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Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif in Amman


Feb 11, 2013
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AMMONNEWS - Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif arrived in Amman on Tuesday evening.

King Abdullah II met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif to discussed on bilateral ties and regional developments.

King Abdullah II on Tuesday,discussed with Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, the latest developments in the Middle East, especially Syria and efforts to achieve peace in the region.

King Abdullah reiterated Jordan's support for a comprehensive political solution to the Syrian crisis that stops the bloodshed and preserves Syria's people and territorial unity.

On peace efforts, The King stressed the importance of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict according to the two-state solution, international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab peace initiative .

The Iranian minister stressed his country's keenness on coordinating and consulting with Jordan on various challenges facing the Middle East to arrive at solutions that guarantee the region's security and stability.

He commended The King's endeavors to promote dialogue, understanding and coexistence between different cultures and peoples, referring to a number of royal initiatives, notably the Amman Message.

Prime Minister, Abdullah Ensour, also met with Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, and discussed with him ties between Jordan and Iran and ways of enhancing cooperation in various fields, particularly in economic spheres.

Ensour said King Abdullah II was one of the first leaders who emphasized the importance of a political solution to the ongoing crisis in Syria to preserve its people and territorial unity.

The Iranian minister pointed out that King Abdullah II plays an important role in promoting security and stability in the region, commending Jordan as voice of moderation in the region.

Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif in Amman | Jordan News | Ammon News
Zarif with King Abdullah:

This bulllshit is coming from America, they were only hostile to Iran when America told them to be and now when America tells them to open their arms they do.

This is why the whole GCC Syria thing is not genuine from the beginning and I know this myself from the beginning of the conflict.

The world does NOT care for innocent people anywhere as long as they satisfy their geopolitical interests.
This bulllshit is coming from America, they were only hostile to Iran when America told them to be and now when America tells them to open their arms they do.

This is why the whole GCC Syria thing is not genuine from the beginning and I know this myself from the beginning of the conflict.

The world does NOT care for innocent people anywhere as long as they satisfy their geopolitical interests.

I agree with you bro, and I have said this before as well.
The only way for Iran and GCC+Jordan to establish better relations, is if they get they ok from America.
Iran and US are still FAR away from diplomatic relations (in fact, maybe even decades imo), but I can guarantee you that as soon as that happens all these gulfies will be making calls to Iranian president and ask him to join hands with king Abdullah Al Saud (or whoever geriatric idiot is next to rule) and make Hajj pilgrimage and act as if everything is hunky dory.
On the other hand If America is perceived to escalate its conflict with Iran (more sanctions or more serious threats of military force), those monarchies will follow the same line and act more hostile.

They simply can not think and define their own interests outside the American framework, which is really quite sad.
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I agree with you bro, and I have said this before as well.
The only way for Iran and GCC+Jordan to establish better relations, is if they get they ok from America.
Iran and US are still FAR away from diplomatic relations (in fact, maybe even decades imo), but I can guarantee you that as soon as that happens all these gulfies will be making calls to Iranian president and ask him to join hands with king Abdullah Al Saud (or whoever geriatric idiot is next to rule) and make Hajj pilgrimage and act as if everything is hunky dory.
On the other hand If America is perceived as to escalate its conflict with Iran (more sanctions or more serious threats of military force), those same monarchies will follow the same line and act more hostile.

They simply can not think and define their own interests outside the American framework, which is really quite sad.

Iran is the laughing stock of the region right after Syria (due to the destruction going on there financed by your Mullah's) and you are here acting big. Very laughable.

For heavens sack the GCC economy is 6 times bigger than that of Iran while GCC is expected to overdue Iran in terms of the population numbers before 2050. The GCC economies are rapidly growing without even taking the natural resources into expectation. There is a HUGE room for improvement due to the restrictive laws. Look at all international economy studies. Even without sanctions Iran will not catch up with the GCC nor will they ever have as high living conditions.

The GCC states have their own independent policy. That is why your Mullah's are crying about "terrorism" and "attacks on Shias" every day. Or is that the work of USA too? LOL. Or the support to the Syrian revolution. The invasion of Bahrain despite American criticism. Dealing with the Houthi cult in North-Western Yemen or the view on Egypt which was contrary to the American view.

Yeah, right. Iran on the other hands keeps blabbering and following the Russian party line.

The Arab world never needed you and never will. You are the ones obsessed about us. Hence the meddling. It is bound in that certain national trauma that occured 1400 years ago.

Anyway this meeting means nothing. Jordan are fiercely against the Mullah's. Diplomatic meeting or not. I expect that Azeri Turk to visit KSA soon as well but that will mean noting too.

