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Is an Independent Kurdish State a Threat to Turkey?

Is an Independent Kurdish State a Threat to Turkey?

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Feb 9, 2014
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Im talking about a state outside of Turkey's borders. A state perhaps in Iraq or Syria,or maybe in both.
I think its similar to having a Baluch state comprising of regions of Iran and Afghanistan!!! and yes a kurdish or a baluch state is a threat to pakistan/ turkey.... it will motivate freedom movement in Turkish kurd areas
I think it's pretty obvious.
Im fishing for responses from some people who are supporting the establishment of a kurdish state. :D

I want them to step into Turkey's shoes so that way when they discuss the issue with Turkish members they can understand where many turks get their opinions.

@Ceylal @Al-Kurdi
Only in North-Iraq it is not a threat.

If PKK/YPG connects those three cantons in Syria to create PKK/YPG state called Rojova, it will be a threat.

First of all creating Kurdistan out of north-Syria would be super difficult. PKK/YPG would need to conquer Arab lands to connect those cantons so we don't have to worry about Kurds taking the upperhand there. There is not chance they will reach their aims.

North-Iraq at the moment is not a threat. They have friendly regime but this also can change. I remember we almost were in war with North-Iraq when we did incursion into North-Iraq to hunt down PKK who did a terrorist attack on Turkish border post. On the short term, North-Iraq is not a threat. We control their income by oil purchases, we provide them electricity and we have other methods to influence them.

My opinion is that Syria is key to control North Iraq (KRG). As long as we control Syria and install the FSA there. We can have a hegemony there and landlock a Kurdish state at the current borders in north-Iraq.
Only in North-Iraq it is not a threat.

If PKK/YPG connects those three cantons in Syria to create PKK/YPG state called Rojova, it will be a threat.

This sums it up..to add a Kurdistan in Iran will be a threat to Turkey as well... those areas will be extensively used by PKK as the region is mountainous.
Iraqi Kurdistan is dependent on us. It alone could never be a threat to us at all.
No it is not. Even if part of it to be established and governed by PKK/YPG, they cannot be a threat since from there on they would have something to lose and something stationary for Turkey to target like the state's infrastructure and their regular army. If they want to remain as a threat, they should stick to their guerilla tactics.

Forming a state and using its lands and infrastructure to wage a war against a country like Turkey would be plain retarded and suicide. Not even worth discussing.

Besides, it would be highly dependent on Turkey and cannot survive without Turkey's economical cooperation, hence it cannot survive without Turkey's consent.

However, it might create some cultural and social problems. We'll see...
I think its similar to having a Baluch state comprising of regions of Iran and Afghanistan!!! and yes a kurdish or a baluch state is a threat to pakistan/ turkey.... it will motivate freedom movement in Turkish kurd areas

How is that any different to Kashmir or Palistine that you guys cry about?
How is that any different to Kashmir or Palistine that you guys cry about?
Well frankly its a bit different in case of Palestine...
> Israelis are intruders in their homeland. Crying is justified
> Kashmir is still a disputed piece of land between two countries. To be honest , LOC is the de facto International border, its better for both Pakistan and India to move on.

The topic under discussion is effects of having an independent ethnic state in your neighbourhood, with the same ethnicity living in your country's border areas. E.g., having an independent state comprising of Indian Occupied Kashmir will not be a good thing for Pakistan. because Pakistani Kashmiris would want the same thing i.e., to be part of a Bigger United Kashmiri State.
No, Turkey's military is too strong as it stands to be threatened by any foreign Kurdish states interference into its domestic affairs.
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