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Is This Why USA Is Backing Off?

So .. this is lethargic.

Shias behind Russia
Sunnis behind USA !

How lower can this go :(
I don't think Obama will back down, I just think that the Congress is a bit reluctant on the issue.
That's one of the reason he switched Syria's question to the congress, knowing well he won't get the OK...A US president has the authority to lunch military reprisals without the approval of the congress, it is after a limited well defined time, after that period he has to go to the congress.
That's one of the reason he switched Syria's question to the congress, knowing well he won't get the OK...A US president has the authority to lunch military reprisals without the approval of the congress, it is after a limited well defined time, after that period he has to go to the congress.
This is called face saving. He should have thought 100 times before giving such statements
That's one of the reason he switched Syria's question to the congress, knowing well he won't get the OK...A US president has the authority to lunch military reprisals without the approval of the congress, it is after a limited well defined time, after that period he has to go to the congress.

Yeah he had egg on his face and wanted someone else he could shift the blame too so he went to congress, if he was serious he would have issued an executive order and circumvented congressional approval.
That's one of the reason he switched Syria's question to the congress, knowing well he won't get the OK...A US president has the authority to lunch military reprisals without the approval of the congress, it is after a limited well defined time, after that period he has to go to the congress.

Which is quite normal. :) he won't do an executive order on this.
So .. this is lethargic.

Shias behind Russia
Sunnis behind USA !

How lower can this go :(

That is gross generalization. USA is an equal opportunity supporter of its own agenda. Why should it not be? That is something every country should do.
That's one of the reason he switched Syria's question to the congress, knowing well he won't get the OK...A US president has the authority to lunch military reprisals without the approval of the congress, it is after a limited well defined time, after that period he has to go to the congress.

Actually that is not true. In the constitution the right to declare war is solely the right of the Congress. The war powers act allows a president to act during an emergency when the USA is threatened by an immediate attack. This was not the case. If obama would have ordered a strike, congress would have impeached him. A group of Republicans were just waiting for Obama to go too far so they could start the impeachmemt.

This was a lose lose lose for obama. Get impeached. Become an even bigger fascist war criminal. Start WWIII....lol......he was out on a limb....the Russians only provided him a lifeline

And about the missile strikes...its possible..but from my sources..it was the usa israelis who were testing syrian radar signatures to locate radars and their frequencies....
One "innocent" question from a "journalist" is all it took to avert the imminent war. Who planted the journalist there is anyone's guess, but I would put my money on Russia.

Reporter: Is there anything at this point that his(Assad's) government could do or offer that would stop an attack

Kerry: Uh sure, If he could turn over every bit of his chemical weapon to the international community in the next week, turn it over, all of it, without delay, and allow a full and total accounting for that

Russia: Gotcha! :whistle:

Within the next half an hour, Russian government was already offering hand over of Syrian chemical weapons to the "international community".

Master Stroke by Russia

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Arabs tried to start a war on Syria, of course with US, sad it didn't work :)
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