the rest of the Taliban fighting here," Gen. Rodriguez said at a press conference in Kabul.

US ambassador in Kabul, Karl Eikenberry, had previously said senior insurgent leaders were outside Afghanistan.

"The senior leadership of the organisations ... al-Qaeda, Taliban, Haqqani, they do not live in your country," he said. "They have sanctuary outside of Afghanistan and now that we assume that their significant leaders that are found that are in Pakistan," Mr Eikenberry had said in Kabul on May 5.

He had said the United States was determined to kill or detain anyone that threatened the US national security anywhere in the world.

Afghan political expert, Noor-ul-Haq Olumi, believes that al-Qaeda structure has not been damaged and it is still functiong even after its leader has been killed.

"ISI is the organisation that trains, funds and harbours such terrorist organisation, and I think the region will suffer until no action is taken against the real terrorist training centre in the region," Mr Olumi said.

Nato has said Osama Bin Laden's death will not affect the Afghan mission and that they would stay in Afghanistan until necessary.

It comes as the United States has reportedly decided to speed up direct talks with the Taliban.

A US representative has attended at least three meetings in Qatar and Germany and the most recent has taken place around nine months ago, the Washington Post reports.

State Department spokesman Michael A. Hammer has said on Monday that the US has been having a "broad range of contacts across Afghanistan and the region, at many levels.

The talks with the Taliban have proceeded on several tracks, including through non-governmental intermediaries and Arab and European governments, US officials have said.

The Taliban have always rebuffed Afghan government calls for peace talks and pre-conditioned withdrawal of all foreign forces from the country before any talks can be held.

There have even been reports in the past that the Taliban group was willing to engage in direct talks with the US rather than with the Afghan government.

ISI has Urged Taliban Leader to Leave Pakistan: Official
ISI has Urged Taliban Leader to Leave Pakistan: Official


An Afghan security official on Tuesday told TOLOnews that Pakistan's spy organisation has asked Mullah Mohammad Omar to leave Pakistan for a period.

The Afghan security official who spoke on the condition of anonymity told TOLOnews that ISI has conveyed its message to the Taliban leader in Quetta through former Pakistani spy chief Gen. Hamid Gul.

Mullah Omar has been asked to leave Quetta for some time and move to Afghanistan or Iran.

"The Taliban leader, in the message, has been promised that ISI will facilitate his move to Helmand in Afghanistan or somehere in Iran," the official said.

The source said Pakistan's spy organisation wants to move Mullah Omar out and then report his location to the US forces.

Then if the Taliban leader is killed on Afghan soil, Pakistan will use it as a propaganda tool to show that terrorist leaders are also hiding in Afghanistan, the source said.

Meanwhile, Commander of Isaf Joint Command Lt Gen. David Rodriguez said on Monday that there were still around 100 al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan.

"We still think that there are just less than a 100 al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, but again what they do is a cadre type organisation that helps out to bring both resources as well as technical skills to the rest of the Taliban fighting here," Gen. Rodriguez said at a press conference in Kabul.

US ambassador in Kabul, Karl Eikenberry, had previously said senior insurgent leaders were outside Afghanistan.

"The senior leadership of the organisations ... al-Qaeda, Taliban, Haqqani, they do not live in your country," he said. "They have sanctuary outside of Afghanistan and now that we assume that their significant leaders that are found that are in Pakistan," Mr Eikenberry had said in Kabul on May 5.

He had said the United States was determined to kill or detain anyone that threatened the US national security anywhere in the world.

Afghan political expert, Noor-ul-Haq Olumi, believes that al-Qaeda structure has not been damaged and it is still functiong even after its leader has been killed.

"ISI is the organisation that trains, funds and harbours such terrorist organisation, and I think the region will suffer until no action is taken against the real terrorist training centre in the region," Mr Olumi said.

Nato has said Osama Bin Laden's death will not affect the Afghan mission and that they would stay in Afghanistan until necessary.

It comes as the United States has reportedly decided to speed up direct talks with the Taliban.

A US representative has attended at least three meetings in Qatar and Germany and the most recent has taken place around nine months ago, the Washington Post reports.

State Department spokesman Michael A. Hammer has said on Monday that the US has been having a "broad range of contacts across Afghanistan and the region, at many levels.

The talks with the Taliban have proceeded on several tracks, including through non-governmental intermediaries and Arab and European governments, US officials have said.

The Taliban have always rebuffed Afghan government calls for peace talks and pre-conditioned withdrawal of all foreign forces from the country before any talks can be held.

There have even been reports in the past that the Taliban group was willing to engage in direct talks with the US rather than with the Afghan government.

ISI has Urged Taliban Leader to Leave Pakistan: Official

Did Hamid Gul personally convey this news to the so-called Afghan official?
"It has been recently reported that the Afghan Taliban Leader Mullah Omar has been seen space walking on the ISS" Source Gobaldigook News.
"It has been recently reported that the Afghan Taliban Leader Mullah Omar has been seen space walking on the ISS" Source Gobaldigook News.
Yeah, you are probably right. And also correct are the bin laden double, dead body refrigerated, wives angle and / or other theories about army knowing/ not knowing about the US raid. Any theory is correct but for the fact that exposed pakistan throughout the world.