I also instruct you to read about the Iraninan-American relations before 1979 before you go overboard. Or better Israeli-Iranian relations.
I agree with you bro, and I have said this before as well.
The only way for Iran and GCC+Jordan to establish better relations, is if they get they ok from America.
Iran and US are still FAR away from diplomatic relations (in fact, maybe even decades imo), but I can guarantee you that as soon as that happens all these gulfies will be making calls to Iranian president and ask him to join hands with king Abdullah Al Saud (or whoever geriatric idiot is next to rule) and make Hajj pilgrimage and act as if everything is hunky dory.
On the other hand If America is perceived to escalate its conflict with Iran (more sanctions or more serious threats of military force), those monarchies will follow the same line and act more hostile.

They simply can not think and define their own interests outside the American framework, which is really quite sad.

You couldn't say it any better, which is why I wish Arabic nations would mimic Iran's strategy. Defend their interests, what Iran has done in this region is spectacular yet also unfortunate it involves allowing more and more people to be killed in Syria. But, they've literally managed to force the international world to the negotiating table, they have froze Israel from taking unilateral action and gave them self an asset in Syria. They are a major player in the conflict and this gives them cards to play but unfortunately all this politicos from both sides occurs with disregard to people's lives and health in Syria.

That being said, Israel also gained from this in a way. The Syrian regime is weakened and rebels are weakened this way Bashar will want to stay in power at any costs(giving up chemical arsenal, promising not to allow conflict with Israel). The west is using both sides, only using the rebels to get the Syrian regime desperate when they need it to be that way. Now they pretty much determine the situation in Syria alongside with Iran and Russia. I don't trust Russia though, Russia will jump along the bandwagon too.

I also believed what happened in fallujah in Iraq happened on purpose so Iraq could play politics as well by sending messages to America telling them you don't look for a peaceful solution in Syria all that effort you put to achieve your objectives in Iraq will all go to waste. The current situation is playing into their hands.

Btw, this peaceful solution won't be about peace, it's about basically partitioning Syria and keeping Assad in power because this is what they ant it il further notice...they may try to get rid of Islamic rebels via secular proxies then push the fight again.

This is what is happening currently and my personal policy has always been to disregard western interests and Israeli interests because they aren't genuine and they will do all in their hands to make things go as much as possible their way.
Iran is the laughing stock of the region right after Syria (due to the destruction going on there financed by your Mullah's) and you are here acting big. Very laughable.

For heavens sack the GCC economy is 6 times bigger than that of Iran while GCC is expected to overdue Iran in terms of the population numbers before 2050. The GCC economies are rapidly growing without even taking the natural resources into expectation. There is a HUGE room for improvement due to the restrictive laws. Look at all international economy studies. Even without sanctions Iran will not catch up with the GCC nor will they ever have as high living conditions.

The GCC states have their own independent policy. That is why your Mullah's are crying about "terrorism" and "attacks on Shias" every day. Or is that the work of USA too? LOL. Or the support to the Syrian revolution. The invasion of Bahrain despite American criticism. Dealing with the Houthi cult in North-Western Yemen or the view on Egypt which was contrary to the American view.

Yeah, right. Iran on the other hands keeps blabbering and following the Russian party line.

The Arab world never needed you and never will. You are the ones obsessed about us. Hence the meddling. It is bound in that certain national trauma that occured 1400 years ago.

Anyway this meeting means nothing. Jordan are fiercely against the Mullah's. Diplomatic meeting or not. I expect that Azeri Turk to visit KSA soon as well but that will mean noting too.

I also instruct you to read about the Iraninan-American relations before 1979 before you go overboard. Or better Israeli-Iranian relations.

Sorry but all I see is very reactionary, emotional hot air and not a lot of substance. You're getting too charged up. lol
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This bulllshit is coming from America, they were only hostile to Iran when America told them to be and now when America tells them to open their arms they do.

This is why the whole GCC Syria thing is not genuine from the beginning and I know this myself from the beginning of the conflict.

The world does NOT care for innocent people anywhere as long as they satisfy their geopolitical interests.

Diplomatic channels have always been open despite the political and regional differences. This not the first visit of Iranian authority to Jordan or even to the GCC.

The US has nothing to do with this. The US can't dictate on either Jordan or on the GCC their FPs. Why don't you stop your obsession with the US and look at the reality of situations instead of following your imaginary thoughts.

Here is Ali Salehi getting humiliated by Jordan FM in the last visit he paid to Jordan, not long ago though, we are talking about couple months ago.

