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Is a Taiwan war conceivable?

Is a Taiwan war conceivable?

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Nov 9, 2011
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The hope of a peaceful reunification is fading.

- Ma Ying-Jeou said that he does not anticipate a summit with CCP leader even if he wins a second term

- Ma Ying-Jeou also said that any peace deal with the mainland must be subject to referendum

- Despite the above, Ma Ying-Jeou is barely leading in Taiwan polls against the hardcore Taiwan independence party

- When Ma Ying-Jeou said that he would be willing to make a peace deal in his second term, he immediately fell a few points in the polls

I believe China has no choice but to reunify by force. Peaceful reunification is a pipe dream. The vast majority of people in Taiwan have negative views of China.

By taking action to reunify, China immediately breaks through the first island chain with major strategic consequences:

- China gains the ability to project power to Diaoyu Islands, East China Sea and threaten US / Japanese bases in Okinawa

- China gains the ability to project power to the Philippines and also threaten Guam

- China gains Taiping Island, the biggest island in the South China Sea and the only one with fresh water

- China can access deep Pacific waters from naval bases on Taiwan's east coast, perfect for submarine warfare

In other words, reunification immediately gives China the ability to settle all of our maritime disputes by force and project power all over maritime Asia. This is absolutely vital today when the US has already declared cold war on us.

Peace across the Taiwan straits must be sacrificed. Taiwan has dragged its feet for too long. China's strategic imperatives dictate that we must take Taiwan!
WE in pakistan i mean the people and armed forces of pakistan are with china in every situtation we can go to war with anyone for china we will help china in any war or peaceful solution with any country even US
WE in pakistan i mean the people and armed forces of pakistan are with china in every situtation we can go to war with anyone for china we will help china in any war or peaceful solution with any country even US
The very same mentality which pulled you into soviet war. Look at the result...you are still suffering. Actually it's a blessing for India if Pak will get dragged into another war and I hope it happens. :smitten:
I am glad that none of the Politburo Standing Committee members of CCP is a warmonger like you. War is not the answer!
If you love advocating wars across the strait, then join PLA army, don't just hide in your mom's basement.
I am glad that none of the Politburo Standing Committee members of CCP is a warmonger like you. War is not the answer!
If you love advocating wars across the strait, then join PLA army, don't just hide in your mom's basement.
If you don't like military discussions, there are many other forums for you.

WE in pakistan i mean the people and armed forces of pakistan are with china in every situtation we can go to war with anyone for china we will help china in any war or peaceful solution with any country even US
I don't think Pakistan will be involved in a Taiwan war. Pakistan just needs to defend itself against strong enemy USA and deceptive enemy India.
WE in pakistan i mean the people and armed forces of pakistan are with china in every situtation we can go to war with anyone for china we will help china in any war or peaceful solution with any country even US

Thanks man, but the majority of Chinese people do not want a war for no reason. More importantly, According to our Anti-Secession Law we cannot resort to non-peaceful means unless Taiwan formally declares independence. That war hawk was just day dreaming.
Thanks man, but the majority of Chinese people do not want a war for no reason. More importantly, According to our Anti-Secession Law we cannot resort to non-peaceful means unless Taiwan formally declares independence. That war hawk was just day dreaming.
LOL...... another overseas Chinese whose ultimate loyalty is split between his overseas home and his ethnic background.

Go read the anti-secession law again before spewing such nonsense.
Sorry but war crime attempt discussion is not appropriate, even on military forums.
Are you saying that Taiwan is not an inalienable part of China? Here's a suggestion -- stay in the USA and don't bother associating yourself with China.

We have nothing in common with you overseas Chinese with dubious loyalties.
LOL...... another overseas Chinese whose ultimate loyalty is split between his overseas home and his ethnic background.

Go read the anti-secession law again before spewing such nonsense.

ROFL. Our government, together with Taiwan's Ma, is taking steps to achieve sustained peace rather than push for a war. Sorry for letting you down, dear red guards. Your era is gone. QQ moar or whatever you want, like CCP cares
Gotta give CCP a high five :yahoo:
WE in pakistan i mean the people and armed forces of pakistan are with china in every situtation we can go to war with anyone for china we will help china in any war or peaceful solution with any country even US

are you out of your mind ? We dont have resources to eradicate terrorism from our own backyard and you are blabbering that we gonna fight with Taiwan for China..This is not at all feasible.We want peace.Moreover we are already feeling the heat of fighting someone else war.
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