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Is India on its way to becoming a superpower?

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King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Is India on its way to becoming a superpower?

The successful launch of India's nuclear capable long-range missile is a historical event and an important step for Washington, says the head of DW's South Asia service.

India's new long-range missile, the Agni-V, can reach a distance of over 5,000 kilometers - targets in all of Asia, the Middle East and also parts of Europe. The launch is a pass into the club of nuclear powers which possess long distance nuclear capable weapons. Until yesterday, membership in the club was restricted to permanent members of the UN Security Council - the US, Russia, China, Great Britain and France.

First and foremost, Thursday's launch was a matter of prestige for the rising Asian nation. It was also a sign to leading countries, especially China, that India is aspiring to become a superpower. One can only suspect that India will now strengthen its efforts to gain a permanent seat on the UN Security Council - the club of the most powerful. And New Delhi will be seeking collaboration in Berlin, as it has in the past, in the framework of a long-overdue council reform.


Until now, India has had its eyes more on Pakistan with regards to its middle-range rockets. Since its founding in 1947, India has fought three wars with its western neighbor. But with the Agni-V, which could also reach China, New Delhi's deterrent potential has reached a new level.

The race between India and China for military domination - which many experts have predicted - has thus gained new meaning. The success of Agni-V's launch is likely to boost India's self-confidence as a leading power in rocket, space and software technology. And it can be expected that that self-confidence will show in New Delhi's foreign policy towards its Asian neighbors. Delhi would, however, do well to pace itself, as China, likewise a nuclear power, is still much further along.

US Strategic partnership:

Washington surely welcomed its ally's rocket launch on Thursday - India is the US' most important ally in the region and its strong Indian military is seen as an increasingly important element in the region, especially as a counterweight to China. Both the US and India have started joint security and nuclear efforts and are also seeking to expand trade relations with each other.

But to attain the status of a superpower, India still has a long and difficult road ahead. Ties between the civilian government in New Delhi and the military remain strained. The modernization of the country's armed forces is advancing very slowly, and success in this area has only been modest so far. Furthermore, corruption is rampant and is even posing a threat to the country's political framework.

Despite strong economic growth and an increase of favorable market conditions for Western products, India continues to struggle with social problems. Hundreds of millions of people live at or below the poverty level. Insurgent Maoists control vast stretches of land, predominantly in the east of the country. The government has not sufficiently confronted - if at all - these issues which affect around a half of its population.

For the poor and underprivileged, the lift-off of the nuclear capable Agni-V missile doesn't mean much. But if India is to become a superpower, its elites will first have to address these issues so that the country has a solid foundation as a starting point. And here, prestige and rockets won't help.

Author: Grahame Lucas / sb
Editor: Shamil Shams

Opinion: Is India on its way to becoming a superpower? | Asia | DW.DE | 20.04.2012
Just because you build an ICBM doesn't mean you're a superpower dearies. All superpower threads should be banished as this just causes more fighting and more people getting banned.
Fair and balanced article. It does point out the challenges lying ahead of us at the end of article which is so true.. but at the same time the focus on military up-gradation should also not be missed..
It is a well written article. We have quite a way to go before we can call ourselves a superpower. But we are getting there, slowly but surely. We have uplifted a very large number of people out of poverty into the middle class since '91. Education and healthcare are being attended to. We need these to be more accessible to some segments of the population though. We certainly are dealing with problems as they come, not burying them and forgetting they existed. That's a step in the right direction for sure.
Just because you build an ICBM doesn't mean you're a superpower dearies. All superpower threads should be banished as this just causes more fighting and more people getting banned.

Nigeria,nepal,pakistan does not posses any ICBM that's why they are not superpowers........
but India had builded a powerfull ICBM,indeed that would make difference in minds of thinkers but not of loosers......
Just because you build an ICBM doesn't mean you're a superpower dearies. All superpower threads should be banished as this just causes more fighting and more people getting banned.

read the article carefully, it says till yesterday only security council members or the P5 had ICBM technology
We aren't ,probably won't be and don't need to be a superpower,only economic powerhouse.Militarily we ensure total deternce on 2 fronts and that no one can have a free reign on the indian ocean without our say.Thats enough,rest education,agriculture,sanitaion,power and industrialization.
India wants to become a superpower and make the Indian Ocean India's Ocean.

That's why it is an existential threat to the world.

PLAN will ensure freedom of navigation in all global waters.

Freedom isn't free.
Only in internet :)
India wants to become a superpower and make the Indian Ocean India's Ocean.

That's why it is an existential threat to the world.

PLAN will ensure freedom of navigation in all global waters.

Freedom isn't free.

The world doesn't need lessons in freedom from China, who's own citizens don't have basic freedoms that most of us take for granted. And stop posting this drivel in every thread, it is getting very repetitive.
Just because you build an ICBM doesn't mean you're a superpower dearies. All superpower threads should be banished as this just causes more fighting and more people getting banned.

Your just jealous that know on talks about Pakistan being a super power, thats why you hate these threads.

Btw, India economy is to small to be a super power, still needs to double its GDP to be considered one!
no india is not on its way to becoming a super power.

it has too many challenges to overcome before it can even think of superpowerdom
the next 50 or so years clearly belong to china which has overcome several of the challenges a developing country has. maybe if we have done something right in the next 50 years we can dream of matching china and US. until then its best to keep our heads down and work on more important things
India wants to become a superpower and make the Indian Ocean India's Ocean.

That's why it is an existential threat to the world.

PLAN will ensure freedom of navigation in all global waters.

Freedom isn't free.
is this your first troll post for the day or you have already posted your first troll post in some other thread.
The first thing India will do after becoming a super power is to cut china's wings.. they flying too high off late. Their place is on the ground. :devil:

on-topic :
Are we yet ? No
Can we be one ? Yes
When ? We start working harder
India is too far away from becoming a superpower. Important point is we do not aim to be superpower but make India a happy nation.

World has only one superpower now US while a emerging superpower is CHina.
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