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Is THIS the SR-72 spy plane? Mystery aircraft spotted flying over Kansas and texas

Mars ki baat huyi thi :angry:...and right now I am not planning any field trip with my students till Mangalyaan and its successor make successful trips around mars.
theek hai.....:(
par mars ke pehle bhi tho practice session chahiye naa......
these trips will be very useful....believe me...:partay::partay:
It is most likely that some of these craft may be alien in origin and others man-made with the help of reverse engineered alien technology. But then this raises another question. How did they manage to lay their hands on this technology?
possible ...these may be of alien origin....
but my question is ....why only USA is able to posses alien tech..and no other nation......
why ruskis or germans or japs never came out with something like that....
or all the govt. in this world know abt it and are collaborating together and are hiding it from common masses....
all govt. knowing and coming togather has very thin chances....but then it is said these tech came in USA possession from germens....at the end of WWII ...do germans really had those alien techs and they were nt able to decode it on time....
there are many conspiracy theory......and its hard to know which one to believe......
possible ...these may be of alien origin....
but my question is ....why only USA is able to posses alien tech..and no other nation......
why ruskis or germans or japs never came out with something like that....
or all the govt. in this world know abt it and are collaborating together and are hiding it from common masses....
all govt. knowing and coming togather has very thin chances....but then it is said these tech came in USA possession from germens....at the end of WWII ...do germans really had those alien techs and they were nt able to decode it on time....
there are many conspiracy theory......and its hard to know which one to believe......

Could it be the financial issues??
May be the heavy investments into this kinda technology causes the governments to backtrack.
Could it be the financial issues??
May be the heavy investments into this kinda technology causes the governments to backtrack.
finances is one of the problem and the other is brilliant minds to decode it....
during and after WWII all the great minds of of europe flocked to USA....if u remember the person to dream for man on moon and who made it possible was a german chief of space programs......he did that for USA...after WWII....
but the question still remains why only USA ....or do other nation too have these UFO techs and are kept hidden...they do not publish it because they have nt been able to decode any thing of it....
or it was just a sole UFO that came in USA hand by hook or crook.....

why u no answer my trip question....:(
enlighten us :angel::angel::angel:
The SR-72 was unveiled in the midst of sequestration budget cuts that have forced the Air Force to prioritize acquisition projects and sacrifice mission readiness.What else do you know about it?


You missed it----check it out----I mentioned SR 71----not 72

You missed it----check it out----I mentioned SR 71----not 72

I read it right. :-)
Infact I had mentioned you in another post in this thread.
I wanted you tell me what you know of SR 71.Thats it.
possible ...these may be of alien origin....
but my question is ....why only USA is able to posses alien tech..and no other nation......
why ruskis or germans or japs never came out with something like that....
or all the govt. in this world know abt it and are collaborating together and are hiding it from common masses....
all govt. knowing and coming togather has very thin chances....but then it is said these tech came in USA possession from germens....at the end of WWII ...do germans really had those alien techs and they were nt able to decode it on time....
there are many conspiracy theory......and its hard to know which one to believe......

Well, all these blessed agencies are hand in glove - NASA, ISRO, ESA, JAXA, CSA, RFSA (Roscosmos) and so on. I believe there is a hidden agenda and some top secret agreement not to let the cat out of the bag!

Russia too has it's share of top secret tech at work.

As far as the German UFO tech during WWII, here's some gen...

Did the Germans invent a craft or a disc, now called the ‘UFO’ way back in the 40s? If you look at the photographs, you’ll be amazed at the secret goings-on in the Third Reich!

Unfortunately their research hit a roadblock at the end of WW II. But the German Scientists working on this top-secret project were whisked away by the Americans, Soviets and probably the French after the end of the war, where they presumably continued their research.

Some of the ‘UFOs’ we see today may be none other than the products of this research, ‘Black Triangles’ et al. I'm in no way suggesting that ALL UFOs are of German lineage. But probably some sightings including the ubiquitous 'Black Triangles' could be the result of such research?








Real or hoax? The jury is still out on this one!
I read it right. :-)
Infact I had mentioned you in another post in this thread.
I wanted you tell me what you know of SR 71.Thats it.


The first thing that you notice when you get close to it is that how massive this aircraft is---from distance it truly looks like an alien aircraft--then those engines-----huge engines---as an engineer you can just look at them in pure awe----.

The fuel----the fuel on this aircraft is inert---you throw a lit match into it and it won't catch fire---it needs a catalyst to ignite---.

When you look at this aircraft and compare it to others in the industry of that time----it makes you wonder if the U S had access to any ALIEN TECHNOLOGY.
I am surprised this doesn't get more interest. There have been multiple credible sightings of a military aircraft that is obviously not a B-2. This would have to have been in the US Black Budget for decades.

Intriguing to say the least.
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