No one is welling to build bonds with Iran current regime, the regime is not trustworthy.

The regime is walking with innocents blood on their hands ( Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen) and must heavily be paid.

You are a hypocrite Hazzy, cheering for Iran and hizboalshytan for empty words they spells against Israel despite their doing to the Syrian and Lebanese people, those who sheltered your people, providing jobs and so on.
You couldn't say it any better, which is why I wish Arabic nations would mimic Iran's strategy. Defend their interests, what Iran has done in this region is spectacular yet also unfortunate it involves allowing more and more people to be killed in Syria. But, they've literally managed to force the international world to the negotiating table, they have froze Israel from taking unilateral action and gave them self an asset in Syria. They are a major player in the conflict and this gives them cards to play but unfortunately all this politicos from both sides occurs with disregard to people's lives and health in Syria.

That being said, Israel also gained from this in a way. The Syrian regime is weakened and rebels are weakened this way Bashar will want to stay in power at any costs(giving up chemical arsenal, promising not to allow conflict with Israel). The west is using both sides, only using the rebels to get the Syrian regime desperate when they need it to be that way. Now they pretty much determine the situation in Syria alongside with Iran and Russia. I don't trust Russia though, Russia will jump along the bandwagon too.

I also believed what happened in fallujah in Iraq happened on purpose so Iraq could play politics as well by sending messages to America telling them you don't look for a peaceful solution in Syria all that effort you put to achieve your objectives in Iraq will all go to waste. The current situation is playing into their hands.

Btw, this peaceful solution won't be about peace, it's about basically partitioning Syria and keeping Assad in power because this is what they ant it il further notice...they may try to get rid of Islamic rebels via secular proxies then push the fight again.

This is what is happening currently and my personal policy has always been to disregard western interests and Israeli interests because they aren't genuine and they will do all in their hands to make things go as much as possible their way.

I believe the only way to peace in Syria is through a negotiated settlement. A settlement/solution that would be based on a power-sharing formula, between current Syrian government and opposition.
Otherwise Syria will be paralyzed in a state of perpetual war, and more will die and suffer needlessly.
Iran is not closed to the opposition, it has met opposition leaders as well to try to mediate and advocate such solution.
Diplomatic channels have always been open despite the political and regional differences. This not the first visit of Iranian authority to Jordan or even to the GCC.

The US has nothing to do with this. The US can't dictate on either Jordan or on the GCC their FPs. Why don't you stop your obsession with the US and look at the reality of situations instead of following your imaginary thoughts.

Here is Ali Salehi getting humiliated by Jordan FM in the last visit he paid to Jordan, not long ago though, we are talking about couple months ago.

No one is welling to build bonds with Iran current regime, the regime is not trustworthy.

The regime is walking with innocents blood on their hands ( Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen) and must heavily be paid.

You are a hypocrite Hazzy, cheering for Iran and hizboalshytan for empty words they spells against Israel despite their doing to the Syrian and Lebanese people, those who sheltered your people, providing jobs and so on.

Hypocrite for what? Do you get my point? Why can't Arabs make independent decisions or have any effective influence in our regions?

I don't do any cheering in this conflict, go read my recent post. I'm not telling you Iran is right or wrong in what it does. I'm telling it gets the job done when it comes to securing its interests. This is something Arabs should be ashamed of. This isn't something I'm cheering for.

The US behind doors is building diplomatic channels, things like this don't happen overnight where the GCC suddenly changes it's tone of rhetoric with Iran. Arabic countries don't care bro this is an obvious matter it's something that makes sad. I wish to wake up to change.

I believe the only way to peace in Syria is through a negotiated settlement. A settlement/solution that would be based on a power-sharing formula, between current Syrian government and opposition.
Otherwise Syria will be paralyzed in a state of perpetual war, and more will die and suffer needlessly.
Iran is not closed to the opposition, it has met opposition leaders as well to try to mediate and advocate such solution.

I know it will be a power sharing formula solution. This is what I was saying and I tried explaining how it benefits all sides but is detrimental to civilians. Not peace that is, it's the political interest that are put before humanitarian situations.

So after such a negotiated settlement then what?
I know it will be a power sharing formula solution. This is what I was saying and I tried explaining how it benefits all sides but is detrimental to civilians. Not peace that is, it's the political interest that are put before humanitarian situations.

So after such a negotiated settlement then what?

