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Iraq turmoil, spillover of Syria war: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Iraq turmoil, spillover of Syria war: Analyst

The ongoing operations by foreign-backed militants in northern Iraqi cities are a spillover of the West-orchestrated war on Syria, an analyst tells Press TV.

“What we’re seeing in northern Iraq is very clearly part of the fallout from the Western-manipulated and orchestrated...war in Syria,” Sukant Chandon told Press TV in an interview.

The analyst’s remarks come against the backdrop of widespread operations by militants belonging to the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk.

“And really what it is also is the West pushing back against the strategic advances of the resistance formations in Syria against the death squads there,” said Chandon.

He added that the Western governments are pushing ahead with their “death squad divisive depraved strategy” in Iraq in order to tear apart the Muslim world.

“Iraq is a classic case of Western divide and ruin and divide and rule strategy...against the Iraqi people and neighboring people,” said Chandon, who added that Shia and Sunni communities in Iraq had better close ranks in order to “foil the plans of the British and of the United States...against them.”

The Takfiri militants have so far captured several areas including the Nineveh provincial capital, Mosul, along with parts of Kirkuk province as well as the areas of Siniyah and Sulaiman Bek, located north of the capital, Baghdad.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has asked the UN, the European Union, and the Arab League to help the country in fighting the terrorists.

PressTV - Iraq turmoil, spillover of Syria war: Analyst
Iraq turmoil has been contributed to by Iran training and arming extremists.
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