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Is india really a secular,liberal above all a democrtic state?


Nov 27, 2011
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[size=+2]Today’s execution of Mohammad Afzal Guru indicates a disturbing and regressive trend towards executions shrouded in secrecy and the resumption of death penalty use in India, said Amnesty International.
“We condemn the execution in the strongest possible terms. This very regrettably puts India in opposition to the global trend towards moving away from the death penalty”, said Velath, Programmes Director at Amnesty International India.

Indian authorities hanged Mohammad Afzal Guru at 0800 hrs in Tihar Jail, New Delhi on 9 February 2013. His execution is the second in India in three months after an eight-year hiatus.

Mohammed Afzal Guru was sentenced to death in December 2002 after being convicted of conspiracy to attack the Parliament of India, waging war against India and murder in December 2001. He was tried by a special court designated under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), a law which fell considerably short of international fair trial standards and has since been repealed, in 2004, after serious allegations of its widespread abuse.

Seven members of the security forces including a woman constable were killed in the December 2001 attack on India’s Parliament complex in central Delhi, as were the five persons who had carried out the attack.

Afzal Guru’s death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court in August 2005, and his mercy petition was reportedly rejected by the President on 3 February 2013. Of the other three persons initially arrested for the attack, Afsan Guru was released without charges. The trial court also imposed death sentences on Delhi-based professor S A R Geelani and Shaukath Hussain Guru, but the Supreme Court acquitted Geelani of all charges and commuted Shaukath Hussain Guru’s sentence to 10 years’ imprisonment. He was released from Tihar jail in December 2010.

“Serious questions have been raised about the fairness of Afzal Guru’s trial. He did not receive legal representation of his choice or a lawyer with adequate experience at the trial stage. These concerns were not addressed,” said Shashikumar.

“Before Ajmal Kasab’s execution in November, Indian authorities used to make information about the rejection of mercy petitions and dates of execution available to the public prior to any executions. The new practice of carrying out executions in secret is highly disturbing.”

It is not clear whether Afzal Guru was given the opportunity to seek a judicial review of the decision to reject his mercy petition – a practice that has been followed in other cases.

[size=+1]According to initial reports from Kashmir, Afzal Guru’s family in Kashmir say they were not informed of his imminent execution, in violation of international standards on the use of the death penalty. The body was also not returned to the family for last rites and burial, in violation of international standards.[/size]

I am not sure why even Cong GOV is done everything so secretive? The question should be asked to this f*** pseudo secular Congi GOV that to whom would they fear for which there is so much of secrecy??...Hanging was needed but treating this incident in a different way is simply irrelevant...I think Congi people are thinking that if they make it to media then there is a possibility of anti minority sentiment created against them by their rival political parties..So to avoid it, Congi choose this path....
Amnesty International my A$$, I generally don't talk this way. Can't help it in this case.

On the first place, He is got damn Terrorist. Message should be loud and Clear, If you commit a crime like this, There's only one place you are going and that is Hell.
what has hanging of afzal guru got to do with seularism or democracy
what has hanging of afzal guru got to do with seularism or democracy

Well in a democratic and secular state his family must have been informed and allowed to meet him for a last time plus there are other protocols which are required to be followed by international standards none of which was followed just because he was a muslim he was killed like a dog without enough proofs as you needed somebody to make a scapegoat.Its not me or pakistani who are saying so its an international body..As I am sure you dint read it all here is it for you democratic and incredible indians.

Serious questions have been raised about the fairness of Afzal Guru’s trial. He did not receive legal representation of his choice or a lawyer with adequate experience at the trial stage. These concerns were not addressed,” said Shashikumar.

“Before Ajmal Kasab’s execution in November, Indian authorities used to make information about the rejection of mercy petitions and dates of execution available to the public prior to any executions. The new practice of carrying out executions in secret is highly disturbing.

Please 2 unique cases is hardly "trend". India has executed,what, 20 people in the past 3 decades??!!

Amnesty international are a bunch of idiots who attack for the sale of attack.

Kasab and Guru were one off cases. There was obviously a reason for this secrecy. Especially with Guru- the possiblity if JK erupting in fulmars after a period of calm is a valid worry for the govt.

It's not like these people aren't given extensive legal cover and the ability to exahaust every avenue of appeals and Clemency patition.

These men weren't taken to a stadium and shot in the back if the head without due process. These guys had millions spent on their protection and legal battles for years. And let's not forget they are CONVICTED TERRORISTS.
Please 2 unique cases is hardly "trend". India has executed,what, 20 people in the past 3 decades??!!

Amnesty international are a bunch of idiots who attack for the sale of attack.

Kasab and Guru were one off cases. There was obviously a reason for this secrecy. Especially with Guru- the possiblity if JK erupting in fulmars after a period of calm is a valid worry for the govt.