I respect your opinion but I have to disagree. Imo power-sharing is the best outcome for the people and end their suffering.
Now why do I say that?
Well, otherwise we are setting ourselves up for a scenario where either side has to win all or loose all. This is worst possible outcome for civilians, because Syria would be locked in a perpetual state of conflict that would see no end. We need to come to a conclusion where there is political reconciliation and where both sides can accomodate each other and co-exist, in the interests of the Syrian nation and its people.

We have to wait and see how the negotiations in Geneva II goes. I dont see high hopes of that succeeding. Russia, US etc are very divided about whether to invite Iran. Conference will go on, regardless if Iran is there or not. But we'll have to wait and see how it goes and proceeds.
I respect your opinion but I have to disagree. Imo power-sharing is the best outcome for the people and end their suffering.
Now why do I say that?
Well, otherwise we are setting ourselves up for a scenario where either side has to win all or loose all. This is worst possible outcome for civilians, because Syria would be locked in a perpetual state of conflict that would see no end. We need to come to a conclusion where there is political reconciliation and where both sides and accomodate each other and co-exist, in the interests of the Syrian nation and people.

We have to wait and see how the negotiations in Geneva II. I dont see high hopes of that succeeding. Russia, US etc are very divided about whether to invite Iran. Conference will go on, regardless if Iran is there or not. But we'll have to wait and see how it goes with that.

We don't know how that would function, who will get what and from where. It's a crisis that won't be resolved anytime soon even if there was a long term ceasefire.

In Gaza there is no major violence and yet a humanitarian crisis. We don't know how borders will be declared and partitioning Syria may sound good now because of the desperation but the future won't be.

I also believe both sides will take advantage of the ceasefire one way or another. Who would maintain this ceasefire btw? UN monitors have no grip on the situation.

@Arabian Legend @al-Hasani ....serious question guys...

Who do you want me to look up to? You think Syrian people are satisfied with Arabic nations?

The nations I'm supposed to look up to don't look at things from an Islamic perspective meaning our arm should reach all Muslims in need of help. This isn't the case, look how silent your nations are on the West Bank and Gaza. Egypt and Israel continue to inflict an humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Egypt and the rest of the Arabic nations are just watching. What do you guys want?

You think I'd be happy if Gaza suddenly became a paradise tomorrow and Arabic nations supported palestine? No, these political affairs are the last thing I care about. I care about our religious state first and foremost. We have people going toward secularism. You us to lose our identity? Most Arabs only care about enjoying life nowadays. Our lives have no value this world has spent us.

This is something we should have been actively preserving. I hope we aren't coming to days where our Prophet(SAW) said Islam will become a strange thing as it was in the beginning.

He had answers and Allah(SWT) guided us but in the end we don't want to take from this and we're losing everything. If we lose Islam we lose ourselves.

You know what, do what you guys want with Gaza, do what you want about Syria. All those people suffering will have their moment. My point is even if we go through suffering, it's to preserve Islam it is worth it.
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Iran is the laughing stock of the region right after Syria (due to the destruction going on there financed by your Mullah's) and you are here acting big. Very laughable.

For heavens sack the GCC economy is 6 times bigger than that of Iran while GCC is expected to overdue Iran in terms of the population numbers before 2050. The GCC economies are rapidly growing without even taking the natural resources into expectation. There is a HUGE room for improvement due to the restrictive laws. Look at all international economy studies. Even without sanctions Iran will not catch up with the GCC nor will they ever have as high living conditions.

The GCC states have their own independent policy. That is why your Mullah's are crying about "terrorism" and "attacks on Shias" every day. Or is that the work of USA too? LOL. Or the support to the Syrian revolution. The invasion of Bahrain despite American criticism. Dealing with the Houthi cult in North-Western Yemen or the view on Egypt which was contrary to the American view.

Yeah, right. Iran on the other hands keeps blabbering and following the Russian party line.

The Arab world never needed you and never will. You are the ones obsessed about us. Hence the meddling. It is bound in that certain national trauma that occured 1400 years ago.

Anyway this meeting means nothing. Jordan are fiercely against the Mullah's. Diplomatic meeting or not. I expect that Azeri Turk to visit KSA soon as well but that will mean noting too.

I also instruct you to read about the Iraninan-American relations before 1979 before you go overboard. Or better Israeli-Iranian relations.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Population of Iran =78 millions
Population of GCC =39 millions
Is this lunatic and illiterate back?

@Aeronaut how come that former banned double users are allowed to use this forum when they have made multiple accounts that have been banned? What is going on?

Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Much much higher. The growth rate is also significantly higher. The population growth is also significantly higher. Lastly the GCC is expected to expand further in the future.

Let alone the actual living conditions. Iran is nowhere near the level of GCC. :lol:

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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