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Iranian Authorities Close Down Kurdish Language School


Aug 27, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Iranian Authorities Close Down Kurdish Language School


ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iranian authorities have shut down a Kurdish language school in Ilam only a few weeks after allowing it to open, and local activists say it was because so many in the predominantly Kurdish city had shown an interest in learning their ethnic tongue.

“The people of Ilam were very receptive to this Kurdish language school and many women and university students attended its courses,” Kurdish activist Mosa Omedi told Rudaw.

“The authorities didn’t expect the courses to be so popular. That is why, when they saw the huge number of people attending, they did not let it continue anymore,” he added, saying the center was closed by the police.

Activists said that the school, which had been licensed by authorities to teach the Sorani dialect spoken mainly by the Kurds of Iran, had enrolled students in large numbers, in a city where most of the 200,000 residents are Shiite Kurds.

The Iranian constitution designates Farsi as the country’s official language, but also entitles other ethnic groups the right to learn their own languages. However, since the 1979 Islamic revolution ethnic groups have been officially encouraged to assimilate into the mainstream, and the country’s seven million Kurds have not had the liberty to freely practice their own language and culture.

Activists in Ilam say Tehran fears that Kurdish language schools would revive a sense of nationalism among the Kurds, who complain that they live in some of the country’s poorest and most neglected provinces.

“The Kurds of Ilam have felt a stronger sense of their identity and nationalism in recent years and the Iranian authorities do not want that,” Omedi said.

Omedi criticized Iran’s new President Hassan Rowhani, who rode to victory on promises of granting greater rights to Iran’s ethnic groups, among them the Kurds who threw their support behind him in the June elections.

As if in Israhell or JEW Europa they would allow anyone to open a foreign language school.

In JEW Europa, private sectarian schools are only allowed for the JEWS

When it's the JEWS, it's freedom republicanism-respecting private schools, when it's other people, it's terrorist communautarism.

Kurds are known to gather in some places a declare that it's their lands later. We must know that Barzani the JEW kurds betrayed Iraq that hosted them, and take the oil of kurdistan.

They gathered where it has natural ressources and delcare it's their land.
nothing,thought this would interest you. apologies,if it wasn't worth it.
Iran deprives nobody of their fundamental rights, unlike the israhellis against the palestinians. Separatism is tolerated in none countries for security reasons.
Iran deprives nobody of their fundamental rights, unlike the israhellis against the palestinians. Separatism is tolerated in none countries for security reasons.

Which definition are you using for seperatism? Usually, allowing your minorities to learn their own mother language does not fall under seperatism.
They should open it back up man, who cares.

Over the years I've met countless Iranians who have been azeri or kurd, but only found out years or months after meeting them b/c they only speak Azeri/Kurd to their grandparents or sometimes their parents. Not that I would care if they wanted to speak Azeri/Kurd 24/7. What I'm saying is that knowing a language won't suddenly turn you into a seperatist lol
They should open it back up man, who cares.

Over the years I've met countless Iranians who have been azeri or kurd, but only found out years or months after meeting them b/c they only speak Azeri/Kurd to their grandparents or sometimes their parents. Not that I would care if they wanted to speak Azeri/Kurd 24/7. What I'm saying is that knowing a language won't suddenly turn you into a seperatist lol

Kurds are like JEWS: very sneaky

They act as a communauty. They gather where there are natural ressources and declare it's their land, like in iraqi kurdistan.

Which definition are you using for seperatism? Usually, allowing your minorities to learn their own mother language does not fall under seperatism.

In none countries a whole school is dispensed with a foreigner language

Learning a language is not the same thing
If they speak farsi too, there is NO problem.
It is quite the opposite: everyone should be welcomed to keep its specific culture / language alive
it doesn't make these people non Iranians but make Iran a richer country (of diversity)
Kurds are like JEWS: very sneaky

They act as a communauty. They gather where there are natural ressources and declare it's their land, like in iraqi kurdistan.

