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Is Kashmir a lost case?


Jan 10, 2011
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No permission to post in kashmir section. So posting it here. Kindly move to appropriate section if found inappropriate.
Saeed Qureshi

Sunday, March 03, 2013 - The population of Kashmir in both parts under India and Pakistan is around 16 million. Out of this 12.5 million live in the Indian part of Jammu and Kashmir and the remaining 3 million in the Azad Kashmir part of Pakistan. With the phased addition of 700,000 Indian security forces the population in the Indian part of Kashmir has soared to over 13 million thus changing the demographics. Such a colossal presence of army means that India does not trust the local Kashmiri Muslim population. It means that for every 20 citizens there was one Indian soldier. There are no confirmed reports that the army officials are entering into matrimonial relations with the local girls. But with the army camps all over, the contacts between the local population and the army rank and file cannot be ruled out. The Indian army is free to arrest, kill or incarcerate any person or group suspicious of being anti India militant or covertly to overtly involve against India in a liberation struggle. There have been unmarked graves that are alleged to be the insurgents killed by the Indian army and buried there. But on the positive side Indian army has engaged itself in education projects and provision of social services to win the sympathies of Kashmiris and to mitigate the anti-Indian sentiment.

Pakistan and India have fought four wars over Kashmir but none has been conclusive in favor of either by way of total invasion or conquest of Kashmir. These wars were fought in 1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999(Kargil). The Kashmir territory is occupied by three regional countries. India possesses 39000 sq miles, Pakistan 33000 sq miles and China occupies 14500 sq. miles. Pakistan controls the North West region that includes northern areas and Azad Kashmir. India occupies the central and southern portion of Jammu, Kashmir valley and Laddakh. The areas under Chinese sway are the northeastern tracts, Trans Karakorum and Aksai Chin. In addition, major portion of Siachen glacier including Saltoro ridge passes are held by India. The lower portions of Saltoro Ridge are under the control of Pakistan.

Following the initial skirmishes between India and Pakistan, during 1947-1948, a ceasefire was agreed upon between the two belligerents under the UN auspices (resolution 47). The resolution called for holding a plebiscite for eliciting the opinion of the Kashmiris whether they would opt to join Pakistan or India. However, such a plebiscite has never been conducted. The ongoing times are not conducive or fruitful for a conventional wars in which one would subdue the other by sword or through better fighting skills. Nor is it a time for the lion hearted to prevail because even a meek or faint-hearted can shoot others from a hidden location. As such neither country can attain a military victory unless one of these has superior weaponry and larger force. In this case it is India that enjoys both these upper edges. Traditionally Pakistan has seldom proven to be a matching fighting force, though its military have fought well in 1965. In the initial stages after the partition there was reportedly an offer from India to swap Hyderabad Deccan with Kashmir Valley. But this offer was spurned by the then Pakistani leadership. India thereafter annexed the princely state of Hyderabad by a military operation. Thus an invaluable option for resolving the Kashmir dispute was wasted by Pakistan. India’s use of force for annexation of Hyderabad carried the argument that since it was a state with majority Hindu population, India had a right to forcibly annex it. But paradoxically this formula was set aside in the case of Kashmir where Muslims are in majority.

Even if by some miracle, Pakistan wins the Kashmir case in the international court, India would never relinquish her hold over that enchanting and strategically crucial valley. Nor would India care to ever hold a plebiscite in Kashmir fully mindful that such step would go in favor of Pakistan. Israel is one example in such a scenario which occupies the Palestinian territories by brazen violation of rule set out by the UNO charter. Yet Israel cannot be forcibly pushed out by the rebellious Palestinians or by dint of international opinion. Pakistan as such should treat Kashmir as a closed or lost case.

—The writer is a senior journalist and a former diplomat.

Gone are the days when one could forcibly segregate a major chunk of land from a nation. Unless there is world war and a miracle , I don't see it happening. Most of the prudent people will agree , for others its just wishful thinking.
U have to be a downright idiot to shoot yourself in the foot.. why will we hold a plebiscite in Kashmir ? Not in next million years..

And, lets say in a hypothetical world, India gives Kashmir to pakistan.. U really think the killings would just vanish like fart in air ? There is a section of pakistani military and pakistani people who have actively bred nothing but hatred against indians and hindus among the pakistani pshyche. Just take their distorted history text books !

They will never stop with Kashmir.. they just can't.. Similar to how they are not able to stop terrorism emanating from their side of the border into India.. Can you think of a valid reason that it will stop ?

In no time they will start fomenting disturbances in Himachal and Punjab as well.. Holding plebiscite much less giving them the land back is absolutely next to impossible.. We just can't afford to give it !
their are two ways in which kashmir can be resolved(the best according to me) -
1.accept loc as international border
2.wait until ww3 happens and then the country (if india and pak are on opposing sides) and the winner country occupies the whole of Kashmir and refuses to leave.
their are two ways in which kashmir can be resolved(the best according to me) -
1.accept loc as international border
2.wait until ww3 happens and then the country (if india and pak are on opposing sides) and the winner country occupies the whole of Kashmir and refuses to leave.

I say, as a Kashmiri, that Pakistan gives her side of Kashmir to @Shivani Malhotra 's in-laws as dowry ! :undecided:

Behan khush rahooo....! :tup:
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thank god pakistan rejected the offer..i m lucky enough to be a citizen of this nation...
@Armstrong @arp2041 We be serious here or are we to let the flames rip and consume this thread?
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thank u..atleast we got kashmir this way with out a war..by the way..congrats..

@Armstrong @arp2041 We be serious here or are we to let the flames rip and consume this thread?

This thread 'is a lost case' ! The sooner you realize that the better.....! :tup:

This isn't the first Kashmir thread that descends into a pathetic d*ck measuring context & it won't be the last ! So why bother....just have some fun amongst friends & laugh it all away.

Whats more...isn't it comic how we'd exclaim emotionally charged rhetoric espousing the virtues of our respective point of view, blowing away half an evening to make a solid case & then keep on checking back every few minutes just to see whether someone quoted us or not & all the while No one in Delhi or Islamabad gives a foOk about what you or I think ! So why repeat the exercise all over again because we know nothings going to be different in the here & now & no one is going to bring an out-of-box solution to the problem that we all can admire & say - Wouldn't it be something if our respective Governments were to look into this ?

So I think I'll pass on keeping it all that serious because threads like these are little more than a cesspool of claims & counter-claims in an absolutely moronic cycle of point scoring !

If you want that....be my guest ! :tup:
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It is , and it isnt..
it is as it is a lost cause for Pakistan..
it is however, not a lost cause for Kashmiris.. who will continue to seek greater autonomy..
but I see it being resolved through democratic process.

The solution is simple.. accept LoC.. build up trade within the region.. demilitarize it.. and make money.
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