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Is India prepared for a two-front war with Pakistan-China?


Sep 20, 2014
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Is India prepared for a two-front war with Pakistan-China?
Our defence forces have been singularly unable to adjust the military thinking to the fact that we also possess nuclear weapons.
| THE BIGGER PICTURE | 4-minute read | 14-03-2016


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But that was not just the Air Force speaking, but the considered view of the government of India framed in an operational directive given by the defence minister to the three services in 2009. It enjoins them to be ready for a two-front war, never mind that the services have never in the past two decades been resourced to fight even one short war with one adversary.


There are several issues here. First is the question of assessing the nature of threats to India's security. Surely, with a million plus Army, a 600 plus combat aircraft and a powerful Navy, India is not exactly a pushover, even for a Sino-Pak combine in a conventional war.

Second, the two-front scenario has been the proverbial nightmare that India has confronted since the mid-1960s. It probably came closest to fructifying in the September 1965 India-Pakistan war when China issued an ultimatum to India to cease fire, and also moved some forces in the Sikkim area to aid beleaguered Pakistan.

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Our Soviet alliance checked China in the 1971 war, and there were never any serious indications that Beijing would indeed get into the fight, despite Henry Kissinger egging China on to attack India.

During the Kargil War when Pakistan sought Chinese help, even the rhetoric was absent and Beijing politely told Pakistan to get Washington to pull its chestnuts out of the fire.

Third is the more serious issue of nuclear weapons. Most reasonable people will assume that a state known to have nuclear weapons is likely to use them only in the face of mortal danger.

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Even if India shot off just ten nuclear weapons, they would be enough to destroy two major cities and kill tens of millions of people in Pakistan or China and, of course, the other way around as well. Which leader would contemplate such an outcome?

The Chinese are much more focused on this issue and believe that the chances of all-out war are remote. They prepare their forces to win what they call "informationised local wars" whether on the seas or the land.


India has been singularly unable to adjust its military thinking to the fact that it also possesses nuclear weapons. This is because the politicians have decreed that nuclear weapons are not really weapons, they are political instruments meant to be used only for retaliation, or to prevent nuclear blackmail.

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So, while the weapons delivery systems are embedded in the military, their command and control is entirely civilian. Most military personnel do not know anything about India's nuclear capabilities and act on the belief that their job is to fight a conventional war, while the government of the day will hopefully come through if it goes nuclear.

While the civilians must, indeed, command the nuclear forces, they must understand that they are, in the ultimate analysis, weapons, resting at the very top of the escalatory ladder. Militaries may not control the employment of such weapons, but they should be fully cognisant about their use and integrate them in their planning scenarios.


One consequence of mentally separating nuclear and conventional weapons is that the outlook of the Indian military has not changed. So, it still sees itself conducting World War II like "campaigns" against adversaries. The Army continues to hold a large fleet of tanks in its armoury, even though the plans that were made for their use have been shelved because they will trip Pakistan's red lines.

India need not unilaterally disarm, but it could consider a verifiable reduction of armour - the most aggressive land weapons system - with Pakistan.

Also read - Why India must worry but not panic over Pakistan's nuclear cry

Besides enhancing stability in India-Pakistan relations, the money saved could be utilised for enhancing the mobility and firepower of our forces facing China.

The Modi government has a unidimensional focus on modernising the equipment of the military; perhaps it should provide some leadership in modernising their organisation and strategy.

And, in the meanwhile, initiate a conversation with China and Pakistan about nuclear weapons and their dangers.

(Courtesy ofMail Today.)