Considering the lies with which pakistan has been caught, maybe best to drop the 'world is not educated because not been to madrasa attitude'. How about trying to present an argument why you think that this report about mulllah omar presence in pakistan is wrong?
Taliban should realize that even their fathers can turn their back on them when they are in trouble, they better proceed with the reconciliation process or else die.
ISI has Urged Taliban Leader to Leave Pakistan: Official


"ISI is the organisation that trains, funds and harbours such terrorist organisation, and I think the region will suffer until no action is taken against the real terrorist training centre in the region," Mr Olumi said.

CIA is now saint and ISI under criticism, what a big B*** Sh****
Look at the insanity of this reporter..

1 - Mullah Omer is in Paksitan - He confirms
2 - Reporter also confirms that Paksitan / ISI wants him to move to Iran or Afghanistan
3 - Reporter also know why Pakistan wanted all this and what is their next move.

I wonder why is this teli reporter told all that and why is Pakistan sharing so much information with this sweet person! :chilli:
Look at the insanity of this reporter..

1 - Mullah Omer is in Paksitan - He confirms
2 - Reporter also confirms that Paksitan / ISI wants him to move to Iran or Afghanistan
3 - Reporter also know why Pakistan wanted all this and what is their next move.

I wonder why is this teli reporter told all that and why is Pakistan sharing so much information with this sweet person! :chilli:

Just like OBL you will get your words back when the one-eye mullah is shot in Pakistan.
CIA is now saint and ISI under criticism, what a big B*** Sh****

Well, this is part of the get tough with Pakistan message -- US policy makers know that the the government is not at all keen to lose the free money of US tax payers, similarly the armed forces do not want to lose the free money they get and on some instances, increasingly it seems, obtain by defrauding US tax payers -- The US has a very powerful weapon in it's arsenal, that weapon is it's media savvy and access - the US government is a media gateway, and when it wants to it unleashes information to use as a narrative against their targets - you will notice that the degenerate, A. Saleh and other Afghan and US officials will be used, then of course the issue of political disarray inside Pakistan, the issue of extremism in Pakistan and the relationship between extremists and the armed forces, and of course the big guns, the nuclear issue - you should see more about how dangerous Pakistani nuclear installations are, how the technology is kaka, how the scientists are not up to snuff, etc, etc - followed by stories about how US aid is helping ordinary Pakistanis (I challenge you to find ordinary Pakistanis who are touched by this so called aid)

So, I think we should see these kinds of stories as part of the US onslaught on Pakistan - no big thing and realize that the media game is not something that only the US can play, it's really unfortunate that Pakistan refuse to engage world media - the media want to sell papers and keep the attention of readers, yes they want to inform, but first things firsts -- Pakistan have excellent information about who's doing what in Afghanistan and the Money trail, the same really all over the mid East and Pakistan has very good information about larger interests of the US, one wonder how the US might respond to a similar disinformation campaign
Look at the insanity of this reporter..

1 - Mullah Omer is in Paksitan - He confirms
2 - Reporter also confirms that Paksitan / ISI wants him to move to Iran or Afghanistan
3 - Reporter also know why Pakistan wanted all this and what is their next move.

I wonder why is this teli reporter told all that and why is Pakistan sharing so much information with this sweet person! :chilli:

And why isn't he caught by CIA yet for his resources, so that they can track it back to ISI and thus, to Mullah Omer.. ummm.. just thinking loudly.. don't bother :P
And why isn't he caught by CIA yet for his resources, so that they can track it back to ISI and thus, to Mullah Omer.. ummm.. just thinking loudly.. don't bother :P

Possibly because the ISI is providing Mullah Omar with President Level Security whilst he is in Quetta where the CIA has no resources.
Isi chief has admitted infrong of the parliament that Osama is dead what more proof u guys want we are again displaying very sad mentality as a nation my request to this nation is to wake up and stop living in denial
Some of we Pakistanis must have a really low opinion of the country and its institutions. It so sad that they believe in the official Pakistani 'complicity' in OBL hiding when NOT A SINGLE evidence is presented supporting that position. At most there could be a few low level moles who should be identified and given punishment deserving of highest treason.
Even the SEALS operation was made possible due to years of Pakistani cooperation, including allowing CIA operatives in possibly hundreds to roam freely inside Pakistan, made possible because of the state of the art Stealth technology.
That OBL was gone was 'welcomed' by the President of Pakistan, as quoted in the Obama speech.
Yes, there are many terrorists inside Pakistan but also yes many of them have been killed or handed over to Americans or put in Pakistani jails while at the same time the Pakistani security agencies have paid a heavy price.
These are facts.
The inspired media stories about the official Pakistani involvement in OBL hiding are just that--noise, until some solid evidence is produced. Pressure points to make Pakistan concede something Pakistani military considers 'strategic' vis a vis India in Afghanistan.
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