It's not like these people aren't given extensive legal cover and the ability to exahaust every avenue of appeals and Clemency patition.

These men weren't taken to a stadium and shot in the back if the head without due process. These guys had millions spent on their protection and legal battles for years. And let's not forget they are CONVICTED TERRORISTS.
Well in a democratic and secular state his family must have been informed and allowed to meet him for a last time plus there are other protocols which are required to be followed by international standards none of which was

His family was informed, Go and read the statement of our Home minister...
Amnesty international is taking an absurd postion on this. These executions took place after exhaustive legal proceedings and countless appeals. These men were found guilty by Indian courts and the sentence of death was imposed under Indian law. Now it is up to the state how they pass this judgement and under what conditions based on their own Security or risk analysis. It is not for Amnesty international to dictate to a govt and working judiciary the way in which it carries out its judgements.

Who do these fools think they are?
just because he was a muslim he was killed like a dog without enough proofs as you needed somebody to make a scapegoat

Pakistan's Supreme court is good, but India's is not?

If an Indian Muslim is found to be guilty of mass murder, he should not be hanged? as was the verdict from India's top court?

If your answer is positive, hey, Indians have to leave their shores and seek the justice in Sudan or Saudi....Lol
Afjal's family had been informed.
These amnesty idiots should watch his interview on 20th Dec 2001.
Secularism ? Aren't you the same people who say don't Put Religion with Terrorism ?

We hanged a terrorist. Period. Why are you looking religion in it ? If you say religion is involved, then should India say that he was a terrorist because he was Muslim ?

Self-Contradiction at best.

A word of advice, instead of talking about India's secularism and democracy, you should rather ask to hang all the terrorists who killed your own innocent people, beheaded soldiers and don't release them because US or Afghanistan says so.

Instead of discussing on us, go on and protest in streets and demand Hanging of all Terrorists caught in Pakistan.
[size=+2]Today’s execution of Mohammad Afzal Guru indicates a disturbing and regressive trend towards executions shrouded in secrecy and the resumption of death penalty use in India, said Amnesty International.
“We condemn the execution in the strongest possible terms. This very regrettably puts India in opposition to the global trend towards moving away from the death penalty”, said Velath, Programmes Director at Amnesty International India.

Indian authorities hanged Mohammad Afzal Guru at 0800 hrs in Tihar Jail, New Delhi on 9 February 2013. His execution is the second in India in three months after an eight-year hiatus.

Mohammed Afzal Guru was sentenced to death in December 2002 after being convicted of conspiracy to attack the Parliament of India, waging war against India and murder in December 2001. He was tried by a special court designated under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), a law which fell considerably short of international fair trial standards and has since been repealed, in 2004, after serious allegations of its widespread abuse.

Seven members of the security forces including a woman constable were killed in the December 2001 attack on India’s Parliament complex in central Delhi, as were the five persons who had carried out the attack.

Afzal Guru’s death sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court in August 2005, and his mercy petition was reportedly rejected by the President on 3 February 2013. Of the other three persons initially arrested for the attack, Afsan Guru was released without charges. The trial court also imposed death sentences on Delhi-based professor S A R Geelani and Shaukath Hussain Guru, but the Supreme Court acquitted Geelani of all charges and commuted Shaukath Hussain Guru’s sentence to 10 years’ imprisonment. He was released from Tihar jail in December 2010.

“Serious questions have been raised about the fairness of Afzal Guru’s trial. He did not receive legal representation of his choice or a lawyer with adequate experience at the trial stage. These concerns were not addressed,” said Shashikumar.

“Before Ajmal Kasab’s execution in November, Indian authorities used to make information about the rejection of mercy petitions and dates of execution available to the public prior to any executions. The new practice of carrying out executions in secret is highly disturbing.”

It is not clear whether Afzal Guru was given the opportunity to seek a judicial review of the decision to reject his mercy petition – a practice that has been followed in other cases.

[size=+1]According to initial reports from Kashmir, Afzal Guru’s family in Kashmir say they were not informed of his imminent execution, in violation of international standards on the use of the death penalty. The body was also not returned to the family for last rites and burial, in violation of international standards.[/size]

Amnesty International | India: New execution points to worrying and regressive trend

1. We dont care what HR groups say with their hypocritical western standards but we will retain death penalty.
2. National security goes above all. Thats why we wont bury his body somewhere were it can become a sacred shrine for taliban and co.
A man who was accused in the same case however didn't proved guilty in court said on Ajtak TV that Afjal saheb has not given fair trial and chance to prove himself innocent. Only in a democracy in a good democray it is possible to express your feeling and that too on tv without any fear.
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