Is India prepared for a two-front war with Pakistan-China?
''Two Front war'' is new juicy lolli pop Indian Armed forces are giving to political leadership and their nation in order to prepare themselves for a threat which don't exist................. There will be no two front war, but for securing more funds and justify increments in defense expenditure, its a very good excuse..................:coffee:

For getting Nuclear Subs, More aircraft carriers, More aircrafts, more SAMs, more artillery........... you need to cast this new fear of ''two front'' war in their minds.........................cheap move :disagree:
it will be impossible for the indians to defend in case of a two front war.they will eventually be defeated but it won't be a walk in the park either for pak or china. but i don't think china will involve fully in indo pak war. they are not as foolish as we are. but pak is the more important for china then ever due to CPEC. one thing is for sure. the whole region will be destroyed.
The next war India is going to face is going to be asymmetric urban warfare where it would have to kill millions of its own citizens.
The next war India is going to face is going to be asymmetric urban warfare where it would have to kill millions of its own citizens.

You're an admin..!!

this was the msg you got from an Indian muslim last time you referred the same


People who are thinking of nuking its own place to stop the Indian assault shouldn't talk about others issues
Take it easy on the conspiracy theories guys..
no, lol, please check your rifle round and artillery shell stocks before you contemplating to even start a small skirmish```as your foreign supplier wont serve at very short notice with reasonable price :lol:
''Two Front war'' is new juicy lolli pop Indian Armed forces are giving to political leadership and their nation in order to prepare themselves for a threat which don't exist................. There will be no two front war, but for securing more funds and justify increments in defense expenditure, its a very good excuse..................:coffee:

For getting Nuclear Subs, More aircraft carriers, More aircrafts, more SAMs, more artillery........... you need to cast this new fear of ''two front'' war in their minds.........................cheap move :disagree:

Indian media will make indians the most delusional race ever to walk the earth
I love how quick Pakistanis are to belittle India's threat perceptions as if it is borne out of total paranio. India HAS fought a two front war in the past. Let's remember what happened in 1971- the fight was entirely restricted to the Eastern sector (now BD), it was PAKISTAN that opened up the Western sector and created two front war. This memory has defined Indian military planning ever since.

Are we all going to pretend that if India and China (god forbid) were engaged in a conflict that those in Rawalpindi would let such an opportunity escape to deliver a "decisve blow" to their perceived eternal nemesis? I mean, who are you guys trying to kid?

India has every right to defend itself as it sees fight, considering it is spending just 1.65% of its GDP on defence, I don't see why you guys are so alarmed and frothing at the mouth.

@PARIKRAMA @Joe Shearer @anant_s @Levina @Skull and Bones @randomradio @Echo_419 @Koovie @MilSpec @nair @Omega007 @knight11 @Parul @danish_vij @AUSTERLITZ @SpArK @Roybot @kbd-raaf @Bombaywalla @IndoUS @IndoCarib @Vauban @ayesha.a @janon @skyisthelimit @Sky lord @Nilgiri @ni8mare @Stag112 @dadeechi
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I love how quick Pakistanis are to belittle India's threat perceptions as if it is borne out of total paranio. India HAS fought a two front war in the past. Let's remember what happened in 1971- the fight was entirely restricted to the Eastern sector (now BD), it was PAKISTAN that opened up the Western sector and created two front war. This memory has defined Indian military planning ever since.

Are we all going to pretend that if India and China (god forbid) were engaged in a conflict that those in Rawalpindi would let such an opportunity escape to deliver a "decisve blow" to their perceived eternal nemesis? I mean, who are you guys trying to kid?

India has every right to defend itself as it sees fight, considering it is spending just 1.65% of its GDP on defence, I don't see why you guys are so alarmed and frothing at the mouth.

India has every right to spend 90% of its GDP on defence. It is India's business. But there is nothing factually incorrect about calling the "two front war" story told to the Indian people a total baseless lie.
Whether the Indian people are willingly stupid and fearful enough to swallow it hook, line and sinker is their own intellectual lacking and has nothing to with even an iota of ground realities and diplomatic affairs historical facts.

The 71 was is the worst example to bring up as a two front war since that was still a SINGLE front. You were fighting ONE country. There was never the idea of one front in that war. If any illusion was held it was held in the most naive of minds and I doubt that those India has had in its leadership were really that juvenile or stupid.
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