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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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Yzd Khalifa

Mar 24, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Iranian military chief warns against U.S. crossing Syria ‘red line’

Al Arabiya
A top Iranian military chief warned on Sunday that the U.S. will face “harsh consequences” if it intervenes in Syria over claims of chemical attacks, reported Agence France Presse citing a Fars new agency report.

“If the United States crosses this red line, there will be harsh consequences for the White House,” armed forces deputy chief of staff Massoud Jazayeri was quoted as saying.

A year ago, U.S. President Barack Obama warned the use of chemical weapons in Syria would cross a “red line” and have “enormous consequences.”

On Sunday, his Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the U.S. military was ready to take action against Syria.
"President Obama has asked the Defence Department to prepare options for all contingencies. We have done that," Hagel told reporters in Malaysia.

"Again, we are prepared to exercise whatever option, if he decides to employ one of those options," he said, a day after Obama held a rare meeting his top aides and brass to discuss Syria.

Secretary of State John Kerry has also been involved in talks with U.S. allies in Europe and the Middle East.

Julian Zelizer, a Princeton University foreign policy historian, believes Obama is yet to sign off on military force.

But he said the administration clearly “feels pressure to do something, or to look like it is preparing to respond, for political reasons, (and to show Syria) that there are boundaries to what is permissible.”

Obama aides caution that no decisions have been finalized, and the U.S. decision depends on definitive proof that Syrian forces strafed a rebel-held Damascus suburb with chemical arms and killed 1,300 people.

However the White House has offered credence to reports of a chemical weapons attack in a statement on Saturday’s meeting, noting “contemporaneous witness accounts and (a) record of the symptoms of those killed.”

Foes of the Damascus regime say Syrian forces unleashed a chemical attack Wednesday on areas southwest and east of the capital, killing hundreds of people.

The regime of President Bashar al-Assad counters the accusations, saying instead that rebel fighters have used chemical weapons in the 29-month conflict.
(With AFP)

Un shocked by the chemical use

Be human, take this instead
Or burn more American flags. Some made of paper.

In all seriousness, I suspect that Iran will do anything in the event of a full-scale attack by the US against the Assad regime.
What ever may be said and done. USA has been threatening Iran for a very long time, but so far did not have the guts to confront. For years it is hiding behind the veil of sanctions. In Afghanistan and Iraq it took them minutes to decide, because they were weak. Apparently, it is scared from Iran.
What ever may be said and done. USA has been threatening Iran for a very long time, but so far did not have the guts to confront. For years it is hiding behind the veil of sanctions. In Afghanistan and Iraq it took them minutes to decide, because they were weak. Apparently, it is scared from Iran.

Iran must be scared of us then since they promised not another American carrier would go through their waters into the Persian Gulf. Or not invade Israel because of all the assassinations going on in Iran. So tell me something.

In all seriousness, I suspect that Iran will do anything in the event of a full-scale attack by the US against the Assad regime.

The only thing you can expect from U.S. especially after 2 wars fatigued is possibly limited bombings and more support for the FSA. Perhaps establishing no fly zones and bombings on the Syrian military. But definitely no boots on the ground. The FSA and the others would be doing that. Similar to conflict with Libya. I doubt the Arab countries would send their own forces as peacekeepers.

And for Iran, they can't do more than that besides sending money and get Hezbollah more involved.
The US waited for 12 years to topple Bathist Iraq, just give it some time.
What ever may be said and done. USA has been threatening Iran for a very long time, but so far did not have the guts to confront. For years it is hiding behind the veil of sanctions. In Afghanistan and Iraq it took them minutes to decide, because they were weak. Apparently, it is scared from Iran.

Yet, You can't put Iraq and Afghanistan in par with Iran, the nature of the situation is completely different. If the US is interested in a confrontation with Iran then trust me, they can take a military action ASAP.
If the US is interested in a confrontation with Iran then trust me, they can take a military action ASAP.
This is what is exactly said. US is not interested to do a military intervention in Iran, because it is not Iraq and Afghanistan. They will have to multiply supply of body bags be X number. Historically, Iranians have been known for not running away in Wars. They keep fighting.
This is what is exactly said. US is not interested to do a military intervention in Iran, because it is not Iraq and Afghanistan. They will have to multiply supply of body bags be X number. Historically, Iranians have been known for not running away in Wars. They keep fighting.

How far back in history are we talking about?
No, a military foreign intervention won't be taken without the approval of the security council.

The only thing you can expect from U.S. especially after 2 wars fatigued is possibly limited bombings and more support for the FSA. Perhaps establishing no fly zones and bombings on the Syrian military. But definitely no boots on the ground. The FSA and the others would be doing that. Similar to conflict with Libya. I doubt the Arab countries would send their own forces as peacekeepers.

And for Iran, they can't do more than that besides sending money and get Hezbollah more involved.

:no: Actually, The UAE, Qatar, and Jordan took a major role in Libya :).

I'm not worry about Iran.
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