In none countries a whole school is dispensed with a foreigner language

Learning a language is not the same thing

There are close to none natural ressources in North Kurdistan ( Turkey) and East Kurdistan ( Iran). And Kurds in KRG have been living there for many years mate. During Mustafa Barzani and Barzanji's rebellion, people probsbly did not even know there was oil beneath the Kurdish areas but back then Kurds also formed a majority. You should learn the history instead of just drawing anti-Jewish analogies where they simply do not suit.

If they speak farsi too, there is NO problem.
It is quite the opposite: everyone should be welcomed to keep its specific culture / language alive
it doesn't make these people non Iranians but make Iran a richer country (of diversity)

If Iran wants to remain intact, it must embrace its minorities. Especially the Kurds, Azeris and Balochs. Otherwise, sectarian violence will erupt. Iran must learn from the mistakes done by Turkey, Iraq and Syria towards their own Kurdish populations.
There are close to none natural ressources in North Kurdistan ( Turkey) and East Kurdistan ( Iran). And Kurds in KRG have been living there for many years mate. During Mustafa Barzani and Barzanji's rebellion, people probsbly did not even know there was oil beneath the Kurdish areas but back then Kurds also formed a majority. You should learn the history instead of just drawing anti-Jewish analogies where they simply do not suit.

If Iran wants to remain intact, it must embrace its minorities. Especially the Kurds, Azeris and Balochs. Otherwise, sectarian violence will erupt. Iran must learn from the mistakes done by Turkey, Iraq and Syria towards their own Kurdish populations.

1. BS
2. BS
3. Theres no kurdistan, there are kurdish minoritys in Turkey, Iran and Iraq.
4. Theres no kurdish state just a Kurdish autonomous Region in Iraq.
5. Dont live in a dreamworld, it doesnt change the reality.

There are kurdish teaching schools in Turkey but many of them closed because there was no students to teach, most kurd know well that learning kurdish has no benefit for them.
I have nothing against them, if they want to learn their laguage then fine for me, but the situation shows that their 3 decades long history of terrorism was for nothing.

Heres a advise for Kurds, go in school and be a doctor or something, you have all your rights stop acting the victims, but if you decide to go to the mountains then you will have a avarage lifespan of 6 years.
1. BS
2. BS
3. Theres no kurdistan, there are kurdish minoritys in Turkey, Iran and Iraq.
4. Theres no kurdish state just a Kurdish autonomous Region in Iraq.
5. Dont live in a dreamworld, it doesnt change the reality.

There are kurdish teaching schools in Turkey but many of them closed because there was no students to teach, most kurd know well that learning kurdish has no benefit for them.
I have nothing against them, if they want to learn their laguage then fine for me, but the situation shows that their 3 decades long history of terrorism was for nothing.

Heres a advise for Kurds, go in school and be a doctor or something, you have all your rights stop acting the victims, but if you decide to go to the mountains then you will have a avarage lifespan of 6 years.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the mentality that has torn apart Iraq, Syria and Turkey since the end of WWI. It will probably tear up Iran too in the future if it does not revise its policies towards its minorities.

There are no Kurdish teaching schools in Turkey. There are private schools that teach in Kurdish and there are Kurdish elective courses in some schools in Turkey. We are not second grade citizens on our own land. We will not accept merily being able to learn our mother tongue as an elective language. Do you really want to compare our language to the elective languages of English and French? Even despite the fact that more than 20 million Kurds live in North Kurdistand and Turkey? It is a natural right and every single minority should be taught in their respective mother tongue. Especially in a country that has forcibly assimilated most of its minorities ( Pontic Greeks, Armenians, Laz, Circassians etc.).

How can you speak for most Kurds? If most Kurds did not want language in their own mother tongue then why did close to two million people show up at Newroz 2013 in Diyarbakir and celebrated their Newroz solely in Kurdish? If they did not want to learn their own mother tongue then why do they vote for a party that has a red line when it comes to mother tongue education in elementary school?
The source is rudaw.. I want to know the reason why it was closed. Maybe because too many students and not enough teaerrs. Ik hope someone could give us the Iranian source of this news
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