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Iron Fist active protection system


May 3, 2009
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As salam o alikum.

Please discuss the following topic , its an all new Armour protection system , mounted on Tanks and APC's and other vehicles .
This system actually Tracks , and smashes itself into an approaching Anti armor shell , kinetic energy rounds and laser guided weapons.
And provides security to the tank or an APC.

What to be discussed ??
Senior members are highly requested to do some research and share the vital research.

Pros and cons of this technology ?

Does Pakistan needs such weapons to be developed ?

How this system can be defeated ?

How effective it is ?

Members can add as many information as they like & lets get down to the point.:victory:

The Iron fist:
Much of the recent development of active protection systems (APSs) has been focused on the defeat of short-range, shaped-charge anti-tank weapons, and in particular of the ubiquitous RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenade. One of the APSs that addresses this threat is the Iron Fist being developed by Israel Military Industries.

However, in addition to the threat posed by hand-held anti-tank weapons and anti-tank guided missiles, Iron Fist is also being developed to counter high-velocity, long-rod penetrators fired by tank guns and to combat soft- as well as hard-kill anti-tank guided missiles. Moreover, it is also being developed to provide a basis for greater situation awareness and, consequently, for effective counter-fire against threat launchers.

Like other APSs, Iron Fist incorporates radar for threat detection and tracking. Its radar system has been developed by the Elta subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries, which has also developed the radar of the Rafael Trophy APS already in low-rate initial production for the Merkava Mk 4 tanks. The system includes four flat-panel antennas, which between them not only cover 360 degrees in azimuth but provide what is virtually a hemispherical coverage.

The radar system is supplemented by an infrared (IR) detection system developed by the Elisra subsidiary of Elbit. It incorporates four IR cameras which would normally be mounted around a vehicle and, as these operate at a much shorter wavelength than radar, can provide Iron Fist's computer with higher-resolution information about the incoming threat, enabling the system to aim the countermeasures launcher more accurately.

Iron Fist is a hard-kill active protection system (APS) designed by Israel Military Industries (IMI), with a modular design allowing adaptation to a range of platforms ranging from light utility vehicles to heavy armoured fighting vehicles. The concept was revealed by IMI in 2006 and was expected to enter Israel Defense Forces tests by mid 2007. The system has already been successfully tested against a wide variety of threats including rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank guided missiles and tank-fired HEAT ammunition and kinetic energy penetrators.
A fixed radar sensor developed by IAI-Elta and an optional passive infrared detector developed by Elbit's Elisra detect incoming threats. When a threat is imminent, an explosive projectile interceptor is launched towards it. The interceptor explodes in close proximity of the threat, destroying or deflecting and destabilizing it without detonating its warhead. For this, only the blast effect of the explosive is used — the interceptor casing is made of combustible materials so no fragmentation is created in the explosion, helping minimize collateral damage.:cheers:

Thanks guys:pakistan:
yeap , there was a documentry about this on discovery in there programme serise of "future weapons".
what i learnt about it was quite facinating. it really is a good defense system, more liike a CIWS gataling gun wherer instead of firing vollyes of rounds it fires one single sheel towards incomming projectile to samsh it. two assemblies are to be mounted, one covering each said so it shows that it covers 180 degree.
another very itresting point that they siad about the israeli one was that instead of exploding to destroy the incomming shell it just samashes against it and destroys it by a small explosion thus minimizing damage to close by infantry men!

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Such systems are know as hard kill active protection systems.
a major break through in this field is acheived by israel in shape of Iron Fist. Iron Fist is a hard-kill active protection system (APS) designed by Israel Military Industries (IMI), with a modular design allowing adaptation to a range of platforms ranging from light utility vehicles to heavy armoured fighting vehicles. The concept was revealed by IMI in 2006 and was expected to enter Israel Defense Forces tests by mid 2007. The system has already been successfully tested against a wide variety of threats including rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank guided missiles and tank-fired HEAT ammunition and kinetic energy penetrators.

A fixed radar sensor developed by IAI-Elta and an optional passive infrared detector developed by Elbit's Elisra detect incoming threats. When a threat is imminent, an explosive projectile interceptor is launched towards it. The interceptor explodes in close proximity of the threat, destroying or deflecting and destabilizing it without detonating its warhead. For this, only the blast effect of the explosive is used — the interceptor casing is made of combustible materials so no fragmentation is created in the explosion, helping minimize collateral damage.

to add another such hard kill APS is the IDF trophy.
it was more or less same as the iron fist in its working but it fires a volley of small metal peices towards the incomming projectile to destry it. it can be said that it adopt a shotgun like method.
in the design the mean differences is that while iron fist is integrated to tanks and APC for there defence the trophy was carried by seprate platforms to supplement the armoured units. Trophy vast see its deployment on Merkav Tank platform and is integrated wiht armoured units. it is actually more like a land based CIWS!!

I first used this technology in Red Alert 2 playing from the soviet side. :) I thought its only a game fiction. Didnt know it really exist.
here is a vedio:
i hope you will gain something from all the information posted in above four posts and it helps you guys,,

do not foget to hit the thanks button friends~

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I first used this technology in Red Alert 2 playing from the soviet side. :) I thought its only a game fiction. Didnt know it really exist.

bro rethink about this,,
it was iron curtain and not iron fist~~

ok guys i hope you find this information intresting, looking forward to some more info from you guys. and of course a few tabs at thanks button!!

The Americans are working on a high intensity laser that does basically the same thing.

Sort of like the Paladin in C&C Generals. :D
I read about this following shortcoming of Trophy system...

"...Other problems include the fact that the system right now has no reloading capability. Once it fires, that side of the vehicle is vulnerable."
Source: Trophy Active Protection System

If it's true then I think it makes the ability of this system quite limited. Specially if your opponent realizes it, all it would have to do is try to hit the same side of the tank twice, this can be achieved by having anti-tank teams to work in pairs (incase expecting the same person/team to hit, reload and hit again to a tank without getting hit is not practical). I know it's easier said than done but I really think if the above mentioned shortcoming is not over come, deploying this system won't be much effective.
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I do acknowledge that destroying upcoming threat with an iron fist projectile without having any physical contact increases chances of neutralization but doesn't it also increases chances of collateral damage??
I first used this technology in Red Alert 2 playing from the soviet side. :) I thought its only a game fiction. Didnt know it really exist.

IT does brother .....this time sadly in Jewish hands:tdown:
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