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Is Pakistan really making 'great economic strides'?


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
With the PML-N led government promising further drops in inflation, foreign exchange reserves crossing $15 billion in Julyand friendly neighbours lending a helping hand, there is no shortage of articles cropping up on the great economic strides being made by Pakistan.

The real question however, is if any of these economic successes will trickle down to the general public.

From a person who has been moderately successful at entrepreneurship, the first thing I have noticed, is that indeed in the transition period, the wheels of trade were turning quite smoothly and it seemed as if things were getting better.

Hotels being full and deals being struck were among the first signs of a galvanization of economy; these deals would be a key source of employment and improve living standards for the public. Add to this the fact that it seemed like this government had some sort of a plan to handle our debt crisis, and almost every one I met seemed hopeful.

Since then though, a year has passed and I think now is a time when we need to stop giving the new government a chance and ask some questions.

1) Foreign exchange crossing 10 billion dollars
Saudi arabia’s magnanimity aside, nobody gives 1.5 billion dollars as a gift to any country without expecting something in return.

There will be costs associated with this 'gift', ranging from something we seem to not give a toss about (some sheikh's kid killing 1,000 Houbara Bustards in our interior) to those with serious consequences e.g. our army on call to serve our Arab brethren when they feel threatened.

Economic success from this gift cannot trickle down to the poor unless the government uses it to say, subsidize food staples and ensure their supply. That would make a huge difference - but will it happen?

2) 3,500 megawatts electricity plants in the next three years
This aim by the government is laudable, and yes there are no magical wand waving solutions to a burgeoning and looming power collapse, which is imminent given how our population grows and consumes.

However, if Pakistan is to grow economically right now, we need to provide our industries with power. Three years may be too late for us. We need a solution now, and even if that means running a power line from India or China to our grid and buying their excess electricity “so be it”.

Also, it is quite sad to see that companies which generate and control power in our country get to raise tariffs without any consultation with trade bodies or chambers of industry. The current electricity tariffs are expected to go up yet again in the upcoming budget. Rising costs of inputs lead to the crippling of economic activity.

We also need to quantify and enforce load control measures. Every house in major cities in Pakistan in the affluent neighborhoods has 4-8 air conditioners. Should they be allowed to suck up loads without check?

3) Great development taking place in Pakistan
It is, but where is it taking place? If we take Punjab as the model for this development it will score top notch points across the board. However, what of the other provinces? How much development is taking place in Baluchistan? Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa? Sindh? We need to examine this first before we make claims of great economic development.

The power base of PML-N is Punjab and they have always worked effectively there, but we cannot ignore the other provinces and hope to stride forth as a nation together. For trade to flourish in areas that are currently bereft of economic activity, proper infrastructure is needed much more then over passes in Lahore or Karachi.

In South Sudan, USAID helped build a 192-kilometer-long Juba-Nimule Road, the largest infrastructure project ever built in South Sudan. It connected Juba to Uganda and generated economic opportunities for the South Sudanese along the whole route.

If we only uplifted the roads across our provinces, connecting them properly, we would take strides.

Having said that, I myself have heard Mariam Nawaz say "my father is not the prime minister of Punjab but of Pakistan", so progressive thought does exist at the power center today. However, unless that progressive thought translates into actual policy that enables productivity, we are not going anywhere for a long, long time.

For starters as our Chinese friends are talking about a $32 billion investment package; the government needs to make sure that this investment goes to all basic areas of need for economic activity.

The money must be used to enable projects to employ all of Pakistan, leading to the economic boost we need. It cannot be said enough: we need stable power, better roads and some incentives.

If the government can provide just the basics to our business community, there will be no stopping Pakistan. That much I can guarantee.

The writer is the Editor Lingua Urdu at Global Voices. He is also the Director Digital Strategy and Social Media at Mind Map Communications. He tweets @faisalkapadia.
Pakistan is a country of nearly 200 million peoples! If political leadership of Pakistan can re-structure the economy of Pakistan..and make it more friendly for local businesses and wealth creation...with effective rule of law and fair implementation of property rights...then there is no stopping to Pakistan, Inshallah.

Look at countries like Israel or Korea..They realize that in entire world, Israel/Korea are the only homelands for Jewish/Korean peoples..and hence those peoples have left no effort behind in developing their economies/countries.

When will we start to see things that way?

Hey Pakistanis...listen....This is your ONLY homeland on entire planet. You are nothing without it. So develop it as much as you can with top class education, social equality and justice, good moderate Islamic environment, and corruption-less politics (as much as possible)...
Already posted:

Is Pakistan really making 'great economic strides'?

Please merge the two @WebMaster @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Oscar @Manticore @Jungibaaz @T-Faz @Emmie

Pakistan is a country of nearly 200 million peoples! If political leadership of Pakistan can re-structure the economy of Pakistan..and make it more friendly for local businesses and wealth creation...with effective rule of law and fair implementation of property rights...then there is no stopping to Pakistan, Inshallah.

Look at countries like Israel or Korea..They realize that in entire world, Israel/Korea are the only homelands for Jewish/Korean peoples..and hence those peoples have left no effort behind in developing their economies/countries.

When will we start to see things that way?

Hey Pakistanis...listen....This is your ONLY homeland on entire planet. You are nothing without it. So develop it as much as you can with top class education, social equality and justice, good moderate Islamic environment, and corruption-less politics (as much as possible)...

They will only see it that way if they are united....It either goes caste wise or religious school brand wise...everyone prefers saying I am Lahori or a Karachilite or Shia/ Sunni/ Ahmadi over saying something as simple as I am Pakistani...You can see clear cut segregation even during election where people vote for something (def not human) from their caste or village or province over someone who may bring change and development...They dont seem to fear being looted repeatedly by the same goons...but they fear some new person looting them :unsure:

When they learn that then we can talk of development...
The author should have written about how Karachi is so screwed up that likes of him have to talk about Punjab and complain about its getting better mileage out of development spending.

Point number 3 is the only one worth talking about. And even then there is hardly anything to discuss. For infrastructure related development, all provinces are getting their share. I dunno what Federal government can do apart from spreading the development. All one needs to do is to see where new powerplants, motorways, planned new rail lines would be put.

A really substandard article, IMV.
without a good law and order, no investment will come to Pakistan, Karachi is the heart of the country, when the biggest economic hub of pakistan suffers, entire country will suffer, Balochistan is like a province which is not in Pakistan, icing on the cake is, the province is now with the nationalists, and PMLN doesn't give a ****, the author rightly pointed our energy needs, we need energy quickly and we need it now, there is worst load shedding, and law and order

punjab is getting development but its only limited to very few areas and very few aspects, i think that Punjab needs to have local body system, entire pakistan needs to have local bodies system, without it, forget the real development

federal is trying to behave as a punjab centric organisation, federal has become very week, it needs to assert its authority and influence and it needs to take the whole country along with it.

its like PMLN is trying to decorate a garbage, we need to clean the mess and then start laying foundations for the real development

PMLN approach is not very different from PPP last time, pakistan needs a guy like musharraf who understands what is actually needed

musharraf success was because of his solving law and order in karachi, federal for the first time realised balochistan was part of pakistan and thus we saw gwadar plan and action against BLA etc, there was action against TTP and so we came to know federal actually owned FATA and KPK and many projects which transcended provincialism like kutchi canal project to irrigate balochistan from Punjab

we need a national leader not some guy who is only restrained in Punjab
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Saudi arabia’s magnanimity aside, nobody gives 1.5 billion dollars as a gift to any country without expecting something in return.
Is SA going to dole out the amount every year to Pakistan or is it just a one time largesse? If the latter, then it would not make a difference to the economy at all.
without a good law and order, no investment will come to Pakistan, Karachi is the heart of the country, when the biggest economic hub of pakistan suffers, entire country will suffer, Balochistan is like a province which is not in Pakistan, icing on the cake is, the province is now with the nationalists, and PMLN doesn't give a ****, the author rightly pointed our energy needs, we need energy quickly and we need it now, there is worst load shedding, and law and order

punjab is getting development but its only limited to very few areas and very few aspects, i think that Punjab needs to have local body system, entire pakistan needs to have local bodies system, without it, forget the real development

federal is trying to behave as a punjab centric organisation, federal has become very week, it needs to assert its authority and influence and it needs to take the whole country along with it.

its like PMLN is trying to decorate a garbage, we need to clean the mess and then start laying foundations for the real development

PMLN approach is not very different from PPP last time, pakistan needs a guy like musharraf who understands what is actually needed

musharraf success was because of his solving law and order in karachi, federal for the first time realised balochistan was part of pakistan and thus we saw gwadar plan and action against BLA etc, there was action against TTP and so we came to know federal actually owned FATA and KPK and many projects which transcended provincialism like kutchi canal project to irrigate balochistan from Punjab

we need a national leader not some guy who is only restrained in Punjab

You keep you pissant local bodies. Our leaders, no matter how corrupt, are working for te betterment of Punjab. You guys have drought, killings and what knows. Keep fighting each other over petty shit and gunning down opponents.

Punjab is at peace even after severe load shedding. Because the quality of life here is better than anywhere else.

Though there is much to be improved.
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